This biography may contain possibly triggering themes, which may include, violence, gore, trauma, assault, sexuality, swearing, and is advised for players 18+. Warnings will be issued in updates containing sensitive topics (swearing not included), but the information found under any other category is liable to be uncensored. Read at your own risk.
This character and her actions do not represent the player as she is in-character 99.9% of the time; aka unless I'm helping someone with set help. However I take responsibility for what is written, said OOC, etc. As a player I respect the opinions of other parties, but reserve the right for this bio to contain sensitive topics so long as any other players involved agree and I do so with warnings and trying not to offend.
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CSS put together by Senecxys specifically for LilyBlue. Fading tabs are thanks to WhenDeerAttack. Most of the coding here came from Unplugged's CSS Reference blog and those who contributed to the information there, the rest comes from outside sources such as CSSmatic. Character created and designed by LilyBlue. Background art also by LilyBlue.
Has remained at Æthelwulf's side since he became king and she abandoned both family and kingdom. Dressed in her armor almost always, masquerading as a man among his own knights. What few moments she is able to be herself she finds herself in her lower's embrace, or secretly going about the villages providing aid with Taliesin. However, the nightmares do not leave her despite this mostly peaceful new life, and they leave her restless. Cant bring herself to travel far or long from Aeth's side, though her eyes continue to wander to distant horizons. Wishes to whisk him away, to travel the world and show him all she is able, but he's a king now and a king does not have the freedom or liberty to flit here and there.
Perhaps her wish to travel is only a need to escape, to run from that which haunts her sleep, and Lofn would never wish to drag Aeth into that or let him know it plagues her so. She has to be strong... his knight, his light. Bottling it up much to Taliesin's upset, as her own knight fights with her about it more often than not lately, if only because he is the one to witness her break downs most frequently. Working harder and entertaining the nobles as best she is able to keep herself distracted while playing the role of mute knight to the king. Knows Taliesin is as restless as she, but she'll keep going till she breaks... and he'll be there to pick her up.
Referance and Art
Real deer mask - Magpie antlers - Idol pelt
Born from the union of a shield maiden of Rikr and an arthurian king of Natta. Caries the spirit of a fierce heir and gentle princess. Able to wield weapons, and delicate silk dresses, in battles of blood or words. Speaks and reads both English and Old Norse.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Adaptable - Adventurous - Appreciative - Articulate
Benevolent - Compassionate - Curious - Familial
Generous - Loving - Loyal - Passionate
Patient - Protective - Romantic
Benevolent - Compassionate - Curious - Familial
Generous - Loving - Loyal - Passionate
Patient - Protective - Romantic
Has an overwhelming infinity with love, both emotional and physical. Strives to help lovers and families that can not be together, as well as help those in need, be them weak or strong. Also seeks to learn and understand the many different religions and lives in the worlds she visits. Shows love for everyone, no matter their appearance.
Can't stand being trapped inside the confines of a castle or a home for long. Always moving and looking for new places to travel and understand. New places means new people, new lives, things to learn and experience. Doesn't look to be knowledgeable on all things, but rather to understand and find love in all its different forms.
Fears very few things. One such thing is the undead, and the other is being replaced or abandoned by those she truly loves and has devoted herself to. Due to this, puts her loved ones before herself, often to an unhealthy degree. Overcome with blind desperation and piercing dread when one of these fears should present itself.
Has taken part in her fair share of war, violence, and bloodshed. Scars mark not just her flesh but her mind. Has moments of severe anxiety and flashbacks, insomnia and nightmares, and horrible guilt. Chews on her lip and digs her nails into the palms of her hands to cope. Does her best to mask it all, to act good, pure, and unshaken.
In Tyria went on many different journey's and returned home with more than one new companion. Baldulf was the first to join her, a loyal Krytan Drakehound that she wouldn't trade for any dog in any world. Cai is her most treasured companion of all, as it took a long time to gather the loyalty of this adult highlands harrier griffon. Brought him, and a collection of eggs, home to Natta with her, keeping them in an abandoned cathedral. From those eggs have hatched Pita an adolescent spotted sylph griffon, Astra a clouded Corvus griffon hatching, and Erebos a badlands stalker griffon hatchling.
Beloved Mother. A viking and queen. Loved with all her heart and the one who most often urged her to stretch her wings. But when even her mother sought to tie her down to a fate that the wandering star wanted to escape, felt greatly hurt. Even after turning away from her parents, and renouncing her title and ties in order to remain free, misses her mother from time to time. Still loves her dearly.
Beloved Father. An usurper king. Lowed with all her heart, even if he often tried to keep her grounded and learning how to be a proper court lady. He was the most adamant about her marriage to Eldgrimr and his refusal to let her chose her own fate, lead to her running away. Even after turning away from her parents, and renouncing her title and ties in order to remain free, does still love her father dearly.
Beloved Older Brother. Spent very little time with him, even while growing up, but still always admired her brother's will. Happy to see him so happy, and with a family all his own. Was never close to, but does love dearly.
Loved Sister in-law. Had had little interaction with besides during her marriage to her brother. But as a long as she makes Hjortr happy, and they're both happy, that's all that matters.
Estranged Cousin and rightful heir to the throne. Only seen once in the forest and was unknowing of their connection. Has not seen since.
Æthe, Wulfy. Dearest friend and lover. The first person she met in the forest. Has known him since he was a scared boy that had lost his home and people, and has been with him ever since. Can not leave him. Can't explain her attachment to him, or why she remained all these years, but perhaps they were simply tied together by fate. Knows his kinder side, his gentleness, but also knows his rage and blood lust. Will walk with him and carry the sun in her hands so he doesn't lose sight of the light... even if it burns her. Will protect both his body and his heart, not matter the cost. His knight, her king.
"And as the world comes to an end / I'll be here to hold your hand / 'Cause you're my king and I'm your lion-heart"
Fava bean the warm kitty. Best friend. Had a crush on once upon a time. More...
Sister to the Fava bean. Buddy. Like you lots. More...
Super cool lady. More...
Ex-fiance, and the son of the man who almost killed her. His appearance that so clearly resembles his father triggers the wandering star. Knows her might not be the same as his parent, and that he is not Grimnir, but is still horribly afraid of him. Ran away from him and their engagement.
Met the viking not once, but twice on the battlefield. Unable to kill him their first encounter and was given as scar. Their second encounter she almost lost her life to the fire jotunn. Beaten and kicked from the roof of a building. Managed to take him down with her, but hitting her head allowed the man to nearly take her life. Would have died by his ax had Æthelwulf not saved her, killing the norseman. Saw him die, but he still haunts her. The main, and overwhelming, source of her PTSD.
-rolls around on-
ohhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHH
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHH that background!!!
(No subject)
Hullooo o7
-rolls around-
aye (: