Decypher - Saving Your City (Halloween Special)

Cypher's picture

Saving Your City
(Halloween Special)
Follow the Season
Mature - May contain brief vulgar language, gruesome scenes, and sexual themes

(Theme Song)

(Author's Note: The Halloween special is going to be written in a very different format due to the fact that half of it is a musical number. In a way, I am attempting to write out the description of a musical as it is being acted out. Therefore, the musical part will be written out like a script to indicate actions and give a very brief description of the setting as I try my best to matches parts to it up with the song. Colored text will also be used to help indicate when a certain person is singing. It is going to require a bit of imagination from you and it might be best to listen to the song first in order to be familiar with it. Before reading it along with the music.

Also, the episode itself is going to be written in a more causal format.

Also... I am sorry if characters do not seem all that developed. Time was not on my side, as I got called in to put in extra time at work over the weekend. I only had a limited amount of time to get this written and put up on Halloween day. I also had to cut off a bit chunk of the group fighting the zombies, because once again, I wanted it out on Halloween day and if I waited until I got off from work, it would have been too late. So again, I'm sorry.)

The bitter air of the late-October grew irritable as the pair made their way down the sidewalk of the quaint English town. Halloween had always been the busiest year for AoM agents; under no circumstances was a field operative not allowed to not be on patrol somewhere. Beyond popular belief, the bewitched night did not magically open a portal between the underworld and earth. It was true that the supernatural reacted more viciously than normal, but it was just a result of humanity's own ignorance. The careless way people summoned demons and provoked poltergeists in celebration of the holiday led to an unintentional increase in paranormal activity. His mission for the night was to ensure the activity did not get out of hand and respond to any attacks, just like every other agent around the world.

Cypher strolled casually down the street with a black, circular mask around his eyes in honor of the festive atmosphere. His hands were buried in his pockets, tiredly tapping his finger on his pocket watch. The night had been fairly uneventful. He only had to respond to a few minor hauntings before returning back to a streets to wait for daylight. Migisi, on the other hand, had been enjoying herself. Fascinated by the brightly colored costumes worn by the children that playfully ran pass them, she had spent most of the night hovering around Cypher and perching on his shoulder as she intently watched them. A few children had stopped to admire the pretty bird, boosting the jackdaw's ego as they showered her with praise. However, she could only endure so much attention before growing weary. Exhausted and cold, she laid cuddled up beside Cypher, tucking herself in the niche between his shoulder and his neck. She had crawled beneath the strap of his vest, taking shelter from the chill beneath the polyester. Her eyes slightly closed attempting to sleep as she nuzzled her head into the softness of his skin. Relaxing at the sound of his deep, rich voice booming from his throat as he spoke to people passing by.

Yawning, he rubbed his sore eyes before digging his pocket watch out to glance at the time. 9:38pm - He still had a whole night's worth of work ahead of him. He let out a frustrated sigh as the silver watch slipped back into place. Bored out of his mind and tired of aimlessly walking the side streets, Cypher debated on stopping in at a local bar for a drink. A risk that could result in an unpaid suspension of service for "drinking on the job", but one he was considering taking if only to kill half an hour and to get off his aching feet.

In the near distance, a neon sign flashed, catching his attention. Its bright green glow beckoning him to come closer. Like a moth drawn to a lamp, Cypher found himself slowly weaving toward the corner street bar, nestled at the end of a strip mall. The desire to quench his boredom - as well as his thirst - was too much for him to bear; he needed something half way entertaining to happen or he would end up making a scene for the sake of having something to do.

Ching ching! The rusty metal bells that hung above the door chimed as he entered. With his hands still in his pockets, he stood at the doorway examining its interior. It was a charming, privately owned bar. Pictures of locals and regular customers little the walls along with memorabilia of their prep school's soccer team. A broken pinball machine had been pushed into the back corner and a ratted pool table stood by the door where two grungy truckers partook in a game. The bartender stood behind the bar, refilling a scruffy-looking man's beer glass. He sat slumped over the counter slightly, perhaps having a few too many drinks. His brown hair dusted with aging gray. His eyes lost in thought as he massaged his goat that ran down his chin.

"What's your poison?" the barkeeper asked as he turned in Cypher's direction, exposing the nametag reading Pavo clipped to his white shirt. His green-gray eyes looking slightly glazed from the late night's shift.

Replying as he took out his wallet, "Just some ale."

The bartender nodded in agreement before pulling a freshly cleaned glass out from a rack below the counter top. Pulling the tap, a golden liquid flowed into the empty glass before the two men did their exchange. Cypher eagerly took the beer from the other, and chugged a third of it.

