Pegasicorn's blog

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Antics 11-6 and 7-09

First half is Scape, second half is Toukan.

You guys came out of nowhere. |D

This fawn who kept getting the same mask as Scape cast on them was cool. I was wondering who they were, found out, then forgot again. |D I think Snail plays them?

It's a Seed! =D

And a giant Nerri butt!

Pegasicorn's picture

Antics 11-1 and 2-09 [Mini-Abios = image heavy]

This has mostly screenshots from the mini-Abios I caught Sunday and Monday, so expect a good amount of them. |D

Spade finally saw a Twin God and some Abio action. =D

Those candles were awesome.

XD Had to.

And now let's all tease Bastilion. 8]


All Soul's Day.
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Antics 10-17 to 31-09

Not as bad this time, despite the time gap. Only 18. More tomorrow, as there were quite a few taken today, which need a separate entry. |D
Since these start on the 17th, I don't remember what was happening for half of them that well anymore. |D The pics will do the talking, except for a few that need captions.

Zombie-sitting: Attempt 1 - FAIL.

Attempt 2 - SUCCESS.

Wondering who the stag on the right is. ..and hoping they didn't think Blue was a doe. |D

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(Don't mind the shirt. I just wear crappy clothes at home. XD; )

(I need to cut my claws nails. |D)

QUAD, YOU'RE EVEN MORE AWESOME. 8D *sends long distance nuzzles* XD
Pegasicorn's picture

Antics 10-16-09 [image heavy]

Wow. So many screenshots from one day alone. I think I took a ton like this last year, too. XD Played a bit of "musical chairs" with my deer too. Plan to do that again when the BZD comes back (if he's not back already). Except for Blue. He was freaked out by the festivities last year; he's freaked out this year. |D

Mr. BZD seems to be having a little wardrobe problem.

I kicked in Scape, grabbing the DotD set data I have to get the zombie set over it. First thing I hear as soon as it loads up? The call of a giant zombie.

To the Twin Gods hill!

Nice breath.

After yelling at the people in the Forest (literally yelling at the screen >>; ) who were crowding the BZD even after all the blogs on here asking people not to do that, I finally (barely) managed to get the zombie set over the DotD data.
Poof Scape went.
And in went the ninja again. I forced him to go to Quamar's Zombie Party. He hated me for that. XD At first at least...

He soon got over it. *pokes the ninja* Be social, darn it.

That works.
It's the Epic danceline! 8D I counted 20 deer at one point. Bet there were more.

Ok, so he still felt awkward being in a group, so he hung near the back at the Playground.

When don't I attempt closeups? XD
Pegasicorn's picture

Today's Party

To mark the end of the Rut and show there was no hard feelings between any participants, a celebration was held.
It started with a dance at the Ruins, went on to Simon Says, then a group run, and finally some more dancing at the Pond. If there was anything else after that, I don't know, for I basically checked out then. XD
The first shot I have has nothing to do with the party, but it's what Toukan was up to before it.

Almost like they're mirroring each other.

Alright, now here's the party shots. Enjoy.

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Antics 10-2 to 11-09 [image heavy]

I'm still bad about posting these. |D And there's going to be a separate entry after this for the party that was today.

Toukan spent time with Hyacinth. It was snowing then.

Yes, Toukan. That is your clone. (This happened after I decided to get the perma-devout pelt.)

This fawn has an epic picto. Doesn't it look like a deer with butterfly antlers? =D

They were also cute.

I forced Spade to the Harvest Moon Festival. X] He didn't stay long though, cuz he got bored and no one seemed to notice him. |D

Sitting by Toxic when he wasn't feeling well.

Then I saw Sluggs on. Hadn't seen him on in a long time, so I had to run over there and switch to Scape. =]

The almost-pictos clones Sluggs and Fay met. Laughing out loud
Pegasicorn's picture

Antics 9-20 to 30-09

Not as much of an overload as last time, but still a good chunk of time. |D Would have tonight and last night's screenshots too, but Photobucket decided to stop letting me edit after I uploaded those. >> So they'll be another time. (Ironic how they're October shots and these are all September shots.)

First one is linked cuz it's a closeup of Wesker, Tally, and Kaoori. XD I switched to png for this so it's good quality.

It's not easy trying to jump over someone on the pond, let alone get a screenshot of it. Closest I got to both. XD;

Everyone go "Awwww". 8D One of the rare shots of Bastilion's I'll post here.

But of course there must be silliness.


Touori? *kick'd*

We're all a bunch of tree huggers here.

Richter met Athere. =] I suspected this was ocean's formerly secret deer at the time.

I feel I should know who the nightfall pelt-wearing deer is, but can't recall their name.
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Antics 9-19-09

Could it be I'm actually posting an entry for a single day? o.o Gasp?
Wonder if I can write this out a little more detailed this time...

Toukan woke up by the pond, where he'd decided to doze off the other night. There was no one around he knew though, so he wandered for a bit, steadily growing bored.
Until he found Kaoori at the pond, having just appeared there. He had a blast acting silly with the emotes with her, pretending to freak out or act scared, and combining actions with sniff.
Riptail ventured over to the pond for a bit, looking apprehensive at the deer there. Kaoori was able to approach him eventually. A few more deer arrived, and it got a little bit crazy. Rip seemed unable to take the amount of deer around him after Toukan carefully approached and bowed, and took off after returning the sign of respect. Toukan wasn't sure what to make of this, but figured he might be able to go up to the shy stag another time.
Things got somewhat crazier then.

I later learned the gray deer with secretary bird antlers is Andras.

The green deer joins the sitting.

Driving this log-mobile.
Sat around for a bit in the pond (after seeing Virgil go crazy |D). I looked away from the Forest for a minute, heard some fawn moos so looked back out of curiosity, and...

Where'd you guys come from??? o_o I swear those fawns were ninjas.
And almost as quick as they appeared (after dancing), they were on their way. XD;
Pegasicorn's picture

Antics 9-13 and 18-09 [image heavy]

I'm not really procrastinating for once. 8D I have screenshots for 2 days only. But it seems the lack of screenshots for most of the week was made up for by my finger turning lead tonight. >>; Well..first the ones from the 13th.

"Leaf" fawn (aka the fawn with the leaf floating over them Laughing out loud ) was following Blue around for a bit. They were nice. =] And the fawn on the right seemed bipolar. O.o "Rar! D8< *taunt lower "antlers"* ...I like you. =D *nuzzle*" <-went something like that. |D
I threw Kinsha in later for the heck of it. There was almost no one around. Until Bayleen found him at the Ruins. I was hoping he could become friends with her, but I was reading she's going to be gone soon, so there goes that. =( He needs to make more friends...
Then a few more deer found the socially awkward "ninja".

I recognize Mute, but I don't know who the other stag with the secretary bird pelt or the fawn are.

Seeya Mute.
Then when Kinsha wandered down to the pond finally (he usually does when he first wakes up), a nameless fawn seemed to be a bit attached to him.

Laughing out loud More awkward moments.

Ok, now for tonight. Prepare for a sea of screenshots.
I originally had Radeon in, as I wasn't feeling like running around or being hyper in the Forest, but that plan got nixed when I saw Seed and Iaurdagnire coming closer. After they came up and greeted Radeon, only to head to the Crying Idol (that Radeon had walked away from), I decided, "He's gonna be naked, but oh well. Scape time!"
The insanity that followed:
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