Character Bio: Sulwyn

singingbird's picture

Sulwyn: Star-gazer

Name: Sulwyn (SUL-win)

Nickname(s): Sully, Sul, Prancey Pants

Title(s): The Starlit Witch

Associated with: Stars, light, light-related magic, fireflies, energy, dawn and dusk, hope, guidance.

Gender: Doe

Birthday: November 17th

Age: Young Adult

Size: 32

Set: Fan Pelt, Real Deer Mask, Gazelle Antlers. *
She has light gold, luminescent eyes. When light is low, the gold stripes on her pelt magically shimmer like gold or glow like fireflies, depending on her mood. The fur on her legs, face, ears, and tail is slightly darker than the fur on her neck and torso.
Her set has remained unchanged since I created her in 2008, though she did go through a phase of having the noh "doe" antlers.

Picto: The Eternal Flame
Formerly, Sulwyn's pictogram was a "y" in a box, but that was an account I shared with a friend. Since the "Eternal Flame" picto was the first one I chose by myself (for Sulwyn's sister, Aris), I'm going to use it for Sulwyn from now on, and Aris will get a new picto along with a design rehaul.

"An eternal flame is a flame, lamp or torch that burns continuously for an indefinite period. Most eternal flames are ignited and tended intentionally, but some are natural phenomena caused by natural gas leaks, peat fires and coal seam fires, all of which can be initially ignited by lightning, piezoelectricity or human activity, some of which have burned for thousands of years.

In ancient times, human-tended eternal flames were fueled by wood or olive oil; modern examples usually use a piped supply of propane or natural gas. Human-created eternal flames most often commemorate a person or event of national significance, serve as a symbol of an enduring nature such as a religious belief, or a reminder of commitment to a common goal, such as international peace." *

Personality: Intelligent, fearless, loyal, fiercely independent. Friendly, though not exceedingly social except during holidays and events. Possesses a sharp wit, with sarcasm and cynicism to match. Though she projects a generally thick-skinned persona, she does have a softer side- she would go to any lengths to protect those she cares about. A bit aloof at times, she often prefers to keep to herself, particularly if she is feeling down. Though her anger is infrequent, her temper can be wicked, manifesting in brooding, aggression, jealousy, and possessiveness if she perceives her trust has been betrayed or if her personal space is not respected when she wishes to be let alone. Furthermore, she can be exceedingly stubborn and cranky if she doesn't get her beauty sleep.

As she is now, Sulwyn is less caustic and more nurturing than she was when she was younger. She forgives more easily, and doesn't hold grudges as long, if she ever develops any. She has matured a great deal since her first visit to the forest, and her main priority now is to give back to the community that has given her so much.

Story: Sulwyn has been in The Endless Forest for a long time, coming and going as she pleases. Her magic is drawn from the stars, and is used not to attack, but merely to bring light to dark and lonely places.
Originally I conceived of the character as a human witch who took the form of a doe to hide from her persecutors. Though I now think of her as just a deer (albeit a magical one), she still retains the title of witch for this reason.

Likes: The night sky. The smell of moss. Dandelions. The rumble of a rainstorm. Willow trees. Running through tall grass. Mushrooms. Fireflies. The hum of insects. Resting in the meadows of purple flowers. Sleeping under the angled rock at the playground. Scratching against thorns. Butterflies. The sheltering boughs of shady trees. Idling on the bridge. The sound of running water. The chill of fall air.

Dislikes Tree stumps. Sharp rocks. Slimy frogs. Worms. Grubs. Centipedes. Mud. Biting insects. Feeling crowded or enclosed. Ice. Gravelly or sandy surfaces. Molehills. Being woken up. Swimming. Exceedingly noisy people. Being spell-spammed.

Art Gallery: Check out Sulwyn's gallery on Toyhouse!

(updated 9/18/17)
ShrinkingRose's picture

Track. Chanti thanks for

Track. Chanti thanks for stopping by c:
Laryal's picture

Tracking. and thanks

Tracking. and thanks Smiling
Laryal pic by EmiliaYO
LowLights's picture

Tracking this!! Sulwyn is an

Tracking this!! Sulwyn is an interesting character. You should swing by sometime to meet Ashley!
Wyldflower's picture

Track! It was great to meet

Track! It was great to meet Sulwyn~

Also thanks for all the help with the pelt spells, sorry about that ^^'

By Draak ♥
singingbird's picture

@WildflowerDeer Aw, no

@WildflowerDeer Aw, no problem! It was great to see Culzean Laughing out loud

@Lowlights Sure, I'd love to Laughing out loud
LowLights's picture

Hey, I was wondering if you

Hey, I was wondering if you would want to visit Ashley right now? Depending if it isn't too late or if you're not asleep in your time zone!
singingbird's picture

@Lowlights Sure! Where is she

@Lowlights Sure! Where is she at?
LowLights's picture

Whoops, sorry, couldn't

Whoops, sorry, couldn't connect last night! I dunno why. I'll be on later today if that's fine?
humi's picture

Oh, I remember Sulwyn. Track

Oh, I remember Sulwyn. Track (:
singingbird's picture

Update: I've moved Sulwyn's

Update: I've moved Sulwyn's gallery to toyhouse. Smiling

It was nice seeing her today.

It was nice seeing her today.
phantomhelsing's picture

Nice to still see you around!

Nice to still see you around! Happy 9 years <3 c:
singingbird's picture


8D THANK YOU GUYS BOTH! I'm so glad people actually showed up lol.
0baf0's picture


Icon - ahimsa.Signature - Qanat. ♥
singingbird's picture

Good to see you again, Obafo

Good to see you again, Obafo Laughing out loud



i find all your bios super

i find all your bios super appealing to look at *v*
hopefully i'll run into one of your kiddos again soon