Accidentally acquired two more pinkish purplish childs because he must sit on everything small if its near the nest 8C
ALL MY BEBS WEAR THE SWEATERS COO COO GOOD DADDING. Quiet day with sprogs and fiance. Does he have a concept of marriage in the forest? idk fight me i just wanted to update the event log.
Ended up sitting vigil over the nest and newborns anyway, despite avoiding eyecontact with Salem and despite his earlier attempt to RAGE AT PHOBOS and 'take' the nest (followed by much attempt to feed each bebby a bit of frog. Even a bebby that wasn't his hi Isla when u get here?)
And then moved off back to his usual spot a few metres away. Most recently approached by Salem with a sprog in tow, the 'doe' wanting to talk and Aus not really having anything to talk about. Eventually caved and asked the babbins' names and got all teary eyed when he was told. Accidentally shed a few tears when smiling at Ouza who'd been staring at him before YAAS COME TO ME FOR THE HUGS.
Clung to little bebbin pathetically while Salem went over and fetched the other awoken child with his tentacles (those are a thing AUS STARE AT THOSE ;l) and once Ulya was in range SCOOPED HER INTO THE HUG TOO and gestured for Salem to sit with them. Spoke to the other and found out he wasn't a demon as sosig was expecting but an alien and thats why the kids were all... like they were...
PUT THEM ALL IN LITTLE RABBIT FUR JUMPERS to keep them warms and moved over to the den where he did the same to the two sleepy babies, before spoke to Salem again and asked if it was ok if he still took on the dad role just DONT U FUCKING LIE TO ME AGAIN 8'c
Remained on the nest.
Is it happening? Is it? Better rearrange the nest 60 times. FUSS THE BUMP, FUSS THE FIANCE, FUSS THE DEN. FUSS FUSS FUSS. FUSSY VULTURE.
It happened yaaaas. First came a little girl all covered in white... tar like goo... which made him

but then he wasnt really a professor of childbirth so cleaned up her face and handed her to her mama and assisted with the second one.
Was quickly catching on something was wrong since none of the babies looked anything like him and the second child had a skull for a face. By the third and forth couldn't even look at the white doe and was slowing down in his assistance.
Sort of considered the possibility that she'd been raped or forced upon and had acted out of instinct to protect herself, but realised quickly that was an appalling and pathetic theory to make himself feel better than to realise he'd just been used this whole time. Was apologised to but then asked what she'd have done if he knew anyway.
Was told she was frightened he'd leave her but wouldn't he have the right to do that now?? anyway?? Asked to be told the truth (about the fawns) but instead was shown that she wasn't who she said she was at all, but the purple blob creature Salem.
Sort of oh'd. Carried on cleaning the nest because hes a cuck he doesn't know what to do with himself even when the children picked up their noises and peeps he desperately wanted to soothe them but was stopped by the notion that he wasn't supposed to even know these children existed? Probably?
Caved and asked to help, and picked up the skull faced child (Mirza) and comforted with shh's and humming and burritoing the infant before returning them when properly sleepy to their siblings.
Went back to wordlessly cleaning the nest out, burying the mess Salem had made with the... goo... before nodding at the new family and moving away a distance. Caught himself looking back and saw the approach of Absalom and his interest in the family.
Put two and two together, there was the actual sire, and moved off towards the ruins to let himself have that crying breakdown he'd been holding in since he touched the first newborn.
Aka proposed to Salem

Actual update later. And clearly never.
Sought out his white looooover can i write that. Anyway found Salem and smooched forhead and the bumpy bump that he affectionately refers to as the little rabbit FOR BEING VERY KICKY. Before they went on a long-around-the-trees walk to find a den site they could start occupying.
Pretty keen on
Here. Just gotta start occupying it and seeing if anyone takes offense.
Getting emotional visiting Salem, bringing 'her' a nice warm pelt for comfort, fruits and then lying down beside her so he could rest his head on her bumpy and get teary eyes in happiness. So excited to meet babs, but worried at the same time.
Ohai... First track seywut.
/loves on
Track ;3;
aus bb ;;
Placing a well needed lurk
*rolls around on*
~ C.S. Lewis
Hey, you posted in my
Aaaa yes I am I just got
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
Heyhey forgot to stalk this
I understand! I am not mad
Oh, I was even thinking you
The warmth was heavily
There was a doe using birds to braid her hair, and that was certainly something he had never seen before. Quietly he leant upon a tree a fair distance away and watched in silence as they completed their work, and she rewarded them with food. How quaint, Ausar was certainly very curious now as he moved a little closer, neck strained out slightly and head lower than considered his default the male cleared his throat to announce his arrival to her.
He didn't really know how to ask straight off, so instead gave a warm grin and spoke instead;
"Guten Morgen verpassen, I am not intruding am I?"
//Ahaha maybe later, Ally tends to ruin rp's with his jealousy with his father.
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
Nika had pick up on his
I want to just leave this
haven't tracked grandpappu
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
cooo what is this. cUte new
That reminds me to add that
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
this gorgeous dad
sOSSOGE ALSO On a side note
ALSO On a side note I'm probably missing relations since i never wrote them down so if you know this guy and you're not on the bio rn let me know it will help a lotttt.
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
hELLO daddy