{...and without a name, she discovers...} (Terabetha, please look xD)

Hubalaboo's picture
Bumping for Terabetha to see.


Who is this interesting fellow, seeking me out and greeting me?
I can see that he seems like no ordinary deer, for his tail is long like a snake's... But I am thinking he is kind, to be sure.
A new friend!

These butterflies, how lovely they are. Though perhaps that is to be expected, for everything in this forest seems to be beautiful. But oh, what fun this is, romping about with a new friend! He tells me his name is Queze. Hum, Queze! A lovely name, to be sure.

What's this? A ring of mushrooms! Do faeries dwell here too? I have heard tales that if you step inside a faeryring and sleep within it, strange and magical things would happen. Of course, there being the possibility of something malicious happening, I feel little urge to test these tales.
I am curious, and as I inspect the faeryring, Queze is very confused. "I am a stranger to this forest," I explain to him.

Close nearby there is a large group of deer, frolicking and busily moving about. I watch them and I cannot help but feel that perhaps I am unwelcome, being a stranger and all. Queze, kind fellow that he is, invites me over to join the group, but I shake my head and plant myself down on the ground to watch. Queze comes over and sits with me even though he could have joined the group. Hum, how selfless! It is comforting not to have to sit alone, to be sure.

Hum! What is this?! What are those lights, shining abruptly, bright and blinding? And those loud sounds, almost melodious but far too strange to be music? Oh, horrors, what strange magic is that? And look! When a deer is touched by those lights, their antlers change! How is this possible? Are the lights faeries, or perhaps spells? Are those deer special deer, who have been blessed by the gods and given these powers to change others' antlers?
Queze, confused again of my fright, tries to reassure me, but I still shiver. Is this usual in this forest? Perhaps it is. But hum, it is odd, very odd indeed.

After the strongest fears subside, Queze and I are surprised by the appearance of a snow-white dove, fluttering above our heads. Hum, what a lovely little dove! I laugh at its antics and Queze laughs as well.
Playful, it leads us to the pond's banks, fluttering and circling. Curious, I trot up to it, wondering what it had led us here for.

All of a sudden, a strange stag appears before me. Well, I never! I shriek and bolt, running and running... I hear Queze calling out, alarmed, and I hear another sound of the bright lights...
Breathless, I stop at a clump of tall grass. I shiver, still afraid of the sudden appearance of that strange stag. Was that some sort of magic act, teleportation? Or had that stag been following us, invisible until then? I simply cannot understand it. But the poor dove, I'd left it behind... And Queze, too. Though I can scent him coming this way... I am slightly ashamed of my sudden running as I turn to face him, an apology on my lips...

To my surprise, there is no green-scaled deer there. There is only a small frog, croaking at my feet. Hum, but I am sure I had smelt my friend, not a frog! This was indeed, very strange. Was my nose going bad?...
Abruptly Queze is there before me in a puff of small blue smoke! I jump back, startled, and cannot help myself from running once again. Silly, a silly Hat Lady! But oh, this is far too strange for me to bear!

The Queze-like deer approaches me, confusion and worry on his face. I cower, afraid of this impostor, but he reassures me over and over that he is really Queze. I take a sniff at him, and yes, the smell is of Queze. So he had shape-shifted into a frog! Hum, how strange and magical! I can see there are still many, many things for me to discover here.
Still shaky from these recent events, I let myself be led to a curious cluster of stones. This seems to be a favorite place for my friend.

I am surprised by the fact that I can go through the stones, just like the trees! Hum, what a strange place this forest is! But it is a pleasant place if there is a friend with you.
Unfortunately my friend says he must go, and I am sad. Indeed, time passes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.

Hum... Perhaps it is time for me to sleep, as well. The day has been tiring. I wonder what dreams I will dream tonight...

{...and without a name, she dreams...}
Pegasicorn's picture

I know the picto. X] Hmm. I

I know the picto. X]
Hmm. I never thought of shape-shifting being scary. I don't even know if Bastilion was that startled. Probably shocked at least though..
Anyway, he wasn't sure why Hat Lady was showing fear to the group casting antlers. He thought it was because there was a group. ^^; I think he bowed from a distance?

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."

Baw xD I keep wondering if

Baw xD I keep wondering if the dove was Jareth...Hm. D'you remember what pelt/mask/antlers it had? D8 -curious!-

-- Dannii <3
Pegasicorn's picture

I think the dove was Yorres.

I think the dove was Yorres. I saw him fly by then. |D

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Hubalaboo's picture

lD Yeah, the dove was

lD Yeah, the dove was Yorres. Sorry, Yorres! D8

Pega: Haha, that's fine. The only reason I blur her picto in the pictures and refrain from revealing it to the public is because she can't remember her name.
I recognized Bastilion in the group :3 Yeah, she was mainly showing fear to the spellcasting... Maybe he bowed, I can't remember D:

Dannii: lol thanks <33 It was Yorres... xD;

|D FFF -fail- cB I figured

|D FFF -fail- cB I figured it'd probably be someone else anyway since I haven't played Jareth in a while, and I think he may have seen The Hat Lady, but not Queze...So yeah |DDDD Anyway, I love your writing, hurrhurr.


-- Dannii <3

Aw I can't believe I didn't

Aw I can't believe I didn't see this sooner!
I'm glad you bumped it however, I always love hearing about Queze through someone else's character! He was so intent on your deer having a good time, lol he remembers when he was new to The Forest and all seemed strange and unsure. Smiling


Hubalaboo's picture

Heheh, thank you. He was

Heheh, thank you. Smiling He was very nice to her, I'm glad they met. Yes, everything's very strange to her at the moment, as her old forest didn't have real magic, only tales of them.