Kanaquil's blog

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Here he is, my sweet little dumbbumb.

He gets surprised when he comes across someone wearing his picto... and tends to get quite confused and upset about it. Although, this time he seems to be taking it pretty well.

Quills enjoys dancing... in fact he enjoys doing it so much that he simply can't resist the temptation of joining in if he happens to see someone else doing it. XD Sadly he doesn't know the name of any of these other deer, though he often plays 'look alike' with the deer on his right. [Who are you anyway????]

Quills also enjoys dressing like a doe... sometimes a little to much since he carries those stubby antlers around in reserve almost everywhere he goes. ;p Here is a prime example of why I call him dumdumb. XD

Quills is also, occasionally, stupidly brave. This image pretty much speaks for itself. XD XD XD

If you ask him about it, he'll deny it. ;p

Quills being his usual self. He's here his new friend Sprite[?], playing the ever popular 'copycat' game. He's very easily amused, and enjoys walking backwards just because he thinks it's fun... XD
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