SpringSong's blog

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Sorry, for my break~

My computer died, so we had to get a new one!

Sorry~ for leaving without a farewell, but now I can get back into the forest~!

Laughing out loud
Spring Song's picture


It's raining here and in the Forest! Jsut thought that was cool. Sticking out tongue
Spring Song's picture

Count Down~

I'm coutning down to my doe day~! It will be in 11 days, which is on the 21st~ this month of course.
I can't wait!

Oh, and it will be at 7:39 AM!

10 days!

... 9 days!

8 days!

7 days!


5!!! Now the count down really is on!


3 =D ... Getting closer!

2 days!!!! Even more closer!

1 day!Exclaim
Spring Song's picture


Twilight a great novel is now a movie! Sorry, but I loved the book and I'm so excited it's a movie now! IF you don't know what the book is I'll summerise it in eight words a girl is in~love with a vampire. That's all I'm saying, kay?

Anyways, I'm so excited!
Spring Song's picture

My ideas

Well, I have some ideas some might be hard or impossible to put ingame but I need to share them!

Okay a cool shapeshifting spell would be a butterfly! It would be absolutley wonderful to see some butterflies flying around and to be able to be one!

That's pretty much now but there will be more!
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