The goatee man chuckled at the sight, "Long day? Or getting ready for tonight...?"

"I beg your pardon, sir?"

He glanced up while adjusting the rolled up sleeve of his fleece pullover shirt, "It's Halloween. You just came from outside, right? You saw the chicks; you had to have seen the chicks. Dressed in their skimpy little costumes on their way to parties..." the older man allowed his voice to drift off as he saw an unchanged expression in the hatted-man's face. Sighing in slight embarrassment, he rose off his bar stool with an extended hand, "The name's Darcy. Don't mind me. I was just rambling."

"Smith. John Smith," Cypher replied sheepishly. "You are not from around here, are you?"

Darcy lowered himself back to the stool. "Just on vacation to unwind a bit."

Taking the seat next to him, Cypher began to nurse the beer as Migisi awoke. The warm air of the heated bar and rambunctious noises drew her out of her makeshift nest. Her head twitched side to side as she gazed around the new surroundings, mesmerized by tall the bright colors, flashing lights, and glistening glasses. Curiously, she leaped from his shoulder and onto the counter. Approaching a bowl of miniature pretzels located between the men, she pecked away at it to investigate the food inside. It was rather large for a jackdaw to swallow whole, but with a simple pleading gaze towards her shiny-assistant, a piece was broken off for her. Tchy chy! she happily praised her human pet before picking it up with her pointed break. Tilting her backwards, she jiggled her throat to allow the tiny shard of food to slide down her throat.

"You've got a bird with you...?" with a raised brow, Darcy took a second drink of his beer.

Shrugging, Cypher broke off another piece of pretzel, "Indeed, I do, sir."

His amber eyes glanced over at the younger man, examining his unique clothing choice, "What are you suppose to be...? A fancy pirate?"

Cypher's eyes narrowed at the slightly insulting comment, when the door chime rang again. Drawing both men's attention. A young woman with an unusual feathery headdress wandered into the bar. Her leather high heel boots echoed on the floorboards as she made her way towards the counter, purposely swinging her hips, "Just a quick glass of the finest wine you have." Leaning against the counter, she adjusted the headdress and waited for her drink. Her ruby eyes examined the two men beside her at the counter; one was far too sophisticated for her tastes, while the other seemed more down to earth. His handsome features hidden by years of scars across his face, only enhancing his mysterious aurora. Winking, she shot him a flirty look, "Hey there."

With his beer raised partly to his lips, Darcy nudged the finely dressed man sitting beside him, "Told you Halloween was a good night."

"Here you go, miss," Pavo mumbled as he handed her the glass.

Nodding him with a thanks, she accepted her drink before forcing herself between the two men. Running her finger around the rim of her wine glass as she adjusted her at the counter in such a way that her chest seemed slightly more pushed up than normal, "The name's Herla. Just in case you were wondering."

Ching! Wham! The heavy wooden door was slammed shut as a young girl rushed in. Pressing her body against it, she held her arms stretched outwards as if attempting to hold it shut despite the little strength her thin body possessed. "Tori...!?"

"Pavo!" Her chest heaving heavily from her sharp breathes. "Get... your gun! There's something out there...And it's not pretty!" She screamed between her gasps of air.

Slamming his glass down on the counter, Cypher hissed under his breath,"Bloody hell..." He had just managed to settle down to relax after a night of wandering with no purpose. Now, a threat arose after he had already paid for his drink.

A stern look appeared on the bartender's face as Pavo pulled a small fire arm out from under the counter. Cocking it as he started towards the window to peer outside. He grabbed the girl's arm gentle and pulled her behind him, gazing out into the darkened street. There he could see a few humanoid creatures slowly shuffling down the cobblestone walkway. Their arms stretched outward as the moaned. It was difficult to see through the shadows, but Pavo was convinced that their skin had lost their fleshy tan hue and had been replaced with a faint gray color. One stumbled forward, pounding on the door with an open palm; two of its five fingers were missing and a huge gash was located on its forehead. Yellow puss foamed around the infested area.

"Zombies? Are and how did zombies get here?" Pushing himself away from the counter, Cypher stepped up between the couple. Investigating the situation farther. His thin brows tangled about his bewildered eyes; the AoM had been doing research on the zombification process for awhile now, and even housed a sample of virus in their headquarters; but it was safely secured within the laboratory. It made little sense to him as to how a zombie outbreak could occur so quickly.

