Three brothers...

Lumino's picture
Well, I am still trying to find a permanent "look" for my deer, Lumino, but I haven't quite been able to find what I'm looking for yet...

In the meantime, I have decided to create some new deer to progress things a bit. I had the idea of creating three new fawns that are "brothers". They will all grow up, of course, but each will have a unique style all their own.

Maybe, once these three "children" find their styles, Lumino can find his.

So, I present to you three deer:
Lorne, Falle, and Mezzo

Look out for them in the forest. As always, I don't have a lot of time to play, and when I do it's usually for short periods of time. But as I play around with each of the accounts more, I'll end up deciding on traits that will influence how they look.

My old doe was called

My old doe was called Luminae. o.o

Off-topic, I know, but I just wanted to share 'cause your name is similar. xD


Roxie's Biography || Monarch's Biography
Sherlock's picture

Very exciting to hear! Keep

Very exciting to hear! Keep me posted on these new deer, and once they find their personalities, let me know and I will make them avatars for their accounts!

The unexamined life is not worth living.
The unexamined life is not worth living.
Lumino's picture

Weird coincidence!

Weird coincidence!