If anyone knows how to move to a new house, add new characters, or anything else, please tell me. XD I has no clue.
Now some Dark/Lagho/Bast randomness.
Sneaking off to steal from the neighbors gardens.
Dark exlains the best way to clean the counter.
Pedo smile Bast? 8X *hides from fork*
Dark wanted to rob these women's garden. |D But they were awake.
For lack of better words "Watch this!"
So they had this HUGE diamond! ... but they 'lost' it.
Bastilion decided to take Dark to the park... They start to talk, then Dark runs off to mooch off this family for their hot dogs. X'D
And there's this.
Equillevent to a friendly spar guys?
"Where'd you stash the giant diamond?"
Intimidating GLARE. 8D
More Dark being cute with Lagho.
"She's on to me!" *runs*
NO. The rut starts NEXT month. *beats with shoe, and looses hand and shoe*