----- Flash Back ----

He left her! He left her again!

Displeased by Cypher's absence, Migisi flailed about on the limestone counter of a strange room. She was unsure as to why he had brought her here to begin with, but had grown even more confused as to why he left her alone after they arrived. He had tried explaining it to her. Something about a meeting and her needing to wait but how could he expect a bird to understand the human language? She pecked away at the glass bottle that surrounded her on the counter. Attempting to distract herself from her anger by enjoying the cling the glass made at the impact of her beak. The noise amused her, causing her to want to do it more in order to hear it. However, she had gotten a bit carried away, knocking over a test tube in the process.
A strange, sickly green liquid poured out over the stone, running down a side and dripping onto a scientist's sandwich. The silver jackdaw hopped over to the edge and gazed down. The liquid seeped into the bread, getting lost within the sea of condiments that coated the bread.

Surely, that would not lead to any sort of problem what so ever.


Cypher pulled the his revolver out from under his vest, "It is not safe her, ladies and gentlemen. We need to notify the mayor right away in order for the Agency to be called in on time in order to properly exterminate the threat before it spreads. I have my revolver; do the rest of you...?" Turning to address the small group, his sentence was cut off by the sight. Pavo stood with his arm wrapped around Tori; holding her close as he held his handgun in his hand. Darcy had already begun loading his Colt M1911 pistol and Herla was taking the safety off of her shotgun. "Alright, I see that everyone already came prepared."

"Of course, sweetie," Herla teased as she rested the shotgun's barrel on her shoulder, standing with her free hand placed on her pointed hip. "You know what they say; a shotgun is a girl's best friend."

"But Mr. Darcy and I saw you walk in without it...Where did you even have that thing hiding at, my dear...?"

She shrugged playfully as she rose her finger to her puffed lips, "Don't worry about it! We've got more important things to do."

"Right," whistling, Cypher called for Migisi. Her head perked up instantly at the sound of the high pitch tune, before lifting herself off the counter. She glided over the tiny army of mix-matched survivors before perching herself at her rightful place at Cypher's side. "Come now. The city is in grave danger if we do not get this under control as soon as possible."

------------ Commercial Break ------------

------------ Commercial Break ------------

The journey to the mayor's office was not as difficult as Cypher ha original assumed. Luckily for them, the zombie outbreak was still in the process of developing. Only a few reanimated corpses hunted the streets for fresh prey, but there were signs of the number of zombies increasing. Chaos was exploding all over the tiny town as panicking people gathered at the hall, waiting to be rescued. Apparently, the front doors leading inside had been locked to keep the terrified, angry citizens out. The stranded, lost survivors scattered the stairwell behind the barricade they forced up. Made of nothing but a line of cars circling the front part of the building.

The pack of six rushed the stairs leading up towards city hall. Forcing their way over the parked vehicles, and hurrying quickly up to the door. A few helpless victims pleaded with them for help. Begging for food and shelter as another man in the distance perched about the apocalypse falling upon them. Out of the group, Darcy was the most forceful. Clearing the way before them and tugging on the handles of the door, "It's lock!"

Cypher stepped to his side, pulling out a pair of lock picks from his back pocket, "No reason to fret, sir. I have a master key. Just watch my back, if you will." Kneeling down, Cypher began to fumble with the lock as Migisi watched intently. Her bluish eyes lured by the way the metal of the pickets sparkled in the dim light. Darcy, Herla, Pavo, and Tori stood side by side with their backs facing Cypher in attempts to protect the fragile man as he worked. The eager eyes of the begging wounded victims now fell onto them. Restless bodies began to circle the crowd, waiting for the door to open in order to sprint inside. Shifting his weight uneasily, Pavo began to grow wary of the horrified crowd. They were beginning to turn aggressive out of fear.

He tightened his grip on his gun as he heard Cypher mention that the lock was free, "Go, you guys. I'll keep the crowd at bay."

Gasping, Tori grabbed his arm, forcing him to look down at her with worrisome eyes, "What!? I'm not going without you!"

"You have to!" He lowered his voice as he tenderly stroked his love's cheek. "Look...These people are scared and they're going to storm this place if they know they can get inside. That's only going to delay our rescue and I need to protect you..."

"But, Pavo..."

"You're a brave, stupid man," Darcy sardonically snapped. "I'd do the same thing."

Leaning down to her level, he gave her a swift kiss on the cheek before bracing himself as he turned to face the crowd, "Yeah, well...Someone has to do it!" He glanced over his shoulder, trying his best to look strong in front of her before his eyes met Cypher's gaze, "I have no idea who the fuck you are, but back at the bar, it sounded like you knew this shit. So, take care of her and save this pathetic little town!"

