Fuchs's blog

[Hey....! Hey you!] . Fuchs' Diary . [Come here!]


I didn't manage to get screenies of all the awesome deer Fuchs hung out with today :/ if anyone knows their deer did I'd appreciate it if you said something~---

[I dream of a place....]. FUCHS .


-- Doesn't have a set sexuality.
-- Mini | Skull | Magpie feathers
--Used to be an arctic fox
-- 20/01/10
--Of German descent
-- About quarter the size of a normal deer.
-- A Grey/white Musk deer

-- Doesn't have a set sexuality
-- White/black hair, long & curly with grey eyes, tanned with a whitish scar up her lip.
-- 4"11 | 4st
-- Works in a car garage and lives with parents.
--Of German descent
-- Usually dressed in cargo pants and strapless shirts with large boots.
-- Has a jack russell terrier

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