Name: Yuki
The meaning of the name:
The name means, in the literal sense, through valuable reasoning, the chronicle of happiness ring like bells through the deepest of snows.
Gender: Doe
D.O.B: Nov. 2nd, 2008
Orientation: Straight.
Mate: Dae Su
Friends: Yuki's alone in the world right now.. but Dae Su keeps her company. He may seem like a monster, but all living beings have hearts no matter how dark they may be.
Personality: Stubborn would be a perfect word to describe Yuki. She's very strong willed and independent, needing nothing from the world around. An apt pupil, with a niche for everything she does and determination rivaled only by herself. However, her one weakness is an empty space in her heart--waiting to be filled. Loving Yuki is very difficult and puzzling. A major part is trust. If her mate doesn't trust her, her heart along with the bond is like the yolk of an egg, fragile, and ready to break. However, if trust can be gained, a bond of unconditional love will form, and the binding of souls will be completed.
Appearence: Since she's so young right now, she doesn’t have any.
Extra: -
Signature Saying:
"The future is predetermined by those who shape it."