
[ Pale Dawn ]

SimoSimo's picture

{Warriors Never Show Their Wounds}

Mental: 100% Physical: 60% (recovering) Emotional: 90%

Oh baby Kiara I'm so sorry....You know those things happened for a reason.Maybe for a reason your father decided that it's better for us to not have a child. I don't know where you are or how you are, I just want to let you know that I love you and if I could have all the possesions in the world, I would just give them up, just so I can feel your more time....

Baby is growing very fast, Simo already started to wean her but she struggles because Kiara starts to ask for breast milk, a lot. The young doe starts to lose her mental energy because of this draining experience. Her husband is always by her side and never leaving her for anything, even with this is hard to raise her child to a resonable weight to survive the winter.

Just gave birth, it was a tiring experience but Simo some way could manage to do it with the help of her mate,Tequilla who was there by her side, encouraging his soul mate to push harder. The birth occured in silence of her family. Not a single stranger or friend interupted this magical moment.

[ Dark Sun ]

tashi infor

name: tashi
age: 1 year
b-day: 12-10
species: chiru/tibetan antelope

tashi meaning to his name is Happiness, prosperity, auspicious.
Apeldille's picture

Occasional Visitors - Iain

OnyxOryx's picture

No Dream {Malo} Is Too Big

OnyxOryx's picture

Ruaidhri The Red King

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