TEF fan-sites INDEX

Emiva's picture
Okay, I know we have a few player-created TEF fan-sites out there, and I think it would be logical having them all in one place, you know? :3 So here is an Index I have started... If you or anyone you know has made a fan-site that isnt on this list, tell me and I will add it :3





Sluggs/Butch - The Shady Grove

Redkora- Stagleaf

Perplex - TEFforum

Rutilus - Sententia

Perplex- TEF artists
Deer700's picture

nothing happened really.

nothing happened really. people just stopped being on it. D:
I visited it yesterday.
Emiva's picture

Found it ;3 Hopefully after

Found it ;3
Hopefully after making this idex more people will go on.

LUL <3 Thanks for adding me

LUL <3 Thanks for adding me there ;D And you called me Ruttii. YAAY.

-- Dannii <3
Emiva's picture



Valorstep's picture

There should be like...an

There should be like...an official TEF roleplay site XD
<--- 8D

I know eh? XD -- Dannii <3

I know eh? XD

-- Dannii <3
Deer700's picture

I made a new forum where you

I made a new forum where you can RP, show your talents(and stuff) and just chat. :]
Emiva's picture

LOL I see it has a bow like

LOL I see it has a bow like the one in your signature, Perp XD

Deer700's picture

yeah, I like bows..

yeah, I like bows.. xD
Redkora's picture

Don't forget Stagleaf at

Don't forget Stagleaf at blogspot!

Also, I posted these links in the User Created Content section on the blog as well. Thank you!

The Endless Forest on Blogspot
Redkora's Profile: "I am Myself"
[pixel deer by Aldebaran]
Emiva's picture

Thank you, Redkora

Thank you, Redkora :3
Koalabear ;D

parrotsnpineapple's picture

Butch owns The Shady Grove?

Butch owns The Shady Grove? I thought Sluggs did?

Deer700's picture

I think Butch is

I think Butch is Sluggs.