Behind my smile is a hurting heart. Behind my laugh, I'm falling apart. Look closely at me and you will see, the girl I am...isn't me.
xx. J e a lous
xx. Str a n g e
xx. Mel a n c holy
xx. Un pre d i c t a b l e
xx. D e f y ing
xx. S tub b o r n
xx. Sens i ti v e
xx. L o y a l//;? no.
xx. //;?|stop.!
[right]Thin, sick looking .xx
Large, distant/sick looking pale blue eyes .xx
Has a strange gait .xx
Female .xx
Longer fur .xx
Two peacock feathers entwined in her fur, behind her left ear .xx
Magpie Pelt .xx
Skull faced .xx