Another kind of adoption (Non-TEF shortstory)

quadraptor's picture
I was given away. My original owner tired of me. I miss them, but I suppose not everything will last. They put me in a garbage bag with other things - old shoes, clothes, a couple of hats, some old books...other things they decided to part with. I sat there in the darkness of the bag, I was crying but they couldn't tell.

It's very feel unwanted.

I was taken to a thrift store with the other things they decided to get rid of. I felt them drop the bag there, speaking a few times with the workers at the store. Then I heard the car door close. That was the last time I ever heard their voice.

I was taken in, dumped out of the bag. The things were sorted, including me. I saw others, some were crying, others were badly injured. A few were glad to move on.

They cleaned me and stapled a price tag onto my ear. $1.99...that is my worth. I was worth so much more when they first bought me brand new. I guess that's the price of something used and abandoned.

They took me and some of the others inside the store. They placed me on a shelf, where many others were at. They were much more hopeful than those in the back area - they believed that any day could be their day to be adopted. One by one, I saw people walk by, a few looked at me, but were more interested in someone else. I watched the others picked up and placed into a shopping cart. I watched them as they were taken away to their new lives.

I let out a sigh, thinking about what things would be like, wondering if and when I'd be adopted. I had the same fear as the others with me, that I may be rejected, that I may be thrown away. I was thankful that my previous owners gave me this chance, but it was only a chance, not a guarantee.

Moments passed. I had begun to lose my hope when you came along. You looked at me for just a moment, and that was all it took. You picked me up, petted me, smiled at me. And then you put me into your cart. I rode along with the other things you had found and rescued. I looked up to you, and you can't tell how happy I am that someone cared for me.

I was paid for and you carried me in your arm out of the store. We rode in a car to your home, where you removed the price tag on my ear and placed me on your bed.

And from that moment on, I vowed to be your guardian. I would never let anything happen to you, and you would do the same for me. I was so thankful that we found each other.

Thank you for adopting me.


This story is dedicated to the many plush animals who wait at thrift stores for that certain someone to find them. I have had my share of 'adoptions', and they have proven to be some of my best friends, guardians, and inspirations.

If it wasn't for Victor, a goat plush I found at a thrift store, I never would have liked goats (and probably never would have made the transition to deer either). He continues to be one of my favorite finds. The deer and goat on my bed are always waiting for me when I get home, and this weasel plush inspired my evil villain, Iugulare, as a few examples.

So if you ever feel sad or lonely, take a trip to a thrift store (if one is available to you) and see if there's a plush animal waiting for you to take them home. It may be a life-changing choice.
trigger_mortis's picture

Quad this is lovely! I have a

Quad this is lovely! I have a few stuffed animals I've picked up at garage sales or thrift stores, and I know what you mean, they can be some of the most special. In particular, I love this big fat mouse that I found at a yard sale, wearing a waistcoat. He always makes me smile to see. Smiling
quadraptor's picture

I often wonder where some of

I often wonder where some of my stuffed animals came from and who owned them. Victor especially, I would like to know where he was sold originally, and why he was given to the thrift store where I found him at.

My latest find was a big doe plush (who I named Nekumbra after my spider-doe). So I have the same questions about her - where did she come from? Who owned her? Why did they decide to get rid of her?

Thanks for the comment.
trigger_mortis's picture

It's true, I often think that

It's true, I often think that about things in thrift shops: what their story was before coming here.

Actually, when I first read your story, what immediately came to mind was used books. I love going to used book stores and finding treasures there, and I think it's so neat when you find a note or bookmark or something similar inside. It makes me wonder who the person was that read this book before I did...did they enjoy it? were they a bookaholic like myself?

I really try to encourage people to shop at places with used things, it helps the environment, it saves on waste and money, and it gives you something to think about besides what you're purchasing.
Sypris's picture

This is so sad, but I feel

This is so sad, but I feel happy by the end. <3 I've never looked at plushies as adoption. It raises so many questions now.

I always think I'm the lucky one when I'm browsing and a plush catches my eye. I especially have a soft spot for lions and pokemon.

I adopted a lion tea pot? <3 it's kind of beautifully strange. I can't imagine who would want to give it up.
quadraptor's picture

I agree - going to a thrift

I agree - going to a thrift store is like an adventure on its own. You never know what you will find there.

Used books can be very rewarding finds - I've found a few that were signed by the author, and have found neat ones that I never would have looked for. Just the other day I found a little book at a thrift store that was entirely animal poems, and another that was an instructional book on yoga.

I tried to make this story a little vague so it would be perceived as anything in a thrift store. I'm glad to get the feedback on it.
trigger_mortis's picture

I definitely agree, you never

I definitely agree, you never know what you'll find at the used stores. Several of my absolute favourite books were ones that I just happened to pick up because they looked interesting!
bigcrow's picture

One of my favorite used finds

One of my favorite used finds is books. I have many that are over 100, and its fascinating to see all the little personal touches they leave behind... names written on the backs of covers, underlined sentences, dog-eared pages, sometimes dried flowers or other things left between pages... its like a mini-history of its previous owners.

I've also 'adopted' many plushes, some in thrift stores- a wolf I found when I was 6 is still a favorite- and some I just... found. I saw a raggedy little crow on the sidewalk once, no one to claim him in sight. After multiple washes, he's become a favorite. Smiling
Skitties's picture

This sums up perfectly the

This sums up perfectly the reason why I first fell in love with thrift stores! I've always had a stuffed animal obsession, but they can be so expensive that I would rarely feel like I could ask for one. Then I discovered thrift stores through my dad (who apparently has always been obsessed with them), and all the stuffed animals that they had, and I haven't looked back. Someday I'll have to post pictures of some of my many thrift store stuffed animals for you too see.

Anyway, thank you for posting this. I absolutely loved it. <3

Signature by Roo ♥