As the white double doors swung open, the crowd roared. Pavo fired a shot into the air in attempts to become intimidating. A majority of the people still tried to push forward as Darcy grabbed Tori by the arm and dragged her behind him. Herla, Cypher, and Migisi were close behind. Once inside, Herla and Cypher closed the double doors; each one pushing a door shut before Darcy barricaded it by tipping over a bookcase. Tori stood with her head hanging and her fists clenched, staying strong but desperately wanting to return to Pavo.

A figure started down the hallway, having heard the commotion. A dark-tan skinned man approached the group dressed in a finely pressed suede suit; the soft sound of bells jingled with his steps, catching the jackdaw's attention. Migisi's body stretched outward as she extended her neck, trying to figure out the source of the sound. Cypher stepped forward placing himself in front of his comrades. Feeling that they forced entry would not surpass as a reason for a warm welcome.

"How did you get in here?" the feminine man asked. His cold expression piercing distress into the trespassers. Narrowing his gaze as he noticed the crimson arm band placed around the finely dressed man, "And just who are you?"

"I am from the Agency, sir," Cypher replied while digging out his wallet. Flipping it open to expose his identification badge. "Agent Cypher, sir. I was just doing a mandatory control when the signs of the zombie outbreak began to occur. It is of dire importance that the issue is addressed to the mayor at once so proper backup can be called in."

"Cypher?" Darcy stepped forward, gazing attentively down at the weaker man. "You said you're name was John Smith back at the bar."

"Only an alias, my good man."

Cain stepped aside, motioning for them to go forward, "Normally, I would not allow such an unruly bunch to go forward, but your identification seems legit." His stern stare remained fixed on Cypher, who seemed to be leading the group, "However, Mr. Cypher, do know that I will be watching you closely. Very closely...And if I suspect just the slightest hint of danger from you, I will not hesitate to take necessary action." Rolling his stiff shoulders, his gaze jumped from head to head, "And the same goes for every single one of you."

(This is where things will turn into a more script-like writing style. It is important to listen to the song and might require you to listen/reread his part at least twice.)

- Cypher quickens his pace as he sprints down the long hallway; Migisi has gliding closely behind him as the music builds up into the opening as Cypher kicks the door down and storms into the mayor's office, approaching the large oak desk as the mayor has his chair turned, facing away from the door -

"Mr. Mayor, the mission burns. The zombies are marching; they close on the square,," Cypher makes a fist as he holds his arm out in front him as he tries to direct the mayor to look out the window, "Families are cold, look down at their souls! Huddled in camps on the marble steps of city hall, faith in their God is all that they've got."

- As the music continues, we see the "camera" pan out over the sorrowful sight of survivors gathered before city hall. People are dressed in tattered clothing with a depressed look on their faces, wondering if this is the end for them. A mother holds her children close to her as it zooms in on Pavo, tiredly fending off the terrified crowd as he gazes upward towards the darkening sky -

"Save our city.
Keep our souls, Lord,
through the rapture,
of this world.

- The "camera" quickly pans up and back through the window. Darcy, Herla, and Tori are now standing behind Cypher with Migsis back on his shoulder. Cain slips in through the door, eyeing everyone with a distrusting look. The mayor's chair swivels around as he rises to his feet while slamming his hands on his desk. -

"Little boy, I'm just man! A mere civil servant," he rises his arms towards the sky, "Against this tyrant God! I've allied with our King, salvation he brings, protecting the city against all the troops Heaven sent but the dead walk again. This is the end." He does a quick spin-jump as he makes his way to his cabinet and pulls out a loaded handgun, "Oh, I'm just a man! My time has come. Long live King Simius, may he deliver us from this nightmare." The mayor places the barrel in his mouth and pulls the trigger. Migisi is startled by the gunshot.

- The "camera" zooms in as Darcy, Herla, and Tori stepped to Cypher's side. Singing together -

"Save our city.
Keep our souls, Lord,
through the rapture,
of this world.

-The "camera" pans back out against the chaotic world. It zooms in on a zombifed man dressed in a torn, flowing kimono. He seems to be wielding a katana with one arm as he is missing the other arm. He is gathering all the zombies and building up an army before leading them towards city hall. All of the other zombies willingly obey his order as he and his growing mob begin singing. -

"Fought and fell for our great king,
we burned alive and boiled.
The dragon, red and wrathful, calls,
we rise and march once more.
Cursed in death, we starve for flesh.
Our skin is cooked and curled.
We'll eat our kin and smash them in,
in Hell, we'll grind their bones.

