Tea [Diary Archives]
December 8, 2012 - 12:38am — SoliloquyChryseis
~*~Diary Archives~*~[=11]
June 28, 2013
Sleeping where she fell asleep the night before.
In a nutshell, shit went down. Three fawns were born, yay for new siblings! Did not participate in the fight against Hyperion, though made sure to stand over Helios and Devy when Italia wandered.
Pig, Umay, Fletcher, Indi, Saadi, Clarence, Jacob and Galene helped fight off Hyperion. Pandora, Kusabi and Rhea stood off watching.
After all was said and done, tried to thank everybody (I was soooo busy ooc x_x; ). Eventually most left, settling down to curl up with the newborns.
(I'm sorry for the shortness. I exhausted myself working on all the art for this plot. T_T; )
June 27-28, 2013
(Pardon any inaccuracies, I was flippin' exhausted when all this went down. I ended up having to go to bed without updating because I was so tired.)
Spent most of the day sleeping, de-stressing and relaxing. Enjoying the twilight and the hint of stars above. Feeling hopeful.
Got up to get a drink at the pond when she noticed Zafeiri and Aurik. Went over to say hello, but realized something was a bit wrong. Followed her and Aurik to the same place they slept the other day. Had no qualms about this. It was a nice little spot, though Thane and Morioch were a little too close for comfort.
It wasn't until Zafeiri seemed to be in terrible pain that she got up. Tried to understand what was wrong. Completely ignored the fact that other deer were around, particularly those she didn't like or bothered her (including Lilith, Reed, Umay, Lieva and some others who's pictos I didn't immediately recognize. I'm sorry
Was politely asked to go move away. Didn't have a problem with this but still freaking out. Kept pacing around the area and watching Zafeiri and Aurik who also seemed to be confused. (And I was narrating what he was doing to myself, I felt so drunken tired...)
It seemed at one point Lilith didn't even know what was going on, trying to get Tea to come closer. Felt bad for not listening and almost ignoring her. Didn't want to. But...Zafeiri was her priority.
Settled down by a tree for a bit, watching.
After what seemed like forever, realized that Zafeiri's babies were coming! Overjoyed! More siblings! Well, sort of.
Waited and waited to be called over and introduced.
But that never happened. The baby...never got up. It just laid there, and apparently wasn't breathing. No..nonono! Prayed to the stars. Please...please let the baby live! A little sister...
But the stars didn't answer her wishes and prayers. Nor did the Gods.
Cried softly under her mask when Aurik took the child to Thanatos' grave. Wanted to move closer to comfort Zafeiri, but couldn't move. This was the last thing the Oryx doe needed. She already had so much pain, she did NOT deserve anymore! Angered. Why? Why did terrible things always have to happen to Zafeiri?
Aurik came back, looking a bit anxious. Didn't overhear what was said. But after a few minutes Aurik left again, only to come back a few minutes later. He looked like he was crying. Stayed put, feeling horrible. Couldn't do anything, as always. Being little was really starting to get to her. Was asked to come closer to Zafeiri. Snuggled gently into the doe. Was told they would stick together. Agreed. The others didn't seem to care at all now... Clung to those who still even glanced her way on a daily basis.
Fell asleep curled up against Zafeiri, Aurik and Lilith.
June 25, 2013
Tea had gone off to the outskirts of the forest willingly. She felt she needed time to herself, without any distractions. And she desperately needed to recover. The pain she felt between losing her father and Halla was excruciating, and with her feathers trying to grow back it itched like mad.
While on her journey she came across some items she decided she could use in the future:
1. A full rabbit skeleton. Although gross, she figured that maybe she could use it somehow. Bones seem to be popular in the forest.
2. turkey tail feather. It's a feather, thought different from the ones she has seen. Added it to her mask on Zafeiri's side, as it would clash too much with Ray's feathers.
3. a small geode. Thought it was just a rock sitting on a bigger rock, but when she climbed onto the rock and it fell and broke open, found herself amazed at what she had found. Not sure what it is, but it's too beautiful not to keep.
Returned to the forest, treasures deftly placed in the hidey hole, as there wasn't enough room under her mother poppy tree. Decided to keep her feathers near her fathers grave, her other items restored to the hidey hole.
Sat next to her fathers grave, resting, then noticed Zafeiri had come to sit with her. Curled up into the doe, feeling content.
Aurik came by. But panicked when scenting Thane and Moro near by. Tried to get Zaferii to go to the grave. Didn't realize how big she was until then. She needed to walk slowly and rest every so often. Got yelled at by Aurik at one point for spying on the Craftsmen. Still anxious about them near by.
Eventually was lead to a spot by the birch and blueberry patch. Curled up with Zafeiri and fell asleep.
June 20, 2013
Followed Zafeiri most of the day along with Kato. Starting to like the giant stags company. Feeling more protected while around him. Thinks he is big enough to keep any if not all of Zafeiri's enemies at bay.
Got up to have a talk with Pandora, though was not courageous enough. Stayed by a tree to watch the group until Pandora came over herself. Exchanged sniffed, and even bowed to the doe until she retreated back to the unknown stag (Malikorin) and Pig. Wanted to talk to her, but Pig... Decided if she was ever going to know what Morioch said, if pandora had the chance to talk to him, she'd have to ask. Was naturally nervous as she approached the trio. Greeted them, exchanged sniffs. Then talked to Pandora. Did not want anything to get between them and make things bad for either. Found out Pandora didn't have the chance yet. Didn't blame her, as she didn't smell either stag since the day she initially asked. Hoping Pandora will still try to talk to the stag. Learned they are called Craftsmen. Will refer to them as such from now on.
Was told she shouldn't be afraid to approach Pandora more often. Noted the mention of being allies. Oh that would be wonderful! But...did that mean just Tea, or Zafeiri too? Would seriously have to contemplate this.
Also talked about the candle. Learned that it may have the same effect it did on Jealousy, but it may not do anything at all. Still hopeful it will do...something, stationed at the place where Halla disappeared.
Joined Zafeiri and Kato again. Lay around.
A fight broke out, between a stag (Red, Cosmic picto) she hadn't seen in ages, Pandora, and the doe (Miriam) she remembered seeing with Pandora once. Wasn't sure what to make of it, but remembered Fletcher being seriously injured by that stag once, so decided to lay low.
Stuff happened.
Kato went somewhere. Was approached by a stag. Wasn't sure what to make of him, but greeted him. Zafeiri didn't seem to like it and went off to the grave site (Tea's player was still pretty afk).
Saw the stag trying to give flowers to Zafeiri? Thought it was nice but the oryx did not seem to understand or want the attention. Nervousness? Tried to talk to her as they moved off a bit, but got surrounded by other deer. The stag even came to help get the other deer away. Talked to Zafeiri about things. Slightly scolded about talking to Pandora, but really scolded because she admitted she was going to talk to Morioch. Again tried to reason with Zafeiri, telling her they were safer around a stag, unknown or not. Seems to have gotten through, spacing out only to find Zafeiri had approached the stag who had gone to sit by the Old Oak. Followed.
Player tabbed for like 2 min and apparently Red chased Zafeiri around again, and the stag helped. Seems everyone made up. Thank the gods. Sat with them both.
Then...scented the Craftsmen. Immediately panicked. Listened, smelled the air. Freaked out more when she saw Morioch checking out the area near the gravesite? Moving back and forth between it? Unsure, didn't care, wanted them out of there. Didn't seem anyone understood why she was scared, but then Zafeiri tried to calm her down by nuzzling her. Appreciated it but didn't feel much better. The poor stag looked confused.
Ran off to Pandora to try to get her to talk to Morioch. Seems the doe may not have understood, and felt bad for even asking, But was scared!
[9:16 PM] Soliloquy Chryseis: Tea's just all "omg I smell them!"
[9:17:17 PM] Pandalanda: xDD
Pan would be like Chill. I:
So told to chill? 8I
Thanked her anyway and ran back to Zafeiri. Was told to sit. SIGH. Sat with Zafeiri and the stag, until he got up and brought Zafeiri flowers (NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWW!). Then he left...poof. Felt a bit sad he was gone...
Was lead over to the grave site, still freaking out, more-so at how close they were to Thane and Morioch. Was told to calm down, Zafeiri having hope that Pandora would talk to them.
Here's to hoping.
June 19, 2013
Not much happened, was really busy OOC.
June 18, 2013
Tea woke up where she had fallen asleep the night before. She immediately moved to her Fathers grave, noticing someone was close to it. Paid them no mind. Didn't feel too angry considering how somber she felt. Placed flowers at the grave like others, such as Fletcher, had been doing. Admired her work, and turned to see Fletcher trotting at her. Immediately thought he was going to scold her for yesterdays events, and was ready to accept it. But instead noticed he had brought flowers for the grave. Thanked him for that, and watched him place them down. Followed him after he grabbed more poppies (grabbing some herself), and following him to where Halla had disappeared. Placed poppies alongside with him, sure not to lose her poppy crown, or the poppies Jacob had given her.
Soon after, settled down with Fletcher, deciding now was the time to apologize for the day before. Fletcher turned to her to show her he was being attentive when she asked to speak with him. (And soon joined by Jacob)
Spend some time apologizing about the fight with Lieva and Luyu. Admitted that she had done wrong and was genuinely sorry for it. Also noted to herself she wouldn't get into it again , as she still felt Luyu was a troublemaker herself. Almost took Fletcher's comment as a compliment, "You're quite the fluster of feathers when you're angry." Ego boost? Maybe. Maybe she will be a force to be reckoned with when she got bigger. (AWWWYIS) If she got bigger... (Awwwnuuu)
Admitted to the stag that she felt helpless and had an undying desire and almost a need to protect her friends and family. Was told what she had heard time and time again, feeling guilty she had trouble obeying those words. Couldn't bear to see her friends fight and get hurt while she was protected... Was told that words and talking was sometimes stronger than a physical fight. Understood that well, as she used her tongue many a time to avoid future fights. Made a mental note to go speak to Pandora about Morioch.
The mood lightened. Determined that Halla was going to come back, and rub all of the trees in the area. Felt good to hear Fletcher laughed at the comment. Got up and ran to get Pandora's candle, (being followed by Jacob :3), and came back to place the candle at the site. "We're ready for you demons!" Confident that the candle will help Halla fight the demons, or at least provide hope she would win. Also noted she needed to talk to Pandora about how the candle works as well.
(Ugh, I forgot what happened. >.<; if anyone wants to reminds me... *SOB*)
June 17, 2013
Woke up and realized Adolf and a friend (Ekmê) were right there. Was NOT happy that there were others sitting near the grave, but otherwise didn't hold it against them. It's not like they would know. Discreetly nibbled some grass, but otherwise didn't care much to eat. Felt hungry, but just ignored the feeling, preferring to curl up against the tree and wait for someone to come to her, as she was not feeling well enough to seek out anyone.
Glared at Adolf and his friend again, but realized Fletcher was there. Seems he finally noticed she was doing badly. Was given blueberries. Felt awkward with him though. Admitted she could have been doing better when he asked, and was polite enough to ask how he was doing. Was told that Halla's soul was with Farren. Whoever that was. Wants to find out. Felt that this was the main reason why Fletcher came over. At least he wanted her to know about Halla, and she was his mother. Feeling more hopeful about Halla's condition. That meant she was okay, at least her soul was. Though about her candle she got from Halla, if it could protect them all from the demons. Mental notes to talk to her about that, and about Morioch. Received a touch with his muzzle. It didn't feel nearly as comforting as it probably would have if it were a nuzzle, but she knew that Fletcher wasn't one to give her much affection anymore. Though still appreciated the gesture. Was asked to eat and did so. He moved off to sit alone. Made her even more uncomfortable, as he didn't even seem to want to be near her anymore. Thanked him for the meal politely, and ate every single berry. She needed to get stronger.
After eating, just curled up against the tree. Feeling a bit more energetic now.
Got up to help Rhea when some deer was harassing her and a sleeping Pandora. Felt good to help. Went back to sit after a few moments, only to get up later and help Kato who was being harassed by like, 3 other deer? Lead him over to the poppy tree, then was lead to Zafeiri. Prayed to her father beforehand.
After nuzzling Zafeiri and standing there for a moment, noticed a scuffle a ways off. Went to investigate. Saw Luyu. Hadn't seen her since that time with Zafeiri and Pig. Then noticed her getting chased around by a bunny. Followed, confused by this play. Fletcher followed too. But he just stood there. Pig eventually came over as well.
But then realized it was Lieva when she changed back into a deer and started attacking Luyu. Although had once vowed to not really help Luyu when she was in fights, didn't want to see the little glowy brat hurt her. Snapped. Ran after her to assist Luyu. Didn't hold back on her shoving of Lieva, wanted to teach her a lesson. Played nice before. But the little brat never even glanced her way.
"Well fine. Be a brat. Not going to take her attitude."
Fletcher and Pig got involved when Tea ran in, but kind of just ignored them, wanting to keep Lieva away from Luyu.
(Apparently my game was doing something REALLY FUNKY Not sure. Didn't see Fletcher and Pig moving until Tea ran in. o.o I guess its time to reset my router T_T Sorry for the confusion, and thanks to those who helped me clarify
Finally Lieva went off to Reed who came nearby. Didn't care. "Good. Go to him." Played around with Luyu and Rhea, feeling triumphant against the brat. It didn't last long, as it seemed Luyu wanted to try to make up with Lieva.
"Tch. Well fine."
Stood with Rhea as Lieva slowly made her way over...then charged and attacked Luyu again. More shoving and nipping. Pig and Fletcher helped to disband the fight.
Seemed like Pig and Fletcher were pissed off at the three of them. Didn't care.
"The brat deserved to be teamed up on."
Was charged by Pig. Unnerved.
"Oh shove it flat-nose. Go scold your precious little Lieva for being a brat."
Tea was just protecting her friend. Taunted Lieva and Reed both.
"Bring it! Tired of your crap."
Don't care if she's a fawn, won't take it anymore.
"No be scared! RRAUUGH"/angryfawnmode
Felt pretty darn triumphant still. Ignored Pig. Stayed with Luyu and Zafeiri and Kato until Lu had to go. Said her goodbyes. Sat with Rhea.
Feeling pretty damn good, and hyper? Must be the blueberries!
Approached by Jacob after lying around with Zafeiri and Kato. Was given more poppies by him for her feather problem. Thanked him. <3! Put them with the rest of the flowers in her feathers.
Fell asleep next to Zafeiri.
Player was afk all night watching youtube videos. Agh...
June 16, 2013
Laid by the tree all day again. Not eating.
Only moved when smelling a bunch of deer near by. Gave Fletcher the coldest glare she could when she saw him playing with Galene, Lieva and Luyu. Not like she matters at all. Turned her back to him and the other three. Not that she really had anything against Galene, she seemed the kindest of the four of them.
Was approached by Achi, and did not resist the urge to snuggle into his side.
Had quite a long chat about what was on each others mind. Coming to the realization whatever relationship she had with Fletcher was gone. Cried quite a bit because of this. Yes, she cared for him so much, and he hardly seemed to care much about her at all anymore, unless she screamed her head off for help. Also broke down saying how she had been replaced by the other, antisocial fawn Lieva. Finally realizing that was probably why Fletcher never came to see her. Was told that her absence wasn't her fault. Not sure if she can believe that. But yet, also realized it was as Halla said, it was time to move on. She had cried plenty over the Fletcher and Lieva situation, and if he was too blind to see it, than he wasn't worth her time. Achi was right...
And then there was Achi. Achi came to see her, like Fletcher once did. Was this what Halla meant by moving on? Where she lost her Father (though hardly seeing him), and Fletcher (saw him too much at an uncomfortable distance, cuddled with the antisocial fawn and Galene. Even Galene came to see her more than Fletcher had. SHE seemed to noticed when Tea was hurt or upset. Hell, even PIG. grumped, but feeling better she got it all out.
Also chatted about her feather problem. Was told she was pretty regardless, and when she got older she'd find that special someone. Wonders if she'd have someone like Mama had Papa, and vice versa. Made her content to think that maybe there was something to look forward to when she grew up. If she grew up.
Fell asleep cuddled against Achi.
June 15, 2013
Had gotten up early and gone to where Halla disappeared. Stuck a peacock feather in the ground, placing wishes on it for Halla's safe return.
Laid by the poppy tree all day. Too miserable to move, or even eat.
Lay still for quite a while, then noticed Achi there. Felt....really embarrassed. Felt...ugly. Kept her eyes away from his, though didn't push him away when he nuzzled her.
Had quite a long conversation with him, an emotional one. Comforted each other. Found herself getting calmer by talking to him. When it seemed like he was breaking down, gave her three of her longest feathers that she lost. Watched as he used a piece of rope he kept around his neck to die the feathers into a strange necklace. Wonders how he could wear them...
Finally fell asleep with him curled up around her.June 15, 2013
Had gotten up early and gone to where Halla disappeared. Stuck a peacock feather in the ground, placing wishes on it for Halla's safe return.
Laid by the poppy tree all day. Too miserable to move, or even eat.
Lay still for quite a while, then noticed Achi there. Felt....really embarrassed. Felt...ugly. Kept her eyes away from his, though didn't push him away when he nuzzled her.
Had quite a long conversation with him, an emotional one. Comforted each other. Found herself getting calmer by talking to him. When it seemed like he was breaking down, gave her three of her longest feathers that she lost. Watched as he used a piece of rope he kept around his neck to die the feathers into a strange necklace. Wonders how he could wear them...
Finally fell asleep with him curled up around her.
June 14, 2013
Has fallen into such a state of despair due to her fathers death. Doesn't exactly know how to mourn properly. Simply laying by the poppy tree unmoving. Unlikely to even acknowledge anyone's presence, unless they should show hostility to the grave site.
Had been joined by Zafeiri, letting the oryx doe rest her head on Tea's back. Didn't move at all. Dozed off, then woke up hearing Shalah. Noticed Ranore there, but got a bad feeling. Jumped up and ran off to find Shalah, Fletcher, Alani, and Halla (and Pig off to the side). Not sure what was going on, but they were surrounding Halla. Went over. Fletcher seemed upset, turning his back on her? Ignored it. Ran off to get Poppies for Halla. If she's hurt, maybe she feel better? Turns out she passed out. Yelled at her to wake up. No Halla, please don't die...I just lost Papa...please...please not you too..
Sobbing into her legs again, feathers starting to fall out again...
Sumi came over and everyone just went crazy....eventually she left and things calmed down. Attacked/Shoved a fawn that got too close. Did not want it there. But then Fletcher got in the way. So it's okay for Shalah to attack Su-mi? ...Ok.
Sat down neat Halla, back to crying and losing feathers...
Finally succumbed to stress. Passed out.
***Now Wearing Magpie feathers, to signify the loss of her feathers and possibly a coming illness.***
Woke up, wondering what the hell happened.
