Ziros's blog

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Arashi no Yoru Ni - That one stormy night

I thought I should share this beautiful movie with the others here. Even though it has nothing to do with deer or Tef, it inspired me in many ways. The lovely dub-team, that redubbed it in english, should be coverd in lovely flowers of thanks.

That one stormy night

What I personally love about it's story, is that it has a message very close to Kimba the white Lion, which I also adore in many ways. It even has the same style Osamu Tezuka (Kimbas inventor "the manga god") loved to use, those little comical and not so realistic behaviours or expressions of the characters and still a way of bringing the sad and dramatic parts over, without ruining them.

Just give it a look, I'd love to here your thoughts to it.
Ziros's picture

Ziros Bio


Gender: Male

Age: unknown, but loves acting as if was still a fawn

Looks: White pelt with black markings on back, tail, ears an legs, also some red dots. Flowers are hung in his antlers, and a red marking is over his right eye.

Picto: "Y on a hill" or also called "The stag overviewing"

Likes: Light Areas, Dancing and hopping around, having fun with other Deer, Flowers, Butterflies and all those pretty little animals out there

Dislikes: Fights, spooky places, to many fawns at one spot, bloodytear masks

Short description:
Ziros is a fun loving deer, who wishes the world to be a friendly, happy place to live in, for all creatures. His favorite spots are the playground and the birch forest, he loves rolling around in the gras, looking for pretty flowers or watching the forest animals go their daily way of life. If a deer catches his attention, he can be quite clingy though.... who knows, it could be a possible new friend....
Somtimes it can happen that he totally forgets what he was just doing and he'll simply run off, searching for something new to do.
Even though he tries hard to accept everyone the way they are, it can happen that he gets frightend of deer with the bloodytear mask or when to many fawns gather up on one place.

*will be updated soon*
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