satruna's blog

Satruna - Wandering through a strange new land towards hope...

Hail, fellow deer!

My name is Satruna (Taylor). I'm an ecocentric writer, naturalist and artist from the UK. I recently discovered The Endless Forest and have swiftly fallen in love, though I haven't played much yet. If interested, I created a video on my YouTube channel Thitherword, which captures my first experiences in the game:

I'm looking forward to learning more about this wondrous world and meeting new people. Indeed, I've not felt so enthusiastic about an online game since I entered Azeroth (World of Warcraft) in 2006, when I was only thirteen. Though I don't play anymore, the time I spent as a Night Elf shaped my life so completely that I eventually went on to write about these changes for the ecocentric journal The Ecological Citizen, of which I'm now a part. I have even made the other editors of the journal aware of TEF. From what I've read and played of TEF, I have great respect for the developers' ethos of wonder, mystery, silence and adventure.

My deer shares his name with an enigmatic being who takes the shape of a deer in my fantasy world-building project.

About me:
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