
Negma's picture

Yzen'Agma, the running deer

Usual name: Yzen'Agma
Deer name:

Nicknames: Yzen - Zazen
Age: fawn (entered the forest the 12/03/2015)
Gender: male
Known as: a lonely running deer
Family: Unknown (available to adopt / to have links with others, waiting for propositions)

_ Chapter one - Entering the Forest
_ Chapter two - Playing in the Forest
_ Chapter three - Learning to cast spells
_ Chapter four - A race between the falling leaves
_ Chapter five - Listening to the rain

Yzen is joyfull, and he loves to play. He is always active, hopping, trotting, running, roaring... He doesn't really like to stop and stare. He likes to show the forest to others, and exploring together. He also likes to cast magic spells on others, as well as he loves being casted spells by others.

Yzen's picture
Size: #12
Theme songs:
Running song
Life song
Scent: smells like burnt wood

Running, casting spells

Negma - About the player
Usual name: Negma
Birthday: 10/04/1996
Location: France
Speaks: French (native) - English
Other characters: None
- For those who have listened to Yzen's theme songs, and have recognized it Eye yeah, I'm a big fan

None yet
Feel free to contact me if you have any idea of family links for Yzen'Agma