But it was obvious. The putrid scent of demons was everywhere, and Shalah looked awful. Halal was gone. That could only mean one thing.
In not even two days, two family members she loved so much were gone.
Who was next?
Gathered her fallen feathers, and took off screaming. Beat on every single tree she could see. Uncaring that she was tearing up her legs. Wanted to inflict pain onto something. Someone. Was eventually approached by Pig. Tried to tell him to leave her alone, kept running around and beating things up.
Eventually Pig was able to stop her, probably from being too tired and legs stinging. Received a few comforting nuzzles. Just broke down crying. Doesn't know what to do with herself anymore.
Zafeiri came over, and Pig bid them farewell. Curled up next to Zafeiri, crying into her fallen feathers. Doesn't even realize how awful she looks. At least the mask was covering her face.
Talked with Zafeiri, if you could even call it that. Was told she should go with Fusion to recover. Refused. Threw Zafeiri's reason back at her. Constantly wondering who was next. Zafeiri, Fletcher, Mama? Couldn't deal with it. Couldn't find the light, the hope. Loss of faith.
Started thinking maybe the next one to die... was herself.
Zafeiri left her alone for a bit to try to calm down. Stomach pains? Didn't think of it so much, drowning in her own sorrow.
Noticed someone near by (Salka's super sexy Hannibal!), and almost freaked out again. Cowered, sobbed, pleased for them not to hurt her family. Barely noticed he was a flat-face like her. Could barely see through her tears. Zafeiri came out of no where and tried to herd him away. Felt really scared.
Seemed Zafeiri brought over a friend? Scared of him too. No. Too many unknown deer. Half of her wanted to lash out and scream and tell them to go. But the other half was too sorrowful to do anything. Ended up letting them sniff her and apologized to both.
Sat down and was joined by Zafeiri, Hannibal and Mr. Nightfall near by.
But then Hannibal got up to leave. Really wanted to apologize. Did so, but it seemed he didn't understand. Just offered for him to stay, feeling horribly guilty for being so...cruel. Did the same to Mr. Nightfall.
Noticed that Hannibal had given her a flower. Teared up at the gesture. Put the purple flower behind her ear with the rose Zafeiri had given her.
Lay with Zafeiri for a long time, until scenting her mother. Called out to her a few times until she came. Nuzzled her and sobbed. Sat and had a talk with her mother.
Went to the poppy tree, curled up together over Leo to keep him warm. Lilith even followed them. Very grateful for the blue does kindness. Nadya sang Tea a lullaby, and the child realized that as long as her mother was there, there was still a flicker of hope...
June 13, 2013
Woke up and went to the pond for a drink and some reeds. On the way, saw Daenerys. Shot her a glare, ignoring her for the most part to focus on eating. Not like she wanted to associate herself with someone like her. Noticed that the reeds tasted kind of bland today, and the water didn't seem satisfying. Shrugged it off, didn't really care. Ran off to find Zafeiri.
Once near the gravesite, noticed Pandora, Umay, Mire, Pig, Galene and some others nearby. Remembered that Pandora was supposed to talk to Morioch. Watched Pandora and Mire try to spell Umay? Found it amusing. Tried to work up her courage to approach, but found Zafeiri before her. Almost cowered, afraid that she was going to get yelled at for watching. Instead, was presented with a strange looking pink flower (pink rose). It smelled wonderful. Placed the flower behind her right ear, tucked in her feathers.
Followed Zafeiri when she went to the rock that cries and sat in the stream water. Sat there for quite a while until Angelus came over. Greeted and nuzzled her and her friend. Zafeiri didn't like it though? Not really sure, but eventually followed Zafeiri off. Then scented Fusion. Brought Zafeiri over to the dragon doe.
Had a conversation that...did not end well. Feeling sad that it didn't go as well as she wanted.
Zafeiri went off, and Tea followed, but not after nuzzling Fusion.
And then...bad things to come...
Leo was dead. Completely broken. Cried more than she ever had. Took his necklace for Mama. When Nadya eventually came, joined in her cries, and presented her with his necklace.
Asked Fusion to help carry leo to Nadya's poppy tree. Once there, helped dig a hole and buried him. Placed flowers Zafeiri brought over, and her 12 feathers on the grave. Eventually curled up with her mother ans sister.
Did not move. As lifeless as she feels.
Fell asleep there, wishing she would wake up to find this day had been the worst nightmare ever.
June 12, 2013
Wearing her mask.
Got up from the hidey hole, feeling heavy hearted. Noticed Pig, Galene and some others by Reeds logs. Bitterly and uncharacteristically hoped the red stag would come and cause them trouble for being there. Finding herself scared at the dark though, ran off to the pond.
Ignored everyone near the pond. Got a drink and went to the rock that cries. Soaked herself until she shivered from the cold. Got out and shook herself off.
Scented Fusion and immediately went to her. Knows she is safe with the dragon, and does not want any trouble tonight. Was stopped by Halla, however. Very wary. Didn't want to cause her problems and expressed her sadness. She seemed apologetic. Didn't really make it known, but does forgive her for lashing out. Knows she has been having a hard time, especially with death looming over her. Somewhat thankful she left.
Climbed rather quickly up the rock to Fusion, who seemed to question her sudden presence. Just felt like there was a giant rock holding her head down. Was surprised to receive a nuzzle from the doe, gratefully accepting the comfort. Sat down besides her and cuddled up to her, almost wishing she'd disappear into the black fur.
Pretty much told her everything that had happened. Asked if she was stupid. Talked about taking Zafeiri away from the Forest. (Too much to post.../lazy
Fell asleep, eventually nestled between Nadya and Fusion?
June 11, 2013
Wearing her mask.
Woke up and immediately went to Zafeiri. Buried herself under the does neck. Warily glanced at Umay and Pig near by. Overall feeling tense while unfriendly or other, unknown deer are around Zafeiri.
Aurik and Schaden came over. Didn't recognize Schaden. Sniffed. Hello and all that. Then sat around.
Noticed Schi and another deer (Dalek) staring at them. Felt very uneasy.
Then all hell broke loose and there was a kind of shove fight thing. Tried to shove Dalek and Schi (ROFLLL).
Long story short, thinks the two are blind and dumb because they make all these assumptions about Zafeiri, when they were never around. Had never even seen Dalek before. Thinks he is full of crap.
Hurt because she was called stupid by Schism. Furious.
After they left, beat up a tree in anger, ignoring how she was inflicting pain onto herself. Aurik stopped her, and tried to calm her down. But couldn't be calmed. Ran off to cry herself to sleep in the hidey hole.
June 10, 2013
Wearing her mask.
Got up and kind of just stood around. Still feeling pretty down from the other day. Indi came over. A bit surprised to see her. Sat with her for a bit until she got up and moved elsewhere. Followed her. Then realized she was looking at Pandora and Zafeiri together.
Immediately nervous. Just watches. It seemed to be some kind of exchange. Noticed a little pouch being passed between them. Unsure what it means.
Eventually Pandora left (Umay called her?) and Indi went up. Not sure what was said, but soon she too left. Alina walked off, and Tea followed.
(Was semi-afk for all this.).
Followed Zafeiri around with Aurik. Noticed Jokerman nearby. Went to Zafeiri near the grave, then noticed Morioch there. Herded Zafeiri away. Then proceeded to watch Morioch and Pandora approach each other. Truly hopes they aren't friends...Wandered back to Zafeiri and Aurik after a time, and settled next to the doe.
Must have passed out, because upon waking was alone...except Pandora was there. Felt really uncomfortable, but hoped that the doe wasn't upset about the watching.
Had one big conversation, overwhelmed by emotions. Was somewhat put in her place, but glad Pandora did so. Found herself being kind of protected by the Nevermore as she offered to take a message to Morioch in place of Tea. Came to that agreement, feeling relieved. Hoping Pandora isn't upset with her.
Was approached by Nadya soon after the obsidian doe left. Was a bit nervous.
(Had the most feely rp in the entire world. *sobs*)
After voicing her pain, was comforted and held by her mother. Feeling quite a bit better now. Niot wanting to do stupid things.
Was sung a lullaby and fell asleep, unaware that Pica payed a visit.
June 9, 2013
Woke up and immediately heard pounding hooves. Turned around to see Halla, Fletcher and Pig fighting a big...cat? At first thought it was Umay, stupidly.
Watched the creature go and attack a sleeping Shalah, but was fended off by the trio. He ran and the others followed. Immediately ran over to Shalah and sniffed her all over, to see if she was okay. Shoved a fawn away that got too close. Oddly did not feel sorry.
Soon Halla came back. Ignored, as usual. She was going pretty crazy. Shalah got up and started rolling in the flowers.
Halla ran off. Followed her. Shalah looked really upset. Tried to get Halla to turn back by attempting to herd her, but it didn't work.
Eventually yelled at her to stop. Had a...rather upsetting conversation. Ran off in tears and tucked herself in the hidey hole. Starting to wonder if she should have ever returned to the forest at all. Maybe the other world was kinder. She didn't remember this world when she was there...maybe if she forgot everyone, everyone would forget her... then everyone else would be happy.
Cried to Zafeiri when she came over to check on Tea. Eventually was calmed down enough to sleep for a bit.
Got up much later and saw herself next to Lilith, and Fusion was nearby too. Felt quite a bit better. That's right...other people did love her. They probably would be sad if she left. Feeling stupid and angry with herself, was going to settle next to Lilith until wondering where Zafeiri went. Found Zafeiri with Ivan, Pig, and Casti (and some fawns who I couldn't find on the map.) Stood in front of Zafeiri to make it known there shouldn't be any fights.
