when youre sleeping and suddenly ww3 breaks out under you

Draak's picture

5 minute scribble of what just happened at the Playground with Dardan and Kuwaka

And then poor Mothman on safety rock island in the middle of it all

multiple mental ohgodohgodohgodohgods were had LOL
lisa.zombie's picture

Sorryyy :''DD

Sorryyy :''DD
Acurna's picture

sorrynotsorry XD I noticed

sorrynotsorry XD
I noticed the poor bab up there! Ku might check him out when he can walk right again! Noticed.... But was a bit busyyyyyyy
Little reminder that fighting affects everyone though, hmmn ;0
Draak's picture

@lisa.zombie LOL he'll be

LOL he'll be okay

I know what that's like...ish though birb isn't likely to go check up on others < /birb>

"*fighting*...brb gotta check if dude is okay"noLOL
Tavra's picture

Love it so much XD

Love it so much XD

Draak's picture


Thanks Laughing out loud