November 17, 2010 - 5:09pm — hornhook
notes: Christmas-cold- snow ect- fog-church, mystery, sadness, forgotten past
Ghost Monks- candle- chant (louder nearer you get)- procession areas through?
Forest- no moo silence. Perhaps twin god stood on alter to welcome them??
::Christmas in the forest::
The forest is filled with mist
Not a sound to be heard
No Birds
No beasts
Through the misty silence the sound of distant chanting echos softly
They appear at the twin statutes a line of dark cowed ghosts, like whisps they glide
Walking in time
There voices chant and ancient hymm. Hymm of peace of truth of vertue.
Lost within these timeless mists
Down past the pond they walk
Across the bridge they walk
The moss glisten with drops of water
the chant continues.
There is no more time to stop and stare
No more time to admire and care
They step on through the beauty. Heads bent low,
Chanting the hymm
they only know
Through the dark forest to the ruins they walk.
Only chantting they never talk.
Their once safe home
Their santuary
Place of meditaion, peace, prosperity.
Once at the ruins they circel them twice
Once in respect
Once as in life
Before entering the chapel there they chant two more verses..... Then...
Time returns
They Fade away. leaving the forest to it's silence.
Inspired by the mystery of the forest.... what happen to them??
Oh this is great! Awesome
Hey could I add this to Holly on the Old Oak? It's just a collection of Christmas/Winter artwork and writing from TEF members.
Your more than welcome, it's