Met Casti again. Holy shit crap he got big. He didn't seem to recognize her though. Well, it has been a long time.
Was tabbing in and out, so...
Saw Zafeiri sit off to the side when noticed Pig turned Ivan into a mimic of her. Oh really? Promptly spelled Pig (UNAWARE SPELLS HURT HIM). Gave hima nice set of lampshade horns. HEHEHEHEHEEHE. Then he ran off. To pout? Hehhehee some more.
And then idk what happened but all of a sudden everyone was trying to turn Tea into a man.
The end.
Well not really. Was actually have...fun...with Pig. fhpisdzygehihgl WHY SO CONFUSING PIGGY ARGHHH!
Then kinda just fell asleep in the middle of the forest because Player was so distracted RL and then fell asleep.
June 8, 2013
Woke up and immediately scented her mother close by. Brandishing the silver locket around her neck, dashed over and started prancing around the brown doe and her companions (Ziv and Joseph). Smothered her mother in nuzzles and got them in return. Was invited to sit and did so happily.
Dozed here and there, and found the little mini fawn had joined her, as Joseph had left.
Eventually, Mama went to talk to a stag (Farron). Greeted him, and Mama initiated a huge romping session. ROMPROMPROMP.
Was protected by Farron from an annoying nameless. After Farron frove them away, played a bit more. Laughed when Mama sat on a stone, and then tree danced. Found it pretty funny.
Soon the trio sat down together. Feeling pretty protected.
Got up when noticed Ranore sat near by. Spazzed out and promptly curled up around him protectively. Dozed off again, then realized everyone was bounding around. Don't mind if I do. Joined in.
Met Lucifer. When he turned into a fawn, found it SO FUNNY that his horns were so big still. Met Binah as well. Then Lucifer poofed :<
ROMPROMPROMPed some more until everyone sat down in a line and rested.
Got up when everyone but Farron was left. Was thankful he stayed with her. But saw a huge group of peacocks nearby (Umay, Pandora, Fletcher, Galene, Mire -- Am I missing anyone?) and a few others (Pig, Kody, Illrose?). Everyone was trying to peacock each other. Wanted to join in. Tried to bring Farron with her, but he broke off and started playing with another stag.
Had a ton of fun. (Player took a bunch of screenies too, HERE)
But all the fun ended when Lieva came around. What a party pooper. We went and sat by a tree, which caused Galene to stop playing. Then everyone migrated over to her, and eventually Fletcher changed. Then one by one, everyone reverted. Party. Pooper.
Immediately felt left out when Galene, Lieva, Fletcher, and Pig all snuggled together by the tree. Resisted jealously and promptly sat next to Lilith.
Fell asleep there.
June 7, 2013
Woke up alone, and was going to go to the pond for a drink, but scented Halla. Hm...maybe can apologize to her for last night, getting in the way and all.
Wandered to the does tree and found her covered in blueberry juice, a skull on her head and feathers sticking out there. Also noticed her own among them. Looked at her concernedly. Just kinda watched her until she nodded off. Not feeling too bad for not greeting, as obviously would not have been responded to. So just sat there, dozing off herself again.
Woke up to find Wolf sniffing her. braced herself. Yowled in his face and stomped at him. NO! No bad wolf! Wolves like you are the reason why Zafeiri won't trust Ray!
But the wolf moved on. Feeling victorious for a moment, then nervous. The wolf had other prey. he started going after a three legged buck, Nidhem. Thought that he wouldn't be able to outrun the wolf for long, if at all. Harassed the wolf until it started chasing her instead. Ran and ran and called for help. Her plan was crumbling to pieces. Eventually she lost him in the playground, her little body able to squeeze through the rocks. Unfortunately, he started going after Nid again. Stupid wolf!
Finally, an unknown stag came out of nowhere to drive the wolf off. Tried to check Nid but he seemed too upset to realize she was just trying to help. Eventually they were left alone for a bit. The unknown stag stayed there to keep them safe. Wolf came again but after alot of running around was driven off once more. Sat near Nid, with their unknown protector there making sure they were safe. Feeling kind of good about herself.
Sat there contently for a bit, before noticing their protector was gone. All must be well. Scented Aurik and Rae. Perked up. Playtime? Tried to get Niddy's attention. Almost went to leave but he stirred. YAY! Had him follow her to Aurik and Rae. Met her beautiful white mother, Kauna. Felt very calm there, sitting with everyone until...
Heard Halla and Shalah? Felt nervous, perking ears and listening. Then scented Former. Charged in their direction, and quickly placing herself behind a tree to watch, ready to help them should they need it.
But was found out (due to players error and mis-clicking on the game >.<
Ran like HELL. Ran so much it eventually caught a bunch of peoples attention (Lats, Umay, some others who's picto I couldn't see because RUNNING). Ran into the hidey hole, thinking he wouldn't be able to fit.
Had to back up and rear up to avoid being stomped on. Got a nasty gash on her chest from his hoof. Stung like heck but she bolted. Was chased around some more until finally losing him.
Was approached by Kauna, Niddy, Aurik and Rae. Told them she was alright.
Soon enough, Former was back with a vengeance. Ran. Did not want them attacked because of her.
Was chased around for a long while. Growing tired, ran into the birch and managed to loose them all in the tall grassed by pinning herself to the ground.
Was eventually found by Kuru. Apologized to him and was happy for the nuzzles. Kauna, Rae, Aurik, and Nid showed uo. Apologized to them as well. Did not want them to be mad at her, but accepted they probably would be. Didn't seem like they were.
Apologized to Aurik most of all, as he went to her defense. It seemed he forgave her. Was happy for his nuzzles.
Was mothered a bit by Kauna, and Rae cuddle with her. Feeling...pretty darn good considering. Kauna stood over her and Rae protectively. Unsure how Halla and Shalah are faring, but hoping...praying they will be okay...
Pig came over. Immediately got up and wandered to him. This boar was so horribly confusing at times, but he had defended her, and persistently chased Former away.
"Thank you, Piggy."
Sat with everyone for a while, dozing off. Woke up to see Niddy and Rae had fallen asleep. Scented Zafeiri near by. Made sure the two were alright, before heading off to see if the oryx doe could help her injury.
Was given paste and oil, but also scolded. Felt a bit...numb. Felt strange. Felt bad for getting in the middle of it, but also didn't. Strange...
Long talk with her and eventually Aurik. Then the two of them started talking about the birds and the bees...just tuned them out because that's just a whole lot of nope.
Zafeiri left, and Angelus came over. Romped around, gently. Darn wound...Mama isn't going to like this, not one but.
Eventually sat down next to Aurik and dozed off.
Snapped away and saw Thane and Moro RIGHT THURR. Holy fcsezhoifyhizshgeoiSG.
Ran like hell. Tense. Found Alina with Auriks help. Grew increasingly nervous the more Thane and Moro played around together and ran past them a few times. Ran over to Fletcher, Galene, Piggy and Lieva. Tried to tell them that she was scared and nervous, but not for herself. For Zafeiri. Didn't seem to take the hint. Followed the two with her eyes as Zafeiri tried to move on elsewhere.
When Zafeiri stood by a tree, tried to shove her back. Thane and Moro were too close. Zafeiri left to go to the Old Oak. GOod...or not.
Watched Thane and Moro go over to the oak and circle behind it. Knew what was coming immediately. Started screaming for help even before Moro moved around to the entrance. Watched in horror as Thane entered and started attacking. ZAfeiri somehow managed to squeeze through the roots and run.
Was...quite relieved to see Fletcher come charging after Zafeiri. Was...was he going to help? Started crying when he started to attack Thane and Moro, and thus got attacked in return. Went to Zafeiri to check her first, then went after Fletcher. if he...if he got very hurt because of this...feared he would never forgive her or Zafeiri.
Eventually the fight broke up. Ran to Fletcher and sobbed at him. Begged his forgiveness and was told that she had nothing to be forgiven for. Zafeiri was innocent and pregnant and couldn't defend herself. Couldn't believe her ears. Inquired why they couldn't be family then. Was told he was betrayed by Zafeiri. Asked if they could at least be friends. A bit of confusion here. Eventually just followed Fletcher back to Zafeiri and was told to sit.
Sat with Zafeiri and Aurik for a long while. Get up when scenting something wrong. Ran off with Aurik and saw a huge ass fight. (Miriam, Pandora, Ram, Pig, Fletcher, some others I can't remember /sob). In the end, Pig and Ram were going at it.
After Ram and Miriam and Morikiah(? I think it was him) moved off, went to sniff Fletcher, Pig, and Pandora. Then after all was said and done, went back to Zafeiri. She was wheezing and trembling. Doesn't know what to do, could only just stay there with her.
"Please, Twin Gods...don't let her lose the fawns..."
Sat Sat sat. Wa asked by Alina to bring Ivan over. Okay. Did so. Ivan Delivery Girl
Sat sat sat some more. Eventually Ivan and Aurik left. Mama came! YAY! Talked, had a good cry, and was given a special locket with her mothers picture in it when she was a humanface. (has not grasped what a human is yet). Only briefly noticed Lilith there... (Sorry Lil! Was tabbed out to rp most of the night, didn't see you til you fell asleep T_T) Cuddled her mother and fell asleep next to her and Zafeiri and Lilth close by.
June 6, 2013
Player had to get Tea's set because for some reason, lost it...drat it all.
