Weird dreams

Chickenwhite's picture
So I got close to no sleep tonight because I kept having half-lucid dreams about crashing steamboats and being a guy who got both his arms and one leg broken in an accident because he tried to save the CEO of a major company. Woke up every five minutes and had to remind myself I was dreaming because my brain thought it was actually feeling the pain of the broken limbs.
So what are some of YOUR weirdest dreams? : D
Poppyflower's picture

Sometimes I try to blink

Sometimes I try to blink myself awake. Once in a lucid dream, I tried blinking. It didn't work. It was kinda annoying XD

A lot of times for me, everything turns white and I wake up. How original. WOOT

Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
FeintHearted's picture

I woke myself up from a

I woke myself up from a couple scary dreams as a kid, I actually remembered the whole pinching thing. When it didn't hurt, I figured it was a dream and woke up. It seems odd to me that pinching doesn't hurt in dreams when others thing do... like being struck by lightning, that wasn't pleasant.

P.S. Chickenwhite, Sorry for asking a redundant question. I'd read the original post a couple days before actually posting because I couldn't think of anything at the time. Just didn't want you to think I'd blown past it without reading it, and I feel stupid now... Puzzled

Chickenwhite's picture

@Poppyflower: Gah, that

@Poppyflower: Gah, that sounds frustrating! D: I'm glad I've never had a dream I couldn't wake from... TwT
And lol, that's usually how I wake up too XD

@FeintHearted: Pffft, don't sweat it, I forget stuff like that all the time XD *hug*

Huh, and yeah, you're right, that is weird! Although I suppose it's because the pinching-thing is by now so integrated into our social consciousness that we've just started inherently believing it, even if it's just on a subconscious level that we're not even aware of.
Greyhorn's picture

I had a dream that my oldest

I had a dream that my oldest daughter died. I remember going through shock, denial and reality and I got to the part to where I was about to view her body and woke up.... I was in tears....
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
Chickenwhite's picture

That sounds terrible...

That sounds terrible...

I'm new here and i guess i

I'm new here and i guess i hit something and now whenever i login my view is on some rock and not my avaitar should i get a new avaitar or what else can i do i need help!? Email me at: for reply i hope you can help me so i can play again :')

I'm new here and i guess i

I'm new here and i guess i hit something and now whenever i login my view is on some rock and not my avaitar should i get a new avaitar or what else can i do i need help!? Email me at: for reply i hope you can help me so i can play again :')