«[Biøgraphy of Roan]»
March 27, 2010 - 2:26am — Rhamar nao k?

My name is Roan. A variant of Rowan, it means "little red-head".
I am a male deer, commonly called a stag.
I once roamed the marshes and hills of Central Scotland. I used to call Loch Voil my home.
I am 5 years old- young blooded, hot headed, and rearing to go.
I am a member of the Cervus elaphus family. Commonly called a Red Deer.
I have no mate nor lover, nor do I have interest in pursuing one anytime soon.
In-Game Appearance
Real Deer Pelt with Tan Belly, Real Deer Mask, Default Antlers
Physical Appearance
Medium height for a young adult. Broad chested and strong limbed. Has medium sized five tine antlers that sprout from his skull. Drops them every other year to regrow a new set of antlers. Long legs and fairly long tail. Squared muzzle and deep, expressive green-gray eyes. Has several scars and scratches on legs from hocks down due to barbed wire incidents. A few faint scars here and there on his rump, withers, and neck along with a very small circular shaped one behind his right elbow. Left ear is split into a 'v' at the top- also due to barbed wire. Can occasionally be seen with moss and grasses hanging from his antlers.
Out of Forest Reference
Personality and Behavior
Portrayed Realistically
Playful but extremely shy
Somewhat naive to the wrong
Optimistic- "Glass Half Full" mindset
Usually very quiet around strangers
May occasionally over-react to a situation
Can sometimes be found in the Birch Forest
Warms up quickly and can be a handful at times
Loves to run- races, games, everything counts for him
Very close to good friends, sometimes consoles to them
Enjoys sitting about and watching the forest around him
Tolerates and endures things rather than giving up and whines
Prone to episodes of complete and utter bliss - extremely hyper
Wants to be something bigger than himself- but is afraid of the outcome
Relations with Others
Virgil - Good Friend
Kaoori - Acquaintance
Takeshi - Curious
Red deer
Links & Info
br7bkv6xrkx Red Deeeer!
You have my track, the forest needs moar Reds! ;D
Thank you both for your
Really? I wasn't too sure on the idea- since it seems like there are a lot of Reds here to begin with c:
Well, the TEF default antlers
Keep going~
Links & Info
Well, there are four active
They're a beautiful species, though. <3
Cool! Would anyone mind if I
Would anyone mind if I used the red deer looking set?
I'm not sure what it's called...
Roan has his own unique physical appearance anyway, so he's different out-game I hope.
Use any set you'd like dear!
Looking forward to seeing what Roan looks like. <3
Virgil would be happy to meet Roan, I'm sure! What does your picto look like?
Here is Roan's picto ^^ I
I quit the forest several months ago (I think it was in late September?) because my computer wouldn't run it right. Recently, however, I've gotten a new one- and it runs like a beauty!
ohmygosh I noticed your picto
We'll definately keep an eye for you. <33
Thank you! You're very
I'll be sure to keep an eye out for Virgil and Three too! I hope to meet them both!
Hey! Sorry I didn't notice
It's a pleasure to meet you, Virgil! I'm sorry, but I have to go eat dinner now. I'll be back on later!
Thank you, Fudge!
I'll keep an eye out for you.
Links & Info
I think I saw you earlier
Kaoori's a rather tiny thing out game, red deer kind of dwarf her. xD
Oh that's fine, 3, I don't
Kaoori- Oh? I think I saw you in that mushroom circle...?
yep! She was in the mushroom
Kaoori- Was it chasing you?
Links & Info
ROFL, it took me a minute to
Okay! I entered the forest
I entered the forest and POOF! All of a sudden Roan is sitting next to a bunch of random deer xD
Well hello ~ Tracking
Tracking <3
Hello to you too! Thank you
I think I saw Roan race by
I'll keep an eye out for him the next time. He seems interesting. <3
You might have! I'm mostly
Thank you!
Alright! Another Red deer!
Beautiful biography! Aleit and the gang will be keeping their eyes open for you!
Hope to see you in-forest soon! 8D!
Thank you! I hope I get to
He seems like a really nice
This is coming out really nice.
Thanks! I think I owe a lot
I think I owe a lot of it to Neopets, at the moment xD
Without petpages this would be very blah and boring xD
Dajhi is looking forward to
Then Roan is looking forward
You're all so nice here! I've never seen a community like this!
I'm a bit confused by his
I haven't fixed that yet. I'm
(: Tracking.
Thank you,
Pegasicorn- I'm not following the real life standards as far as his antlers go. I imagine him having a full rack at a young age, so that's how I describe him. It works for me, but thank you for asking. It helps to clear things up a bit (:
Ah, alright. I wasn't sure if
A little bit yes, but I want
I appreciate your insight though!
Ahh.. Roan.. I just had SO
Remember this deer??
She had bunches of fun with you. Lani would love to get to know Roan more!!
Marriage is a relationship where one is the husband and the other is always right.
Eeee I love this guy already!
Track ^^
Yay a new red deer
Thank you, Mrs.Halloween,
You're comments are greatly appreciated!
I'm glad somebody knew the
This bio looks lovely!
Thank you, Ocean!
Ahhh stunning biography, I
Thank you too, Kahara! Roan
Roan is happy to make new friends ^^
Comment edit
Hey that's very nice of you