"Hello, my sir Witch," she speaks with a sly tongue, "Shall we drink the amber tears of the purpling maple?"
The soft wind blew, not rustling but her heart. He stood there, silent, breathing, his beating heart proving his life but no more.
Anzel stepped forward and attempted to smile, but it faded. Her eyes looked downward and to the side, the smile having fallen from her face like an autumn leaf.
He stood.
"Hey, how about we...sit? So we might drink from the elfenbankjes?" She readied herself, and fell into a giggle, and sat up.
He did the same...
Anzel paused. "Witcher, are you actually there...?" She looked into his eyes, the sun peaking into the holes of the skull mask...his eyes. They were dead. Lifeless. Blue like those of a shedding serpent. He wasn't there.
She righted herself...and her head fell, his doing the same. She lifted her head slightly, "I am fortunate enough to spy you more often than some others...but alas...I know you aren't there. You cannot hear me..."
"...I hope you understand that I cannot be more than simply a friend with you. There is no connection, in soul and in the vida of my Human. I..I must go now. It breaks my heart to eternally be speaking to ghosts..."
Three deer; Scape, Witcher, and Twenty-One, saw her. A see-through, setless doe, her eyes broken, and her voice...all that could be known of what she said, was known by reading her lips. Twenty-One was able to tell what she spoke of, being a wise fae, experienced in the ways of the forest. The other two, they struggled, but could only make out parts of her verbiage.
Her head fell limp, and her heart forced the human face she bore to leak dewdrops, that fell elsewhere in the forest. For she wasn't there. They saw her standing where she had fallen asleep...running, leaping in place...a ghost in so many aspects...
"Why...why must I..be cursed...like this......"
She through her head back, and screamed to the Twin Gods, souls in the world she could never visit...
They all turned their head, as they heard the solemn sound of a doe.
Only Twenty-One had noticed that it was Anzel. She walked forward, and nuzzled Anzel. Softly, she spoke, "It'll be alright, little doe...don't give up. We're all here for you..."
((i hope none of you minded me mentioning you, heh...i was trying to remember the deer who had seen me before...so i thought up a group of deer to notice me

What? I had weird dreams last night, I needed to write something weird :3
It's ok that you mentioned
But this is more sad than "weird" as you suggest it as. =(
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Bio of the Ruins Duo
Ehh, it's more like a
Anzel is a boring deer. -o-ZzZ