Bellie's blog

Bellie's picture


...that has give up, like me...?
Bellie's picture


Connecting: error! Sad GAAAH
Bellie's picture

Why? :P

Why are everybody dancing around the abogiensis statues? Shocked Anyone that knows that?

Bellie's picture

I am drawing! :)

Today I did a rough sketch, that supposed to be a portrait of Bellie. Im really proud over it! Right now I am working on this sketch in Photoshop CS. The line around Bellie is allready done, so now I will start the hard work: colors, background and shadowing, but that is according to me, the absolute funniest part when I am drawing. Laughing out loud
When I am done with it, I am gonna "send" it out in a diary entry, so you guys can say what you are thinking about it. 8D

So loooong!!!

Bellie's picture

Ahaha, I wonder! :D

Hellooha! :V
Tonight I was running around in the forest. Suddenly I was thirsy so I went down to the pond to drink. When I was there I saw two deers who was on the ground on the deep water! I tryed to get down to them, but I just became a frog all the time! Sad So I wonder if there is someone who knows how to stand on the battle on the deep side of the pond?! If you know, please tell me! Laughing out loud

// Bellie
Bellie's picture


Like I told you, my computer was for sale and I needed to sell it, so i deleted endless. and NOW i have a new good compute and alot of time to play endless! Eye So: I am BACK ON TRACK again!

Love from
Bellie's picture

Thank you everyone, and goodbye.

Now it is my turn to leave the forest. Thanks for this woderful time with my friends and the forest. I quit because I have no time to the computer any more, so I must delete endless when I am selling it. Thank you for all, and goodbye. <3
Maybe I will be back. I gonna miss all of you, but you'll will never be forgotten.

.P.S. To Seele:
Well, you was Bellies best friend, but she saw you much more than that. <3

Bellie's picture

Say hello to...

Halloween and Battleground!

Halloween is a stag. I registrered him for a long time ago, but I forgotted that until today. Now he is big! >=H I am going to write his bio soon.. :V

Battleground is a..I dunno..? What do you think? Stag or a doe? xP But anyway Battle is registrered one week ago.. :F

Only because I have those deers it doesn't mean that I am going to stop play on bellie. I would never do that. :V She is my diamond. x'D
Bellie's picture

Whuuut? x'D

It raaaiiinnnssss! Woooh! Laughing out loud But why is it raining? Has the gods been here or something? x'p But the rain is funnyfun! x'P
Bellie's picture

What's up?

My internet has been broken for 2 days. Today i logged in to the forest to say hallo to my friends. When I was in the forest and galloping around I meeted some other deers. I said hello, but they just did like they said: "Don't be here! *Arrgh*" I was suprised. That didn't make me feel welcome.. And every deer I meeted today did something like that, okay almost everyone, but not my friends. Have I done something wrong? O_o *Worried*

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