where is everyone?

ok so i was able to log on (yay)
but i cant seem to find anyone it says there are 67 people on but i cant see their symbols or "hear" them. idk if this is a common problem, but, i just want to make new friends. :3 -Olivia

Sometimes it takes awhile to

Sometimes it takes awhile to connect! If you only see your pictogram at the button it's still connceting. After it loads you'll see the others. There's a lot of people on so it might take a little longer than usual

ok thanks, but what is the

ok thanks, but what is the approximate time it takes?

It varies. For me it usually

It varies. For me it usually takes a few seconds but lately it's been taking longer. Maybe at the longest a minute?

ok thanks ^-^ this really

ok thanks ^-^ this really helped! see you when youre on! Smiling

You're welcome!! Glad I could

You're welcome!! Glad I could help!
I'll probably see you around the forest sometime

hey! sorry for bothering but,

hey! sorry for bothering but, do i have to wait less at the number of players go down?
thanks! ^-^

Oh, it's fine! But no. It

Oh, it's fine!
But no. It just, at least for me, makes connecting take a little longer. The less players on the less time it takes to connect. I usually close the game and try again if I don't connect, which usually helps.

ok thanks! ive been on for a

ok thanks! ive been on for a while now so im gonna try that!
Comen's picture

I, too, have to wait an

I, too, have to wait an extensive amount of time for others to load because bad connection.

What I do is do not make your deer wake up until everyone has loaded it usually helps it load. Or at least for me it does

Exit out game and try again if it takes longer than 5 minutes

Thanks! both of you have been

Thanks! both of you have been a great help