Wohlerbear's blog

Cole's picture

Exploring with Seed, Learning the Ways

Later on in the day Cole woke up and wandered around, romping through the river. Eventually, he bumped into Seed and went on an adventure!

Seed taught Cole how to walk on water! Afterwards, they rested on the surface for a bit.

After many attempts (and some help from a third deer, whom I don't know :/ ), Seed taught Cole how to sit on the log!

Later he showed Cole how to change pelts and masks (after trying MANY masks on) and how to turn RED!

After frolicking in the playground, jumping on rocks, they laid down in a flower bed and Seed went to sleep. Shortly after, Cole did too...

Cole's picture

The New Fawn In Town!

So today began the life of Cole the deer (Wohlerbear), awakening in the forest. New to the forest, Cole explored for quite a while until he came across a group near the pond. They were prancing about and having fun, and in turn that made the newly awakened fawn joyous as well, causing him to frolic too!

After resting from all the excitement Cole heading around the pond where a congregation of fawns and several stags was growing. It soon broke out into a DANCE PARTY! (Cole is the one rearing on his hind legs)

Afterwards Cole trotted around and ran into a friendly fawn, and proceeded to turn the fawn blue! Following that the two hung out for a while with flowers on their heads, and then had a mask party!
(If the fawn spoken about sees this, please post a message, you were fun! ^_^ )

Pretty soon more had shown up to join the party and turn each other white. It was a blast!

Exhausted from all the activites, Cole laid down on the bridge, still bearing his last mask, and rest till he would return to the joyous frolicking once more...

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