freesoul02's blog

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1 question

well every time i get close to a deer this circle of light appears around us so i'm just asking what does it mean?
freesoul02's picture

my first questioS(be nice)

1- is about the white pelt is there any way of getting it and STAY with it instead of just getting it by praying and it goes off?

2- the real deer mask is there one?if it exists how/where can i get it?(you see the human face in the deers sort of freak me out..don't worry this is normal for me every time i have or join a new game i always i repeat ALWAYS find something weird or freaky on it so its no matter)

3- in wikipedia it said that when you start the game you're a fawn(which i am) but it also said that there's also a doe(your mother) that helps yo until you are an is that true because when i started the game i was(and still am) a fawn but there was no doe so was it a mistake or something?

4- i have been in some posts and it said about does but still in wikipedia said that you start the game as a MALE deer so the doe part you just say it or is it just for RP?

5- where do i find a place to change pelt and STAY with it on? or do i have to wait till i'm an adult for that?

well that's all for now i'll have a new post when i have more but for now just try to answer them ok please Smiling
freesoul02's picture

hi i'm new here

i'm always the new one on everything...this is getting old anyway i'm new here so i just ask you to be merciful with me and well i just hope that you don't get mad at me because i'm pretty sure i'll be asking a lot of questions maybe in a few hours/days so lets just say that i'm just like a newborn fawn..i have a lot to learn well thats all for now...bye
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