Yeah, this is Emiva, you probably hate me now, I understand. I made a huge drama... I really didnt want it to be a big deal, in my message I mentioned that I would be back next summer and now and then between then... I'm really sorry though, I wrote up that whole thing because I was really mad about what was going on in our family right now. My aunt jane just discovered she had cancer, My uncle sandy is really sick and he just left without saying anything to anybody. I said that I had personal stuff. I'm really not going to leave, that would be impossible, I tried not going on all day yesterday, and I couldn't -_- I feel like a failure. Okay, so I'm not leaving, I'll just be gradually going on less and less. But please dont tell me to stop, because you arent helping my case. I just really want to get in shape for highschool. I almost failed middleschool, and I wasnt even addicted to this site yet.
Please, do not respond in commotion, or anger, please dont make this a big deal. Snowrift, you shouldn't have gone crazy like that. A statue... really! XD I'm sorry that I upset you snowy... I'm really sorry. Did you get my email? Rowan, I was being selfish, now that I put myself into your position. Seele, you were my first ever friend, thank you. Dannii, thank you for understanding.
Please say you forgive me...
I understand if you will never be able to trust me again.