Twisted Eternity - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Riddles and Tales

Loop opened her eyes to darkness. The groggy doe got to her feet and blinked a few times, shaking harshly. Around her was nothing but blackness, above her, a sparkling blue 'sky'. Though there were no shadows or light, and no bottom to the hole she was standing, she found that she could walk upon the emptiness. When she at last found the strength to speak, she called out, trying not to panic. "Rutilus? Corsair?"




It was Swiftkill that leapt forth from the void and skidded in front of her. "I've been looking all over the place for you guys!", she panted. "Where's everyone?" The older doe breathed an inward sigh of relief and adressed her friend. "I...I've no idea. But we need to find them. I don't know...what's going on." Swiftkill bit her lip, but nodded. "Okay. I-I think this whole place looks the same. I don't know how big it is. But," her voice held false hope, "We'll find them! Right?"

"I sure hope so."
It felt like years before they came upon Lieka.

The Queen of Darkness was sitting amidst the blackness, her eyes closed. A qruesome humming was coming from her lips. Swiftkill's face lit up in a smile, and she tried to bolt for the doe, but Loop held her back. "Hold on. I have a feeling this is her territory. I'll go first." Cautiously she stepped forward, and called, "Lieka?"

The Queen's eyes snapped open, and the air seemed to warm. "Wha - Loop?! What are you doing here?!" Her eyebrows arched in anger. "And who's that?"

Loop winced. "We...fell in here, I think. It wasn't our doing. Where...where are we?"

Lieka flared and jumped to her feet. "You're in MY realm. The Deermuda. And you shouldn't be! Only those who -" She stopped, snorted, and gained control of herself. "Listen. I wish I could help you get out. But I can't...not now." Loop cocked her head, fear creeping into her mind. "Why not? Don't you know how?"

"Of COURSE I know how!" The zombie doe glared at them. "The Deermuda has spoken to me. It's tired of toying with deer and returning them intact. It's bored of games. It wants blood." She hesitated. "I didn't kill Tabi. It did. And it's going to kill you know."

"WHAT?!" Loop tossed her head in fury, while Swiftkill began to whimper. "You know EVREYTHING about this place! Can't you help us?"

Lieka cast her eyes to the 'ground'. "I'm sorry. I don't want It to kill my friends. But I can't stop it. It gave me the skills to do what I do." She looked back up at them. "If I defied it now, it would kill me and whoever else crossed it's path! Even more lives would be lost!" Loop looked at her in desperation, but Swiftkill's ears had perked up. "Wait...I'll make a deal with you and...and It."

"Excuse me?"

"If at least one of us gets out alive, It'll send all of us back and stop killing?"

The Queen shrugged. "I can't promise that It will stop. But alright. We accept." She smiled briefly at them, but then her eyes began to mist over.


And they fled, into a whole new world that was still the same.


I'm not very satisfied with this one, but it's okay, I suppose. XD Sorry it came so late! Two more chapters to go!

Amazinggg! I love eet! Very

Amazinggg! Laughing out loud I love eet! Very mysterious ;D


-- Dannii <3
Lyeekha's picture

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