Jared's blog


Laughing out loud I'm with Twenty One (I think its her...) at the Playground XD Care to join us? If you come along please describe your picto and say your name 83

Jared's Bio

Name: Jared
Gender: Stag
Age: Fawn
Appearance: Colourful pelts, and occasionally a mask
Most used mask: Real-deer
Most used pelt: Purpleish
Most used antlers: None
Personality: Jared is a young and adventurous deer. He loves the company of others, but is terrified of stags and deer with huge antlers - other than Quamar. He adores Quamar, as he was the first deer he met ^_^ If he does the "fear" action, just nuzzle him or be friendly. Beware - he may run away. As long as a doe is with him, he won't be too afraid of stags, but will stay nearby the doe.
Enemies: None.
Favourite places: By the pond or the Ruins
Least favourite place: The Playground
Favourite pastime: Playing with fawns
Least favourite pastime: Playing with stags
Pictogram: A circle with three "sticks" through it.
Common behaviour: Fear action, nuzzling, rearing, etc
Least common behaviour: Fighting, being alone

^_^ I think you'll like him
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