Had some help from Jacob. After all was said and done, helped Jacob get his clothes (someone changed it), and then romped around with him. Feelings very cheerful to have someone to play with.
Jacob wanted her to follow him at one point, okay! He lead her to a sleeping Halla. Went over to her to sniff, and then nuzzle. hadn't seen much of the grey doe recently. Misses her antics. Was told to bow to the tree. Remembered it was a grave of some sort? Gave her respects, then was lead off again by Jacob.
Found Leto. Greeted him as she didn't properly greet him the other day. Jacob seemed intent on having Leto join in on the fun, so...helped him!
The three pranced around for a bit until Leto sat down. Jacob invited Tea over, and soon Tea snuggled into Jacobs right side. Good start to the day.
Got up when realizing Halla had moved from the tree. Went to go find her and check on her. Passed Galene without realizing it. Backtracked to greet her. No response. fkslhegouzdhyrgolzehgoil
Pressed on to Halla. Apparently scared the crap out of her player. Success. trollface.jpeg
Sat with her for a few, then this happened:
[12:46:24 PM] Soliloquy Chryseis: I see you ther eUmay
[12:46:26 PM] Soliloquy Chryseis: I'm watching you.
[12:46:41 PM] Soliloquy Chryseis: *pulls this baby out
[12:46:56 PM] Halla: ROFL
[12:47:12 PM] Soliloquy Chryseis: *screams* Umay you're so scawyyy!
[12:47:21 PM] Soliloquy Chryseis: AJHHH SHES COMING OVER
[12:47:28 PM] Halla: nice going tea
[12:47:32 PM] Halla: your freaking staring
[12:47:33 PM] Halla: 8(
[12:47:39 PM] Soliloquy Chryseis: BUT I WASNT REALLY
[12:48:12 PM] Soliloquy Chryseis: *SOBS*
[12:48:58 PM] Halla: WE LIVE
[12:49:05 PM] Soliloquy Chryseis: YAYYYY
[12:49:09 PM] Soliloquy Chryseis: WE LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY!
Umay came over, after Tea had noticed she was nearby. Felt herself trembling in fear, but managed to stay brave enough to now show it externally. Greeted her and sniffed, was sniffed in return. Same with Halla. Then Umay left. WHEW!
Galene came over. Greeted her and invited her to sit. Then she left. :< Sat back down with Halla.
Then Galene came back with two fawns, (Unknown Minifawn with the same set as Rhea), and an undead fawn (Crier?) Greeted then, but they didn't seem to understand the concept. None the less invited them all to sit.
But Halla looked...unwilling. She got up and left after a bit of a stare off? Not sure. She did bow though, so bowed back. Went back to the fawns.
Met Flyleaf!!!! Though he was a pretty nice stag.
Pig came over, and both fawns cowered. Why? Glared at the boar. Why do you hurt babies and why does no one seem to care? Wanted to kick him but decided against it. Instead stood in front of the other fawns protectively, then sat beside them as they seemed to calm down.
Noticed Umay come over, and a black and white doe...wait...remembers her. Remembers her the day Verve almost died in that big fight. If she and Umay are together, does that make her scary too? Decided against going to greet her, as she did not seem happy pig was over there anyway.
Got distracted by the two other fawns who started bouncing in the flowers. Shamelessly joined in.
Eventually was nuzzled by the mini, and was quick to nuzzle it back. Invited to sit next to them, and did so happily. Felt safe with Galene there.
Went back to game and saw Galene had gone and was replaced by Umay! fvdshklzgiuvohzogozlsderl
Nervous again, but was relieved when Umay just sniffed them. And greeted Tea. WOOT! No beatings today! Quickly bowed to her back thankfully. Levi (the mini fawn), sat under her. Stood over her protectively, like papa does.
Pig came over to sniff. Was in too good a mood to sass him. Sniffed and greeted. Double woot. But Levi seemed upset? Pig was a big bully, but not necessarily evil...reluctantly thought. Same with Umay too she guessed. Was sniffed again and Pig shook his head. Promptly shook her head and sassed him when he left. Not scared of you Piggy! (For now).
Stood over Levi again.
Dozed off and saw that Galene moved over with Jacob and Levi and was standing alone. Pig and Umay were...playing? Fighting? Unsure. Quickly joined the other three and stood over Levi.
Found out they were playing seeing as it didn't seem to be too rough. Whew.
Rested for a bit, then a BIG stag came over (Former). Whoa, almost as big as Papa. Sniffed him. Seems nice enough. Then he prompted her to follow him. Persistently. Okay then. Went to follow, but a wild Halla appeared out of no where and used Flail. What the hell is going on?
Ran off a bit, warily. What was wrong with her? Watched for a few until Former tried to stand over her. Halla wouldn't let Former get near Tea. Ran off to watch from a distance. Just wanted to make friends, Halla, why do you-
Found Former standing there, and narrowly missed his enormous hooves as he tried to bring them down upon her. Fled. Called for help. Pig came out of nowhere and helped get rid of the big stag. Feeling shaken.
Tailed Halla and Shalah until they settled on a little hill near the pond. Decided to stay with them now.
Fell asleep there for a while.
Woke up alone. Wondered to the pond and found Aurik and a little doe. Greeted him awkwardly. He didn't seem aggressive to her anymore. Was happy when he asked her to sit.
Started getting harassed by a stag. Whipped out the OOC deer to get him to stop. Chased him off. Awwwyis.
But he came back. Ohhhnu.
Ran off when Rae did. Noticed she looked a bit upset. She put her head in Tea's feathers, didn't notice until moving off.
Eventually settled down and let Angelus and Aurik handle it. Stag left.
Sat for a bit until harassing stag came back and sat on them. For Gods sake...
Ran off to the birch to find Rae. Everyone got caught up except for Ouro. Called for her numerous times.
Met Ehrune, Raes daddy. Whoa. Sat with them for a bit, but heard Ouro calling. Ran over to her. Found her being harassed by Eve? Thought it was play at first. But it soon escalated. Felt she had to protect her sister. Clunked heads with the other female, pushing and shoving back. Didn't really feel scared. Felt...brave. Sassed the little doe. Don't hurt my sister again!
Ouro ran off, pretty upset it seemed. Followed her to the birch. She only wanted Auriks attention. Felt kinda sad, but then heard Halla calling. Dashed off to her. But...wasn't wanted. Shalah and FLetcher came over. Ohai Fletcher, nice to see you too. Shalah looked really upset. Tried to see what was wrong and to console her, but Fletcher blocked the way and made Tea move. Stood there. Didn't really feel apart of it. Not really wanted. Felt sad and ran off without another action.
Went into the blueberries and sat next to the middle rock, wondering why no one wanted her around unless they were alone. Feeling that she is only second best with everyone.
Sulking, and looked up to see Galene approach. Seemed to be questioned? Showed her sad. The doe seemed apologetic and nuzzled her. Felt good to have someone care. Fletcher didn't chase her. Course not. Wasn't Lieva. Internally miffed. Cuddled close to Galenes legs.
Dozed off, then scented Fletcher. Turned to see him completely peacocked, AND minied. Wishes she could have joined in on his embarrassment, but had a really good laugh. He tried to shake the feathers off. Kept laughing. Forgot why she was upset. tried to help Fletcher feather (shake head really fast with peacock antlers) Galene. Wakey wakey Galene! Then just stood by Fletcher as he struck a pose behind her.
Spaced out then saw Fletcher moved on. Bounced around with him for a bit until Pig came over. Fletcher sneezed off the spells though. Aww.
Then had an enormous romping session when Rhea, Achi and Aurik showed up. Had such a blast. Even played with Pig because she was in such a good mood. Tried to tickle EVERYONE.
When everything settled, nestled between Aurik and Achi. But made Aurik move closer. Happy that he seems friendlier.
Got a little antsy. Saw that Achi had fallen asleep? Awwyis.
Decided to be naughty and turn him into a peacock. Got him almost there, but he woke up before she could get the mask. he seemed upset. Quickly apologized, a little tearfully. Didn't want him angry at her. He seemed to forgive her. Was happy when he smothered her with nuzzles. Went to sit back down between the two bucks contentedly.
Fell asleep between them.
June 5, 2013
Woke up and found Fletcher sitting pretty close by. Went to greet him but got no response. Planted herself next to him anyway.
Got up only when Fletcher did. Apparently he saw Galene and Lieva. Figures. But Fletchers pausing made it seem like he wanted her to follow? Okay sure!
Happy for the invitation, slow walked over to Galene and watched Lieva wander to Pig. Went to greet Galene but was also unresponsive. What is with deer and ignoring her?
Lieva came over, but she wouldn't...come close? Then she went off to the hidey hole. Fletcher looked like he was going to follow. Knew where the other fawn was going so lead him there.
Found Lieva pouting?--to the wall. Why? Whats wrong Lieva, are you jealous Tea finally has time with Fletcher? Can't just be friends?
Had vaguely noticed the other fawn seemed introverted. Maybe someday she will stop being bratty and come play.
Stood by Fletcher anyway. Wasn't going to relent and let the other fawn hog him to herself. Deserved some time with her brother, considering the older male never sought her out anymore.
Sat there with him for hours.
Eventually everyone left, and Lilith was by her side. Curled up to the blue doe and fell asleep.
June 4, 2013
Woke up alone and wandered to the pond for a drink and to eat some reeds, having felt hungry. Then went to sit in a bit deeper water to soak her leg, growing tired of limping from the pain.
