Universal Valenth Page?

Draak's picture
*shot'd for this* Since it's pretty much like the Dragon Cave eggies. Where you give clicks to feed them yada yada.

I think most of those with Valenth pets are here more then on the forums. There is a Valenth thread on there, but it's not as popular as the Dragon Cave one.

So I propose all those that have them, comment with them on this journal and we can feed them to make them grow XD

Of course with these there's no emergency room, because they wont die and have time limits like with Dragon Cave.

What I have so far:

Adopted from Valenth

Blackhoof's picture

People don't do Valenth as

People don't do Valenth as much because it takes more
time and work. Mine took about
4 1/2 months . However, there is something
in the shop at Valenth that will ease that pain a tad.
I used it two times, and once it got me from 506 to 529 which is pretty good.

However, the more you use this thing the less it will promote you
higher. If you wait along time, like a month or so, it should
give you a good leveling. The object looks like some gold thing
with wings.

It can also help if you post your lil tube pets on Valenths
feeding area, where all they do is feed each others pets.
But like I said, it can be tiring, but it's nice to see what
they turn out to be in the end ^-^

Eh, just small tips tis all.

Feed Me!

Draak's picture

Yeah I gathered. 8O woah,

Yeah I gathered.
8O woah, but yeah since you need way more click/feeds then the little DC eggs, and I dont think views count either with the Valenth pets.
I might, since I have some of their money XD.

Yeah, though I havent really ventured into the forums, only the Help section XD;
I should I suppose, since it would help them grow, though I dont really need another forum to get stuck into |D.

Thanks though :]

DraakxMitra C: