stephi201's blog

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how do you move while your laying down

how do you move while your laying down?

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light bringer thingey

can i be one?Question? pretty please?Question??
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right this isnt important but what day is halloween? *gives out ghost shaped cookies*
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Phase 1

How can I get phase 1 I mean yeah i realy wanna be a grey deer with brocken antlers

so if anyone could tell me where to get it id realy apreciate it and so will savannah! (my minnie doe)

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nobody listens to stephi!!!!!!!!

my doe REALY wants to have the following:skull mask,the grey dead deer coat and hunter as a buddy cos they both eat fawns

NOTE TO ALL:WILL GIVE A REWARD!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!!the following rewards(please choose yours!):FAWN HEADS,MONEY,NUZZLES OR A MATE(mate only applide to STAGS) ok? rememer you are choosing!
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what my doe looks like

i cant post pics cos i dont know how but,ill do my best to describe her looks,

she wants to have the real deer fur but,she likes emmy`s idea of the pelt.she has an unknown pelt cos while i was exiting a fawn cast a spell on her she has the doe antlers and the real deer mask
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my deer 1

i only have 1 deer (wierd) anyways my doe errr well ill start with her story then well she was born in captivaty she was tout how to sing but one stormy night she heard thump thump thump and at the same time she was tipped over three time.the wind was blowig her away and now everything is a big blur forever she was half blind!at first she banged into everything but she got used to it as she got older and wandered for miles and that how she came to TEF.k now if you see her roaring on her own that means shes singing k?

DEER NAME:savannah

LIKES:the pond,fawns,nuzzles and Jen

DISLIKES:stags when they are angry,falling into the pond and scary deer

WANTS TO HAPPEN:become a minnie,to get the halloween set,see one off you guys in TEF

^_^ ^_^ ^_^
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