Looked behind her to see a stag who appeared to want antlers? Well alright, can help (players game glitched so its normal). Promptly gave him a new set of beautiful butterfly antlers. How feminine? He seemed to find it funny. All of a sudden, a deer jumped down from that tree. WHOA! ...Oh. OH. Oops. Felt a little bad she changed his antlers, but Verde didn't seem to mind it, especially when he eventually sneezed the spell off.
Looked around and saw a mini fawn running around. Tried to play with it but it seemed really hyper and ran off. No worries. Knows how they are sometimes!
Wandered off, seeing Rhea nearby. cautiously approached the fawn, because remembers the day before. But it seemed Rhea was happy to see her. Whew, so she didn't hate her because of Pig. That was nice. Played around with the little hyena fawn for a while, eventually being lead over to the mini fawn from earlier and Verde. Bounced around with them for a bit, but eventually settled down to give her leg a break. Was soon joined by Rhea.
Dozed off, coming to to realize Rhea had gone off. Just as well, the little fawn creature probably got bored. With her injury, Tea wasn't really any fun.
Went off to soak her leg for a while. Eventually got up and sought out Jokerman, having scented her. Found her asleep. Sat down near her, but far enough away to not startle the kudu when and if she awoke. Just wanted to be near...someone. Also wanted to talk to Jokerman in regards to Zafeiri, if the kudu would hear it, that is. Noticed Jokerman hasn't really been around lately, and wondered if she gave up on Zafeiri after all.
GOt bored of sitting ther enext to a sleeping JM, and wandered off to find Jacob. Found him with Lohtu in a tree over a sleeping Verve. Greeted them and tried to join in. Realizing her leg is hurting less. Oh yeah!
Verve got up and all four of them started romping. Really enjoyed herself. Was thoroughly amused when Verve did this laugh spinning thing. Got more daring with her playing, working her leg a bit more since keeping off of it so much.
Eventually Leto and another deer (Mojoj - Permadevout, noh mask, noh antlers?)
Romped a bit more. Got nervous when Umay limped past. What was wrong with her? What...feeling oddly concerned...Maybe it's because of her and Pandora's new relationship?
The thought passed when everyone settled down together.
Dozed off and came to to realize everyone but Verve left. Saw Achi and Aurik nearby. Warily wandered over to greet them. Only got a response from Achi. No nuzzle. Went back to Verve and took a spot closer to her this time.
More spacing out. Noticed Lohtu was back and Thais was with him. Greeted them (and accidentally derped because wrong hotkeys >.<)
Sat back down next to Verve.
Dozed off again, and nodded back to see Aurik and Achi standing there. Hopped up to greet them. Did not realize how tall they got. It felt...unnerving.
Everyone around her was getting bigger, but she hasn't grown since she came back to the forest. Why?
Thought ended, and an enormous romp session that included trying to butt-nuzzle everyone. Javob and Ouro even got involved. Had so much fun, couldn't remember the last time she really played with other fawns and teens and felt like there was nothing wrong in her life.
Saw Jacob run off. Curious. Oh! Rhea! Followed him and called the rest of the group over. Ouro didn't seem to approve. Jealous? Tried to coax her over, but she kept moving away.
Eventually, the group followed her anyway, and soon enough it seemed like she calmed down. Everyone sat down together. Felt like a little family. Couldn't resist snuggling into Achi's side since Oura was snuggling Aurik. Little Rhea was between Ouro and Achi.
Achi's player went off, Aurik went to see his Ma, and Rhea left. Snuggled up to her sister.
Fell asleep for a bit.
Woke up to find Aurik back and Zafeiri there.
And Pig. Oh god.
Nervous, but saw that he wanted them to follow him. Oh...okay then. Obliged. Followed him to his trees, but was told to sit by some trees near by. Okay then.
Was snuffed and nuzzled by Fletcher. YAY! Zafeiri got sniffed and greeted by Fletcher. O_O
Sat for a long time. Cuddled Zafeiri while Aurik sat on Oura (who seemed to be enjoying it) AURO/OURIK OTP
Noticed that Pig, Fletcher and Pandora seemed to be staring at them? (Does not know about the whole Farren/Halla thing.) Got up and walked over to Pandora. Greeted her. Wanted her to know that she was thankful Pandora was keeping her side of the deal. Gave her a little smile before returning to Zafeiri's side.
Pandora and an unknown doe (Miriam) started to yell at each other? No idea. Didn't look good. Tried to ignore it.
Then Zafeiri freaked out and went off. Followed her nervously, thinking she was angry at Tea. Even Pig followed.
Zafeiri got sick twice, but finally calmed down when Pig walked over and put his head on her neck? What the ---
He managed to calm her down, and lead her back to the group.
Tea to Pig: 
Pigface to Tea: 
What a weird relationship...
Sat back with Zafeiri and snuggled into her neck, getting jealous over seeing Fletcher and Lieva sitting together. Argh. Ah well.
Zafeiri ran off again. Sigh.
Huge romping session erupted when Achi came over. Had alot of fun with Aurik, Achi, and Ouro.
Fletcher even joined in. Didn't take long to realize Lieva was gone. Too good for us maybe? Ah well.
Kept trying to headbutt and buttnuzzle everyone.
Then the game crashed and exploded and everyone was freaking out. Then came back on and people were glitched out it was cray cray.
Met the deer from the other day that Achi met. Was nice, but player had to go to sleep, work tomorrow :<
Tea fell asleep next to the dandelion she tend to go to when she is alone.
June 3, 2013
Got up, and went to go find Achi since she scented him. Found him with an unknown stag/doe? Seemed friendly enough. Went to sit with them near the ruins. But soon after she sat, she scented Papa. Why didn't he come to find her? Seems to be a trend lately. Oh well.
Went to go find him, limping with three legs. Getting better at it.
Found her father sleeping next to Kuru. Ohh that's why. Tried to poke him awake, joined by Jacob and a little strange fawn (Rhea).
Papa finally woke up. Greeted and nuzzled him. Romped around with the two other children, being slow about it because if her injury. Then papa became a fawn and joined in. Found it very funny! Played and played and papa settled down again. Then he disappeared.
Rhea ran off, and Jacob followed. Didn't want to be alone, so followed them. Ended up at Pig. Ugh, why does this mean boar have so many friends? Doesn't understand.
Rhea sat in front of him, and Jacob fell asleep off to the side? Sat with Jacob.
Pig woke up. he seemed mad. Kept yelling at Tea and Jacob. Shut up Pig, why do you have to be so loud? Did not let the boar scare her.
Pigface went off to Kuru. Great. Followed and watched him poke and yell at Kuru to wake up? Confused at his actions. Kuru got up and Pig nuzzled him. Oh heck no.
Ran off to get Jacob, bringing him back. Went to Kuru to greet and nuzzle him, then thoroughly mark him, right in front of Pig. (/Hallaplz)
The boar either didn't care or didn't see? Whatever.
Pig told Kuru to follow him, though everyone did.
As soon as they made it to a sleeping Galene, Pig started shoving jacob around. DId not like this at all. Thought it was play at first, but quickly realized the boar wasn't playing. Made her sick. People were so quick to make Zafeiri seem like a crazy doe, but no one seemed to noticed that a [=yellow=]GIANT BOAR WAS SHOVING AROUND FAWNS.[/] It's not like it wasn't the first time. Earth to TEF.
Got distressed when Jacob stuck around. She hoped he didn't think Pig was just playing. Now it seemed like Rhea didn't like Jacob anymore? Sad that the fawn is choosing the side of a fawn shover.
Jacob eventually left, and Pig turned his sights on Tea. Did NOT let the boar push her around, but was very scared since she was injured. Didn't want him to hurt her more. Tried to show him she didn't want to be forced to leave, but also wanted him to stop shoving her. Clanked heads with him once. Owwwww...
Galene had woken up and quickly went to stand over Tea. The fawn appreciated it, but got even more scared when Pig started to get angry with her and shove her? Had to get out from under Galane's legs, didn't want the doe to get hurt because of her, and didn't want to accidentally get stepped on.
Galene and Pig seemed to have a little brawl. Felt sad. Was asked to follow Galene. Obliged. Did not want to be around the crazy boar anymore. Tried to apologize to Galene along the way. Maybe should have just left...but didn't want the boar to be triumphant.
Was lead to the hill next to the ruined and asked to sit. Curled up next to Galene, trying to sort out her thoughts.
Felt calmer around Galene once some time passed. Feels a bit guilty for that bit of jealously she had towards the kind black doe.
Mama came over. Super happy to see her. Greeted, nuzzled, and eventually sat next to. Being groomed for once was very nice.
Fell asleep next to her mother (Nadya's player had to go)
Slept for a bit, then woke up to Find Fletcher curled up with Rhea near her, and Galene was there too. Felt a pang of jealously but shook it off.
Got up to greet him and nuzzle him, but Fletcher was unresponsive. Oh well. Decided to sit next to him. Had scented Aurik, but decided against seeing him; he never wanted her around anyway.
Fell asleep there.
Got up and wandered to the pond for a drink. Afterwards, wandered around in search of Zafeiri, wanting to check up on her from the night before.
Noticed Fletcher, Galene and Lieva together. Left them, feeling left out and jealous. Wanted to sit with someone to stem this jealous off. Scented Halla. Went over to the doe and sat near her, after attempting to greet and nuzzle. No response. (Player was afk)
(Then all the Fake-Halla crap happened arfdgohirlzgjihrd;glz)
Went off to find Fusion, having scented her. Found her on top of the Oak but asleep? Ah well. Curled up next to a tree near by and dozed off as well.
