Who is This??

Think I post enough? I know, I'm a pest.

Ekki is now the orange one, rudely scratching himself in a photo.

Who is the one with the undead mask? Very nice deer. Same goes for the other one next to Ekki. Who are you people? Please comment.

That would be my doe Aspen.

That would be my doe Aspen. n__n
She usually has the magpie mask, but m' testing SpellData. :3

Lulz which one is Aspen? And

Lulz which one is Aspen?

And what is this "spell data", I'm hearing about it a lot.

The one with the skull mask.

The one with the skull mask. =3

SpellData is where you save your sets.
I can tell you how. ^__^ S' pretty simple.

Please, do tell. And when

Please, do tell.

And when did you get the undead mask? I've heard tell that you can still get it, but it's rare nowadays.