Um SnowRift...

Inuyasha1141's picture
Uh Snow I was looking through the pictures and I saw your puppy but Males get Nutered not Spayed its the Females who get Spayed
Snowrift's picture

XD thanks for the reminder!!

XD thanks for the reminder!! *laughs really hard* Haha!! I know.. i was in a hurry and I couldt remember, so I just put one of them down... I have lots of pets... and their all spayed/neutered its hard to remember wich means wich sometimes... XD


Emiva's picture

Haha, I know how you feel

Haha, I know how you feel Inu. It annoys the hell out of me when people get those two mixed up (no offense to you, my baconbubbles <3)


Inuyasha1141's picture

lol _________________________

I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha

Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!

Clicky on him to see my other pets