PANTERA0908's blog

PANTERA0908's picture


Rabbit name: Thumper

Status : 99,9.

Age: Young

Gender: Unknown

Mate: no


I was a little scared at the last time.
I've probably got used to the environment and is not averse to fully explore the forest.
Slightly made friends, sometimes I sleep for a long time.

PANTERA0908's picture

Bio Jess

•Deer name: Jess •
•Status : 99,9.
•Age: young•
•Mate: no\???
•Kind of deer:Mazama americana
•Jess loves:•

•To sleep on tops•
•To drink water warm•
•Likes to be together•
•Likes to have fun•
•Loves the friends•
•Loneliness silence hidden cat.•
to sleep long.•
•Doesn't love•
•Doesn't love malicious deer•
•Doesn't love treachery•
•Doesn't love fights•
•I do not love a male a deer who brings together round itself many females.•
•Version 3.31|



 Never A little weird, but I consider him a friend.

 emirel Liked the character, loved her company.

 Pica cute baby familiarity

 Rumen familiarity

 Random, a passerby.

 Ayri Aura, a good friend.not present in the network.

•ignore• Arrow

 stupid creature Arnold

 Karegan, dead deer.

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