Writing assignments is a part of every undergraduate or post graduate course.
Assignments are a way of testing your knowledge and skills of different modules. However, at times there could be difficulty in writing assignments on your own due to lack of knowledge, time or skills. Students at times encounter 4-5 different assignments. This could be another why one may need assignment help. If you have genuine issue because of which you are not able to complete assignment on your own; you should seek assignment help.
However you should not get it completed by someone else and presents it as your own work. This is plagiarism. You must carefully guard your against any such practice. You should specifically ask for questions of practice problems or get clarification on some academic concept or ask for some references or data. You should always be asking for notes, guidelines and references to complete your assignments. You should not seek to get it completed by someone else.
Working diligently on assignments would help you in the long run to get the practical knowledge to work in the field of your choice. There are some basics you should always consider while
writing assignments like make sure that you have gone through text book of the course specially the topics on which the assignment is based; also refer to the journal articles and other books recommended. If it is a practical subject; you should look to do a range of examples and exercise problems given in your text book before you attempt doing the assignment or homework problems.