I know this was a little slow in coming. I've been busy with school, and I've been dealing with the flu. In between work and NyQuil naps, I was able to make this.
Hi Red, this is absolute amazing. The colours are really bright and the red and green harmonize so good together. And I love the pose you give vala. She looks so sweet and a little bit shy and cheeky (like Cu knows her from the forest).
as.kdjhsadfkf jalskdj THIS IS
I love the beautiful smooth colors and the antlers are divine XD It's so hard to draw deer, but you totally nailed the pose!
Thank you!
Oh, this is very beautiful.
I'm with Anjali! The colors
I love the cute antlers! The
oh, this is beautiful! I
This is lovely! Vala is
This is lovely! Vala is going to adore it, great work!
Hi Red, this is absolute
Thank you for your kinds
♥ ♥
♥ ♥
She looks so Beautiful