Eventually came to and saw Fusion looking at her. Did not hesitate to curl up next to the dragon doe. Feeling super safe next to her.
Noticed Pig nearby. Was nervous. Fusion went Go-Go-Gadget Dragon mode. hehehehe Cyda <3
Oh yeah, Pig. Take. THAT.
Pig left with the other two deer that were there. Remained at Fusions side.
Got up when she realized Lilith was there (I was afking when I first noticed her!). Got up to greet and nuzzle her. Feeling extra safe. Oh yeah.
Went afk for like, ever.
Fusion suddenly left, and tea sensed that the dragon doe felt uncomfortable. did not try to stop her. Saw that another deer (Moki), had sat by her. Curious. Sat by Lilith to get a better look at him.
Fell asleep
June 2, 2013
Woke up and immediately scented her mother. Moved as fast as she could towards Nadya. Found the brown doe with Zafeiri, who appeared to be in terrible pain and was sick. Both she and Nadya had no idea how to help the oryx doe.
Well, sorta.
Finally admitted to her mother that she had befriended Fusion, expecting to be scolded. Was relieved to see that Nadya trusted her, though was still weary about the dragon doe.
Went off to find Fusion, the only one Tea knew who could possibly help right now. Once finding Fusion, explained the situation. Was happy that Fusion agreed.
Led her back to Nadya and Zafeiri. Was even more relieved when Fusion apologized, and Nadya accepted the apology. Wonders why Fletcher and the others can't be as forgiving and accepting as her mother was. Admires her mother even more now.
Sat with Nadya and watched Fusion go off to gather supplies. When the doe returned, noted everything that she had brought back, and what they would do. Witnessed the dragon use her strange magic to relieve Zafeiri's pain. Happy that something was working out for once. Mama fell asleep. (Nadya's player had to leave for a bit).
Was asked by Fusion to help her gather food for Zafeiri so she could rest. Mentally kicked herself for not thinking about that idea. Agreed.
Went to the trees near the Rock that Cries, and gathered a bundle of grass there, using her mask as a bowl. Washed the grass off, then limped back to Zafeiri. Set the grass near her and cuddled into her side. Fusion brought over more grass, and praised Tea for helping. Felt good to be praised.
Stayed close to Zafeiri, offering as much support a little fawn could.
Sumi came around but was unresponsive to the greet and nuzzle? (Player afk maybe?)
Mama woke up. Scented...PAPA! Couldn't believe it. Ignored the pain in her leg and bounced around. Joined her mother in calling for their father. Expressed her joy when all three of them were together. Bounced around, reared, didn't care her leg throbbed. Hadn't been this happy in so long.
But then papa ran off. Was confused along with Nadya. But soon sat and had a small talk with her mother. Showed Mama her leg, and forgave her when Mama apologized. Can never be mad at her parents (unless they pulled a Dae xDDD)
Then from the forest, watched Papa bring out a familiar face.
Couldn't believe her eyes. Limped over. Still couldn't believe it. Shed some tears. Nuzzled him, scent marked him, even gave him a kiss.
Overprotective sister-mode, initiated.
Brought Ranore over to the group when Zafeiri moved to sit in the grass rather than by the tree.
All of them. Together. It was almost perfect, but close enough to perfection that tea couldn't help but to cry to herself over how happy she felt.
But eventually everyone kind of scattered and left. Still felt happy though, Mama was still there.
Was brought to the pond and given a much needed bath by her mother. Then was brought to sit under a willow. Curled up next to her mother.
Fusion showed up and had a chat. (This rp is paused until tomorrow.))
After Nadya had fallen asleep, approached Fusion who lay in her dragon form. Had a conversation which lead into an offer to go flying together. Jumped on the offer, though nervous.
To make a long story short, went on the most amazing mini adventure through the sky on the back of a dragon. Learned about how the sun and moon work on Earth, how the sun paints the sky in the morning, and making a wish to grow her own pair of wings on stars peeking through the suns fading light. Traveled through a plume of Fusions fire, and experienced the dragons nauseating Hurricane move.
Briefly met Ritic. Well, saw him sleeping on top of the Old Oak. Hopes to actually meet him someday.
Was brought back to her sleeping mother. Before going off to curl up next to Nadya and let Fusion go off to hunt, quickly showed the dragon doe a moment of affection by nuzzling her neck.
Feeling really good tonight.
Fell asleep after curling up next to Nadya.
Experienced a vivid dream. Considering what happened tonight, I thought this dream would be appropriate now. Thank you, Quad, for writing this little piece about Tea. I am so pleased to actually use it in her history now ♥♥♥
June 1, 2013
Woke up...you guessed, it- Alone.
Though about events that had passed, how she had become mutual friends? with Pandora. Seems to understand the doe better. Happy the Nevermore wears her feather, and thus treasuring the candle in return. Won't tell Zafeiri about their new relationship though.
Scented Ivan, and limped over to him. Saw he was almost surrounded in fawns. Amused by this. Feeling better from Fusions medicine and magical pain reliever, not to mention the bedtime story and sleeping next to the doe was comforting. (from an rp. slipping it in here)
Sat with him for a few, until noticing Red Eyes near by. Got up to go greet her new friend. Tried to coax him over to the others and eventually did. But as soon as they sat down near Ivan, he got up. Sniffing and greeting and all that. Pandora wandered over. Quickly turned to her and greeted and sniffed her. Wanted to keep on good terms with the obsidian doe. Then Pig came over. Ergh.
Sniffing and then it seemed like Pig wanted Red to follow him. Not this again.
However, Pandora stopped it, quite quickly. She seemed to pretty much dominate the boar, which made Tea feel a little funny. She felt...satisfied to see Pig not in charge for once.
Fletcher came over. Turned to look at him, deciding not to take initiative. Quickly wishing she had, as all he did was sniff her and question her? Sigh.
Eventually, all of them backed off, and Tea was left to chat with Red.
Fell asleep near him after their conversation.
May 29, 2013
Woke up alone.
Limped to the pond for a drink.
Scented blood...? And Fletcher and Pig and Galene. Wandered over to see all three covered in blood. Totally...uh...scared? Doesn't know what to think about it. Then Pig comes over and starts covering her. Whines and cowers and shakes head no. Doesn't want icky blood on her. But listened anyway, for Fletchers sake. Went over to the stag and stood by him, keeping weight off her left foreleg. Was told to sit and did so. But it wasn't long before Pig and Galene started to play.
Got a bit jealous when Fletchdr joined in. Wonders if he will play with her like that again one day.
Feeling a bit left out, being hurt and all, called out for anyone, particularly Zafeiri. Did this a few times, but got no responses.
Turned her back on the trio and cuddled into the closest thing, a tree root.
Dozed off for a bit (player went afk), and came back to see Galene, Fletcher and Pig sitting in a tree (K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!! x'D)
Almost broke down crying at the sight. Wanted to be apart of it again. Just left, deciding she should seek medical assistance and comfort elsewhere.
Still covered in blood that Pig spread on her, sought out Zafeiri, Halla, and Shalah. Found the two does standing over Halla? Then Halla jumped up and started walking in circles? Crying? Upset?
Kept her distance. Starting to feel desperate for...for someone. Where was Achi?
Sat there, trying to nurse her aching leg. Zafeiri seemed to notice that Tea was there, and came over to stand over her. Didn't mind it at all, but still felt alone.
Pig came over and did some Pig things and Zafeiri is like What the fuck
Barely even noticed though. Feeling lethargic and just wanting to sleep.
So Zafeiri was covered in blood. YAY.
Was stood over by Shalah. Damnit Shalah, can't you see Tea is HURTTTTT. Halla didn't like that. Got up shakily and limped over to the side, then under Lilith. Alina walked next to Lilith, then sat between them as the others conversed?
Eventually was lead away by Zafeiri. Didn't mind it. Went to the grave site and cuddled with her sadly.
Zafeiri fell asleep (Player had to leave). Didn't want to be alone near the tree, so got up and went to the hidey-hole instead.
Fell asleep there.
Got up and had to get entire set. Well fuck.
Did that and watched Pandora attack Zafeiri. T-T
Once set was achieved, ran over to Zafeiri and hid under her. Gave Pandora a scared look. Wanted the black doe to just leave Zafeiri alone...wanted to just have peace. Laid down, leg hurting.
Had a conversation with Zafeiri and the boar. Was told to stay away from Pandora by Zafeiri. Thinks Fletcher considers Pig family and told him such. Then ended up being lead away to Thana's grave for bedtime. Snuggled up close to Zafeiri and fell asleep, wondering if she should seek out Pandora, despite the oryxs demands. Wants to protect her...and whole family...
May 28, 2013
Woke up to darkness. At first, very afraid, but then it hit her. With darkness, meant there would be stars!
Ran to the Twin Gods statues. Prayed and gave thanks for this chance to save her family. Got her pelt, then bolted for the playground. Sat within numerous candles, staring up at the stars, making countless wishes...
This had to work...it just had to...
Had fallen asleep after spending quite a bit of time wishing for Halla to survive, and for Zafeiri to return unharmed. Not to mention she also wished for her parents to come back, and for the rest of her family to remain safe.
Woke up after feeling a warm body next to her. ACHI! Super happy to see the buck, greeted and nuzzled. Checked him over. he was getting better, that was a relief. Settled down next to him, her focus on the sky above.
Had quite the talk with Achi. Spoke of problems, apologies, family, Fusion, and wishes. Declared him part of her family.
Feeling lighthearted, cuddled up against Achi. Stayed by Achi as he fell asleep.
