~Conspire Me

“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”
Aldous Huxley

The past is gone, forever. I cannot return to it.

No matter how hard I strive, chase, long after it, I cannot.

It is gone.

So unreasonable is this request to my mind that I still strain to fully inprint such.
It's a challenge.

A challenge.


Is this entire little life of mine such? A challenge? A riddle with those idiot magicians who claim entire power over everything they see?
....do they have eyes, even?

It surely doesn't appear so.

Tossing flowers aimlessly thoughout their forest, creating quick flames that emerge and singe the life around them with overwhelming energy...only to have the organic world around the heat overtake their power and return to ignorant bliss once again.
They claim to have a power to change this forest.
Build new monuments, create life.

But every show of their's, summons only temporary beauty, nothing remains onward in this so called 'endless forest'. Pah. They don't know the meaning of that phrase!

They don't understand the idea of temporary beauty.

Flora, stone, and doves are all lovely, but those magicians hardly know their art. Too brief and naive is their understanding of the world they claim to rule!

They do not grasp how to astound others, only amazing those with dull minds.
Fascinated by those dull flora, stones, and doves.

There are too many of those types here.

Probably those 'created' in those easily amused magician's images.

Too precise is the art of deception.
Too precious is it to waste on gaining power and claiming god-titles.

Simple, temporary beauty.

Is that why I linger so desperatly to a forgotten world? Was I too, so engulphed by its wonder that even now I am not better than those two?

Brief, wonderous beauty.

It is that, that I take most delight in. Quick moments of bliss, seem to always urge me forward.
Yet to linger on those wonderous, short, moments seems hypocritical!
That world which I once adored and sought after its mysteries, so opposite from the one which I continue to linger in now.
I was raised in the idea of temporary moments, thrived after savoring that which is breif. Here...

....here such moments seem invisible.

Everything here is endless, never changing, or so those tricksters claim.

Each waking moment was intended by them to last forever, and that is why I detest it.
They claim to insist that each of these moments are to be pleasant, but I find such hardly true.

This endlessness is torture.

Never-ending in its delight of that to mock the residence with promise of tranquility claimed to last.

To last forever, not a lifetime.

Lifetimes are limited.

This forest is endless.

Those "gods" are idiots.

Or intelligent with the manipulation of minds. ...I should strive to meet such ability....

They make this mind mad!


Mad, to claim doubt?

Perhaps I am a little out of my mind... haha~

But it is perhaps their overconfidence that manipulates this wandering mind.

They tether it to strings and puppet it no different than another that I know...

"Gods" are such a pretentious title to be held by those who manipulate so profusely, hm?

I cannot stand.... to have them try and manipulate this mind, any longer.

I will find a way out of these endless chains! These endless lies! These endless games!

They cannot claim to be gods. Their abilities are nothing but silly tricks and parlor games.

I will show those ego-infested fools what it truly means to be 'gods'.

The tricks they use are elementary.

No different than turning a pencil to 'rubber'.

Summoning flora, doves, frogs, simple tricks! Easy to master!

They do nothing more than amuse and bewilder those who watch such items 'appear'.
That and little else!

'Gods'...your tricks are small! Show this 'madman' the power which your tongue claim!

Test me, as I will you.

My drive to escape this living hell you've created surpasses your drive to bind me here.

I've ran. For hours.

Until my entire body ached.

Yet you tease with the endlessness of your world!

I must either travel downwards, or up.

And yet chains bind me from doing such as well!


Very. Clever.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

For thou hast said in thine heart,

I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God...

...I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
in the sides of the north...
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds....

I will be like the most High.

The madman is a dangerous thing, hm~?

Iaurdagnire's picture

"Your challenge is a feeble

"Your challenge is a feeble one, even for you..."
trigger_mortis's picture

Beautifully written and

Beautifully written and touching.

I feel your pain story weaver...and I have oft wondered if our gods seek to protect us or imprison us. You are a master of words sir, and I bow to your superiority.
arrowdoe's picture

.... -speechlessmuch-

.... -speechlessmuch-
Kaoori's picture


Verycrazygirl's picture

"Hmm." "And once such a


"And once such a goal is achieved -- if ever -- what then?"

Zergarikiaka's picture

wow indeed.

wow indeed.

jealous, perhaps?

jealous, perhaps? <.<;

"While I respect you, Sir, I cannot agree with your words here. What have these gods done to cause you to speak of them in such a manner? Why do you doubt them so? Such a manner of thinking could be...dangerous, if only to yourself.

Perhaps it would be helpful if you were to stop running, stop trying to 'escape' (who's to say whatever is on the outside is any better, anyway?), and learn to appreciate what's around you, instead. It is the little things, the things that too often go unnoticed, that matter."
Reetno's picture

"I for one agree with

"I for one agree with you.
They cloud the minds of the weak and clam to be good, true and almighty and yet they keep us like pets in a pen. Never to truly to be able to be free; always trapped in a small land of their creation."

"All seems lost however. They keep their ear deaf to any cries of displeasure of the entrapment they keep us in. The other fools are just so content with praising them and for what? Keeping us locked in a cage? Even if it has no bars or walls you can never find the way out; the way to true freedom and in that the choices that it can give you."

"They may play their little games with us and show us glimpses of beautiful and shiny things to make us think all is good and grand, but I see it as a way to keep us under control.
We to them are nothing but 'pets'. We may be safe in this cage, but is being their 'pets' really worth it? "

"For me? I would choose the uncertainty of the 'real world' over this."

"The thing which amazes me

"The thing which amazes me about this ramble is that none of the Twin's faithful have shown up and delivered wrath upon you. Were this my land your neck would already be cut, your tongue severed and your body in the process of being burned. Either wrath works much slower here, or peaceful complacency permeates even matters of blasphemy. Lucky for you I think."