What has happened?...

Bastilion's picture
Its cloying scent fills the air.
Do I dare guess what has happened?
Has peace been shattered once more?
Or has far worse come to pass?
Part of me does not wish to know. For I fear that this involves those close to me in some form.
But I have not written of what I speak of, have I? I am sure it is old news by now.
While this.
This is fresh.
Fresh as the metallicness that refuses to flee my senses.
I shall never enjoy the smell of blood.
Perhaps...Sir Virgil is more aware of the situation than I? I have just looked up to see him denying the company of other deer, in the form of frantic fleeing. Is it best I not find out?
No. I cannot remain ignorant of this. But I will find out on my own. Even if I do not like what I learn.
I shall deal with the knowledge then.

I remain,
Draak's picture


eh wut?

DraakxMitra C:
Verycrazygirl's picture

If Bast decides to ask, he

If Bast decides to ask, he will gain answers. Smiling

Pegasicorn's picture

@Raz: Something that was

@Raz: Something that was planned for awhile finally took place. Between 2 dark deer who hated each other, the conclusion (or something similar) was expected.

@VCG: Oh, he found out on his own. And as I thought, he's shocked. No idea how he'll be afterwords.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."