1 year! 8D

squeegie's picture
I've been on TEF for one year now. WOO! ;D -throwsglitterandhappythingslol-

Yayyay. <3 c;
fayne's picture

WOOHOO anniversaries. c:

WOOHOO anniversaries. c: -cheerswith!-
Verdalas's picture

Happy anniversary! ^^

Happy anniversary! ^^
squeegie's picture

;D Thanks guys!

;D Thanks guys!
Her's picture

Geez it feels like so much

Geez it feels like so much longer! xD <3 -CONFETTI!-
Echee's picture


ZOMG!!! MEEKKKKK YEAH! Laughing out loud
Paralda's picture

lD congrats!!!! <] thanks

lD congrats!!!!

<] thanks you, Quamar!
Pegasicorn's picture

8D Yay! --- The Dragonfly

8D Yay!

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
Kinsmate's picture

Congarts on staying this

Congarts on staying this long!
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world