
adderskin's picture


Yeah I know there is no ACTUAL picture but it's related so yeah...

Can anyone suggest a good deer drawing tutorial kind of website?
kovah's picture

Example sketch

Sketch for - http://endlessforest.org/community/snowrift who won it Smiling

I'm offering these for $5

You get the high resolution digital file when its done.
EmberWolf's picture

Art Trade for Rell

Thanks for trade art Smiling This is art for you.Now you can post art for me Smiling

Its too in transparent Eye
Lyeekha's picture

My First Group Picture Ever

I thought you might like to see the 'Doodle Page' in my school logbook. ^__^

CLICK HERE for cropped image

So yeah. The first time ever I've drawn all my *cough*main*cough* deer and myself all in once place! Group picture ftw! Finished it today! I am very happy right now. c:
It has been done solely at school, during lessons and breaktimes alike. It has taken about a week or so. Of course, this is a scanned image, with my scanner which is horrible and likes to fade the colours in all the wrong places and change random bits about and generally ruin the whole thing. I will be taking a photo some time in the future, to see if that's any better.

I wonder, can anyone name them all? O.O
Redkora's picture

Harvest Moon Forest Gathering - Twin Gods Will Be In Attendance!

If Io Rez has a poster for this too, he should post it! Sticking out tongue

Here is what Houston time is around the world.

Sorry for bumping this, but I just got word that the Twin Gods will be there (unless they're panicking before the release of Fatale)! Yippie!

Time: 2:00 PM Houston Time
Location: The Playground (rock formation in the Birch Forest)
What to wear: Anything, including nothing!
Activities: Dancing, sitting, running around, and just having fun.

I may not be able to attend, but I want everyone to have fun! It will go on as long as it needs to. Eye
quadraptor's picture

Just for Pega

A dragonfly I took some pics of a week ago.

Another picture.

And this last one is terrible quality but I had to post it!

That....is a dragonfly head tilt!

Enjoy Pega (and everyone else) Eye
dayne's picture

My dA avatar.

Not TEF related, but I'm proud of it, so I thought I'd post it. click the picture for my dA

My fursona, Sablekat. Being her fat, sleepin' self.
Rainflower's picture

Random fawn(Third repost is the charm e-e)

Yep yep, I drew something ='D

And then I shaded it =3
No where near as fail as I expected it to be ^-^

Oops, typo in the title X3
Lyeekha's picture

My Dybbuk Competition Entry!

Here y'are!

I know it's a bit complex, but, eh, that's just what I do, I can't help it. ^_^; The individual patterns for each colour is really simple, but layered together it looks complex (a technique I use a lot).

Also, I always though the head was a skull, so I made it a skull (and then painted the jaw blood-red), hope you don't mind.

I saved it as an interlaced PNG file, so if you save it, then you should be able to see the layers on something like Photoshop. Just in case you want to.
Tuhka's picture

Who stole mah cookies?

Sketch/doodle a day keeps Quamar happy, it seems.
Random deerbeast thing looking for his precious cookies.
Legs fails, like always. Needs moar practice.

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