Harigeo's blog

Harigeo: The Bio

N A M E:
Harigeo (Hari)
[pronunciation: Haa-RIDGE-ee-oh]
P I C T O:
Concentric circles with a squiggly in the middle and a big "M" that goes through the bigger circle.
Think "OoM~" or "MOo~"... whichever works. :3
A G E:
Young adult (19-20 if he were a human)
G E N D E R:
A P P E A R A N C E:
Long-stag is long. He has long fur, long ears, a long tail, long legs, and a long face. His build is slim, but he was wiry muscles and moves swiftly and silently. He has large, soulful copper eyes and a gaunt, but aristocratic face, with a defined jawline and a slightly aquiline nose.
S E T:
Real Deer Pelt
Real Deer Mask (his face)
Default Antlers w/ Poppies or Hyacinths
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
In general, Hari is very quiet and only talks when he feels like talking (and shuts up when he doesn't). He can be shy and tends to keep his distance from large crowds unless he's with an acquaintance or a friend. Still, there are times when he is charming and has an odd but fleeting charisma about him. He is a loyal, dedicated friend.
Q U I R K S:
* He doesn't eat much, but sometimes it seems like he eats constantly. Maybe he's just blessed with a ridiculously high metabolism.
* He tries to pay his respects to the Twin Gods every day, as a ritual.
* He's addicted to 'shrooms, man!!! ...not really. He just likes mushrooms... a lot.

And this is how he talks. :3

Friends (acquaintances = *, friends = **, close friends = ***)
Noel(le) *

Enemies (annoyances = !, rivals = !!, bitter enemies = !!!)
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