- The camera jumps to Cypher standing in the entrance way leading out to the balcony. Examining the chanting that seems to be rising from outside as the zombie army marches closer to the pleading people below. Darcy, Herla, Cain, and Tori are behind him. Chanting along. -

"Save our city. Keep our souls, Lord God..."
"Fought and fell for our great king, we burned alive and boiled..."

-We see Cypher take a step back as he places Migisi on his arm, before passing her off carefully to Herla who is the closest to him. He bends down to pick up a piece of wood off the floor from the broken doorframe before leaping down into the crowd below. Once he stumbles to his feet, he passes the broken wood off to a nearby survivor and looks up at his comrades, who are debating following him. Yelling out to them as he gathers their attention while pulling out his revolver. -

"Through the rapture of this world..."
"The dragon, red and wrathful, calls, we rise and march once more..."
"There's a time to pray, and there's a time to fight. Anything can be a weapon if you're holding it right. Defend what is your's! They will not take our souls!

- The crowd has now gathered into multiple lines of people mimicking Cypher's movements. Pavo is beside him as Darcy, Herla, Cain, and Tori make their way down into the crowd. Everyone is holding their weapon of choice in their hands as they raise their stretched out arms up over their heads during the long, drawn out "it's time to rise, and fight" line. -

"And so now it's time to riiiiiiiiise, and fiiiiiiiiight!" - A quick zoom in of Cypher's face with a cynical smirk as he readjusting his fedora and Migisi perches majestically on his shoulder. -

- During the instrumental ending, there is a slow-motion montage of everyone fighting. We see Pavo and Tori back to back fending off a horde of zombies together. Herla dodged an attack gracefully before turning to shoot the zombie with her shotgun. Darcy and Cypher run side by side picking off zombies one by one with their guns. Migisi is flying over head, keeping a close on her shiny man. As the crowd fights for their lives and bell beings to toll, we end up seeing Cypher get separated from the group in the chaos. He stands alone in a thick fog as the "Zombie King Quad" sneaks up from behind him. Unaware of the danger, Cypher lowers his guard as Quad steadies his katana before sticking it through the young man's back and through his chest on the opposite side. -

Instantly, Cypher springs forward, sitting up straight on his couch. His heart pounds heavily in his chest, upon which he quickly places his hand to. Feeling around beneath his vest for a non-existing puncture wound. A nervous sweat trickles down his face. Chy...? Migisi softly attempts to mimic his name to catch his attention while gazing up at him from the coffee table she stood on. Realizing that the whole incident was dream, Cypher sighed as his eyes focused on the television. Two British men being to talk about their "zombie survival plan" involving boarding themselves up in a bar. Amused slightly, he gave a faint chuckle before turning the television off, "Sure, Shaun, that will work."

Save Our City - Ludo

Cypher - Himself
Migisi - Shiori

Darcy - Shiori
Pavo - Scythe
Tori - Kaoori
Quad- Quad
Cain - Sanguine
Kaoori's picture

This was great! You got

This was great! You got Tori's personality perfect. Smiling I think you did everyone well!
I was on the edge of my seat for a lot of this!
Awesome job!
quadraptor's picture

ASDFAFAFSDG that was epic!

ASDFAFAFSDG that was epic! And the ending was shocking as heck for me! Great work, so great!

that that was

that was awesome
Mr.Sanguine's picture

So Much awesome oh lawd.


oh lawd.

Brilliant! Loved the musical

Brilliant! Loved the musical element to it aswell~
Makes me wish I had found the casting call in time even more now T.T
Shiori's picture

-giggle- Brilliant luv. I

-giggle- Brilliant luv. I needed a smile ^^ We need more zombie musicals...
Kumiko's picture

Well, despite the missed

Well, despite the missed coding errors that I will go back and fix...

I'm glad you all enjoyed it!
Scythe's picture

I read this twice today and I

I read this twice today and I loved it both times. I've always been a closet Cypher fan, so it was an honor to get Pavo in on one of these episodes. Seriously, you did a great job with all of the characters; very believable, even given the circumstance. Very nice work, Kumiko. ^^
GuardianGhost's picture

I've really enjoyed this

I've really enjoyed this musical-like experiment.
It is so unique that you even described the camera's movements.
Oh, and the ending's idea is fantastic! xD
siggy by Pegasicorn