nyaaaa the frie was biig =) And it was fun. And I've met again that fox when I was skiing. We call him/her a Pancake eater xD Crazy fox eats pancakes, cookies and chocolate
I will burn the drawings saved up for a year today xDDDD It happens every year. Coz it's soo many of them that I event don't know where to keep them xD The fire will be biiiig ^_^
And then I'll go skiing )))) Yesterday I've met a cuute fox She or He stole my cookies
Cool, I need to kill someone xD
Ehh OK I woke up at 13:35. That's awful. I feel like whole day is missed. Rrrrr..
All night long dreamt nightmares. :S Maybe it's because of my illness..
Ohhww and damn it.. Outside is a lot of snow O-o Everything is so whiiiite. Exept sky...Sky is grey..
I want sun.
oh my... It's 0:45 -_- Cool I want to sleep zZzZz And, I'm terribly ill.
Im new here. So I feel that Im a little bit superfluous here)) I don't know how to explain that
Oh and btw, here is some of my old works
Well, today I'll start my blog xD My english is bad, I know... xD But Ill try! *-*
I have seen a lot of drawings today, damn I want to paint my pics in photoshop too xD But I dont know how. I don't have skills -_- I am able to draw only with pencil