Oi, Coom on then!
Move your bloomin' tussles!
Walk fyeulish lil hinny
As W' go doon the forest
To see the Great Bartleby
Howway! Howway!
The Master can't wait.
To see your new coat
To take ya to his hyem
To use ya as bait
So coom on!
W' serve him weel, ya?
He is Noot our marrer
He is our mazer! Great Bartleby!
W' bird, wee hinny, noot 'they'!
Sexual Orientaion?
Are ya off ya rocker?!
Servants to woor Master!
Debit and Credit, two crows born with strange coloring. Born without names, as all animals are, until they were taken up by the Great Bartleby. The Great Bartleby gave them names, yes? Just like him, just like 'they'. The bird were happy, for they loved their Master. Their Master is good... kind... wonderful... magnificant...
another track
Very cute ^^
Track ^_^
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(No subject)
I will admit, this is
I found some screenshots of
Hope you like it. =)
Spyrre - You kidding me?
I don´t know, somehow
Pfff I LOVE the way they