ik heb geen idee hoe ik dit gebruiken (and i don't know how to speak dutch)

Aru's picture
i made this a few days ago procrastinating, like i am, right now, despite having some resits for exams in about two days from now. it's a little harpy chick and i will draw some more of them when i have the time Ooh

there is more available on my artfol too (over on my profile if all has been linked well) and i am writing something with my partner. we havent released the masterdoc for the species and the like but here are a few snippets of something else if you'd like to see:

how it will be laid out on discord

unrelated but i dont like making more than one post unless the audience comprises solely of me and my muse;

i wish i knew how to format things... i want a pretty profile thingamabobythingo. IDK how to use HTML. i recently gave brith to a baby deer got a new little deer on the forest so i want to start drawing my deer again too. i was very young when my first one came about and im not sure if i want to keep the design or try to freshen things up, but it is some 10 year old nostalgia. anyways id like to do some more related to mixture (the name of the story/world where this little harpy comes from). or mengsel, because i like dutch, but i think i might be overdoing it with "i found out what duolingo was and i am now obsessed with a language".