a little bio of my deer ^^
bio under cut.
latest update : 8.april 2011
and it will be updated again soon ^^
"I am in the forest, or online if thats what you call it ^^"
T h o u g h t s :
"hmm, i think i need a makeover!.."
l o c a t i o n : Somewhere in the forest. may be close to the pond
A c t i o n s: Running around trying to socialize(?)
D i a r y O f T h o u g h t s :
8. april 2011 :
"hmm, i think i need a makeover!.. "
19. october 2010 :
"Daddy? Mommy? am i alone? where is my parents, do i even have parents?"
I n f o
she is now an adult deer , but accasionally changes back to a fawn ^^
P i c t o
~~~ (link is coming soon )
N a m e
New Answer :
" i still dont know what my name is, but i am trying to figure out what i shall call my self.. so many good names out there, wonder if i can find one that fits me."
Old Answer :
" my name? well , i actually dont got a name? i thought my parents should name me, but i dont have any parent, so well, i dont have a name yet?.. "
G e n d e r
New answer :
" i'm now a full grown doe
Old answer :
" i am a female,, or as you might call it - a doe. "
O r i e n t a t i o n
New answer :
"Straight ."
Old answer :
" well i actually dont know yet , "
B i r t h d a y
New answer :
"well i came to this place the 19. october 2010, and is now adult, but before this forest, i lived in the human's terretority(?) but well.. that belongs to the past. "
Old answer :
" my birtday is the 19. october, and i was born in year 2010 "
A g e
New answer :
" as i said before, i had a life before i came to this forest. but i rather not look at the past. so lets just say. i am an adult now ^^ "
Old answer :
" i am a newborn - fawn , but i can walk , and think , and so on, i just cant speek so well yet "
C o n d i t i o n
New answer : 98 % - healty
" im feeling very well at the moment
Old answer : 20 % - mental ill
" im very sad at the moment, since i cant find my parents, if i even got any.. "
M a t e
New answer :
" No one at the moment . "
Old answer :
"well i dont have a mate yet, cuz im way to young"
C r u s h
New answer :
" No one at the moment."
Old answer :
"i dont have a crush on anyone, cuz im to young to feel like that, i dont think on other fawns like that?"
F a w n s
New answer :
" no one yet, but i want one ^^ "
Old answer :
"im a fawn my self, and im really not old enough to give birth to a fawn!"
S p e c i e s
New answer :
"well, i might call my self for an "Endless deer"? but i dont know.. "
Old answer :
"species?? i dont know actually,, my species is unknown i guess?"
F a m i l y
New answer :
"i dont know my family. but i am looking forward to make my own little family ^^ "
Old answer :
" family!? that is kinda a long story, but to make it short, i dont know if i have any family? :/ im still trying to figure out who and what i am? and trying to find my family"
S p e e k s - I n
New answer :
"The color of my voice is pink, Pink as love <3 "
Old answer : cant talk yet, but thinks in
(the rest of the bio is not yet updated - accept the apperence)
L i k e s :
"i like alot of things , but my favorites is... "
Friends -
"well actually i dont know how it is to have a friend, but uhm.. its sounds like a good thing ^^"
Forest Magic -
"I like magic,, its sooo cool ^^"
the pond -
"I've noticed that most adult deers dosnt like the deep end of the pond. but most fawns love it?,, well it might be cuz adults are affraid of water??, i dont know oO"
the old oak -
"So warm and comftable ^^ a good place to sleep:) "
Flowers -
"Beautifull, i love to wear them at my head, they make me feel pretty ^^"
small animals -
"they are soo cute! ^^"
D i s l i k e s :
"well, its not becouse i dislike all theese things,, some of them is just scary ^^"
fog -
"im scared by the fog, its so scary!"
night -
"creepy things happens at night :O"
halloween -
"i think its scary cuz of all the zoombies and sceletons oO' "
Foes -
"actually, i dont know why i dislike foes? i never had one and i dont know how it feels to have one??"
Being Ignored -
"kinda annoying, if i try to communicate with someone and they just ignore me -.-' "
To Loose A Good Friend -
"i never had a friend, but i imagine that its not funny to loose a friend :/"
Lag -
"its so annoying! -.-' "
R e l a t i o n s :
(also called - friends, foes and so on xD if i forgot u ,, then write a comment ^^)
"relations? such a funny word ^^ well i dont have any friends at the moment or foes i hope . i dont have any family members , or atleast, i havent found them yet :/ "
(also called - friends, foes and so on xD if i forgot u ,, then write a comment ^^)
A p p e a r e n c e:
" at the moment, you might see me in the Zombie Pelt, Skull Mask and The Candle Antlers.. but when i get my makeover done, you'll see me in the Skull mask, Peacock feathers, and well i havent decided on a pelt yet... now i just have to find some helpfull deers.."
yes this is almost the same 'bio set up' as danny2610 / raigho's ,its cuz im danny2610 , and this is my new deer ^^
Coming soon - Updates, pictures, history and much more ^^
She sounds cute!
Awh *hugs*. Think my deer is
zeekii: thanks ^^ shamiya:
shamiya: right now she is at the ruins,, but she was at the pond some time ago, sleeping next to a mini deer ^^
dont know if it was u or? xD
my deer is a girl, she is a fawn , she has no name yet.
my other account is : danny2610
hm that one at the ruins was
sorry she was not very active.. i am busy right now |D
oh i thought i knew the
i thought i knew the picto xD
well its okay xD i was sleeping anyways
my deer is a girl, she is a fawn , she has no name yet.
my other account is : danny2610