
Chickenwhite's picture

Everyone around me seems to get it...
My grandmother, my uncle, one of my friends - and one of the finest people out there, I might add - one of my other friend's grandmother, the wife of an old friend of the family, the mothers of three of my childhood-friends...

People are practically dropping like flies around me...
And with the history of sickness on my dad's side of the family, I'm lucky if I only escape with my smoke-allergies...

Yeah, this might not seem like something worthy of a rant-vent-blog, but five of these incidents I found out about within the past two months of my life. That's a bit much on a short time.

God, I hate that sickness... If I were smart, if I were a genius, I'd spend all of my time searching for a cure. If I were rich, I'd donate as much as I could to that research.
But as it is, I'm just a poor English-student living off of 5000 Danish KRs a month... (For reference, my rent is 3000.)

What difference do I even do?...
I can't tell these people to keep fighting, to not give up, because they're not in control of it and neither am I... I'm just a hopeless, witless enthusiast whom fate has chosen to screw around with for a while.
Maybe because of my optimistic nature, Miss Fortune saw it fit to challenge it and see if not even the lightest spirit could be weighted down and dragged to the depths by something as simple, as nerve-wreckingly common as a killing, cureless decease.

In short, I feel picked on...
Only a little.
trigger_mortis's picture

(No subject)


I'm sorry I cannot help more, but I'll be thinking of you and hoping for better times.
quadraptor's picture

*nuzzles* If you need

Sad *nuzzles*

If you need anything from us, anything at all, let us know!
DinahMoon's picture

My boyfriend and I lost our

My boyfriend and I lost our mothers to liver cancer this year, so I understand your hatred for the disease. Not only have I grown to hate the disease itself, but the medical field for letting our moms and millions of other people down as well. I don't think misfortune has a thing to do with it, it is medical professionals FAILING our loved ones. After my mom died, the American Cancer Research Society had the audacity to e-mail me asking to donate money to cancer research... I wrote back two words - "F*ck you."

On another note, if you know somebody suffering from cancer sometimes it does help to tell them to keep fighting the disease, no it won't cure them, but I personally believe that some cancer patients need that motivation to feel better and even live longer. My mom's doctor told us last February she had a couple of weeks to live, and she died in May surpassing the "expiration date" her doctor gave us and in those months lived it up with me and my son, she even DANCED... A LOT. Her whole attitude was "screw cancer, I have this disease by the balls." I believe hope HELPS.
Chickenwhite's picture

@Trigger: A little kindness

@Trigger: A little kindness goes a long way as they say, I'm happy really you would TwT *fails at words*

@Quad: *nuzzlefest* Thank you so much, it really means a lot to know that you're there TwT And... Just talking to me is enough TwT Don't worry, I'm easy to cheer up TwT

@Dinah: I couldn't agree more... I mean, what were they thinking, asking you that? If anything, they should be giving you something to make up for their failure!
And... I actually live by the philosophy that hope springs eternal and can move mountains, sometimes it just fails me... thank you so much for reminding me, though TwT