Got up when Lilith came over. Greeted and nuzzled the doe. Realizing how she's become a source of comfort in the hard times she had been going through. Grateful.
Played with her, making moo bubbles and prancing in the candles. Jacob came over too. Started playing with some other fawns (Mire?), going into the candle and dancing inside of it.
Eventually left upon seeing Jacob and Halla fuss over a grey doe, Ruin. She looks familiar. A friend from the past!? Bounced down to meet and greet her. She didn't seem to be alright though?
Either way, stayed with the group for a while.
Got scared a few times when scenting Thane and Moro. Sassed them when they ran off. BRING IT
Halla and Shalah seemed to start fighting about a fawn? Did not like this. Tried to get them to stop but Shalah looked flat out pissed. Ruin didn't seem happy about it either. Decided to stay next to the other grey doe. Perhaps now she could get to know her, and try not to worry about the other two.
Dozed for a while, then scented Thane and Moro again. And Pig?
(Player is an idiot. For some stupid reason always confuses Phaios for Henna and vice versa...nnngghh)
Anyway, rallied Fletcher to help Phaios. Some others joined (not sure who, sorry!)
Eventually it ended. Sassed both Thane and Moro from a distance. Wutnao!?
Sniffed everyone to make sure they were okay. Pig didn't seem happy with her. Whatever Piggy.
Followed Fletcher to Halla and Shalah. Eventually Alani came over. Greeted her awkwardly. (Stupid TEF froze, sorry if you didn't see it!)
Watched Thane wander by. Did more sassing.
Faintly noticed Halla seemed to be upset about something? Scared? Wondered if it was the demons she was told about. Warily kept an eye out for anything demonic, and ready to defend her friend despite the grey does wishes.
Sat around, wandered around the group. Just things.
Eventually ran off when scenting Moro near Phaios again. Went over to see that he looked like he was attacking her again? Ciel seemed to be trying to protect her. Went back to the group, but felt uneasy. Went back to check up on Phaios after Moro vanished.
Went to Fletcher and settled next to him.
Got up to join the group when they started making moo bubbles. Found this hilarious. Then everyone got the same idea to turn into mini fawns.
(Now using the minifawn as in game set for the Night Weather)
Bounced around and played. Halla seemed to be getting mad that Shalah kept trying to stand over Tea? Didn't want the grey doe angry, so kept moving away. Eventually just stood off to the side and watched. Had fun but really didn't feel part of it. Wondering if she ever will feel like part of the family again.
Wandered off when Fletcher went to greet Galene. Maybe some more wishing would ease the nerves. But not long after sitting, was approached by Galene herself. She seemed concerned. Felt like an idiot for not greeting her in the first place. Hid the fact she was jealous and invited the doe to sit with her near on the rock.
Sat with her for a bit until Galene got up to leave. But the doe invited her to tag along? Felt even more like a fool. Disliking the fact that she is jealous. Swallowed it and followed the doe to Fletcher. Was told to sit by him. Wanted to apologize then, but didn't know if the doe understood how she was feeling. Ended up being nestled between the two, feeling safe.
It felt...really nice.
Got up when scenting...Zafeiri! Ran over to her and bounced around her happily. Nuzzled, greeted, thanked the gods.
Lead Zafeiri to the rocks, but she didn't like the idea? Got really scared when Shalah came over. But it ended alright. Just sniffs and stuff.
Ran off hearing Prita call? Scented Thane. Oh no! Ran to check, but rhey werent near each other, but Thane looked like he was watching them over there.
Ran back to Alina and went to lead her back to the rock, but something, something came running from the dark. Felt claws and teeth rake her side. In pain, screamed and ran, couldn't see what it was, but felt herself getting kicked. Screamed again and limped ran off. Whatever it was attacked Zafeiri too. But hopefully not too much.
Ran off in tears and sat on a rock. Left foreleg hurts and bleeding. Scared. Very scared.
Prita sat next to her, and so did Morikiah. Was really grateful for the company...but...wished Fletcher was there with her...
Galene came over. Seemed curious? Tried to show her she was hurt. Couldn't climb on the rock now... Lieva and Fletcher came over. Seemed he noticed she was hurt. Well it was dark after all, though she was bleeding. Cuddled into him when he sat down next to her.
Why did this have to happen when Zafeiri just got back? it's not fair...just wanted to sit with her and see what happened...
Still, enjoyed Fletchers fur and scent.
May 27, 2013
Woke up and went to get her pelt.
Scented Fletcher and Halla nearby, and went to them. Halla was still sleeping, and Fletcher was trying to get her pelt back. Was a little hurt when the stag left without a greeting, but knew that he was probably suffering. Followed him, but not before looking at Halla solemnly. He seemed confused as to why she followed him? Just nuzzled him, hoping for some return affection. Happy that he returned the nuzzle with a greeting attached. He went off, and followed him again. He went to sit under Tea's willow where Galene was sleeping. Sat to his right and cuddled into his side. She wanted to tell him that she knew about Halla and that she was there to help him, but held her tongue. Perhaps these action alone could tell him all she wanted to.
Tailed Fletcher for some time until he lead her back to Halla. he started ramming trees. it was a little distressing, but didn't intervene. Halla eventually did.
Was told to stay with Halla as Fletcher went off to Galene again. Stayed there for a while until scenting Umay and pandora around Fletcher. A little nervous. Wet to go see. Pandora was nearby, talking to Fletcher? Umay and Kody were playing? Unsure. Watched from a distance.
Approached by Fletcher and told about the battle and asked to stay out of it. Agreed, but begged Fletcher not to die, fearing he'd meet the same fate. Was told he made it this far before he left her alone and rejoined the others. Stood there trying not to cry. Had hoped for some kind of comfort but didn't get any.
Approached by Pig. Stood her ground. Wouldn't let him push her around. Sniffed and was sniffed. Unsure what he wanted? He eventually shook his head and left. Unsure still.
Felt stupid standing there so cuddled up next to Fletcher, whether he wanted it or not.
He vanished. ARGH.
Sat there for a bit, then wandered. Didn't want to be near Pig alone, and didn't know Lieva too well.
Played with a few fawns, then noticed Halla and Shalah looked distressed by another fawn. Went to get the fawn away but they left of their own accord. Sniffed Shalah, seeing that she was getting pretty big. Greeted them and nuzzled Halla. Followed them a bit when another stag was bothering them, tried to tell him to leave them alone.
They went off and Tea was alone again. Started feeling itchy on her head. Rubbed on trees and soaked her head in the water. Nothing really helped. Stupid feathers.
Scented Fletcher and went back to see him next to Pig. Looked like Lieva was nestled between them. A bit jealous but ignored it.
Stood there until Pig asked her to come closer. Really doesn't understand him. Is he good, or is he bad? Either way, listened to him when he told her to sit next to Fletcher. Why thank you.
((OOCly went to get the candles for Tea because I WANNA PARTICIPATE SOMEHOW 8I )))
Went with Fletcher to halla and Shalah. Had a chat with them, and all agreed to stay out of Pandora's fight. Kept the candle close.
It seemed the fight ended. Followed Fletcher to the scene. It seemed everyone was celebrating. So the demons were gone? Relieved. That gave her hope Halla would survive. But why wouldn't Halla let others help...
Sat with everyone in a semi circle where the fight was. (Umay, Kody, pandora, Aurora, Fletcher, Pigface, Malikorin? And some others I did not immediately recognize). Dozed off a bit, then noticed Fletcher gone. Felt extremely exposed. Kept the candle close, and bowed to everyone there. Wanted them to know that she was happy for them, even though some of them had caused her and her friends pain.
if just for today they could be friends, it was a good thing. Went off to Halla and Shalah, along with Lilith, and fell asleep by the tree.
May 27, 2013
Woke up and went to get her pelt.
Scented Fletcher and Halla nearby, and went to them. Halla was still sleeping, and Fletcher was trying to get her pelt back. Was a little hurt when the stag left without a greeting, but knew that he was probably suffering. Followed him, but not before looking at Halla solemnly. He seemed confused as to why she followed him? Just nuzzled him, hoping for some return affection. Happy that he returned the nuzzle with a greeting attached. He went off, and followed him again. He went to sit under Tea's willow where Galene was sleeping. Sat to his right and cuddled into his side. She wanted to tell him that she knew about Halla and that she was there to help him, but held her tongue. Perhaps these action alone could tell him all she wanted to.
Tailed Fletcher for some time until he lead her back to Halla. he started ramming trees. it was a little distressing, but didn't intervene. Halla eventually did.
Was told to stay with Halla as Fletcher went off to Galene again. Stayed there for a while until scenting Umay and pandora around Fletcher. A little nervous. Wet to go see. Pandora was nearby, talking to Fletcher? Umay and Kody were playing? Unsure. Watched from a distance.
Approached by Fletcher and told about the battle and asked to stay out of it. Agreed, but begged Fletcher not to die, fearing he'd meet the same fate. Was told he made it this far before he left her alone and rejoined the others. Stood there trying not to cry. Had hoped for some kind of comfort but didn't get any.
Approached by Pig. Stood her ground. Wouldn't let him push her around. Sniffed and was sniffed. Unsure what he wanted? He eventually shook his head and left. Unsure still.
Felt stupid standing there so cuddled up next to Fletcher, whether he wanted it or not.
He vanished. ARGH.
Sat there for a bit, then wandered. Didn't want to be near Pig alone, and didn't know Lieva too well.
Played with a few fawns, then noticed Halla and Shalah looked distressed by another fawn. Went to get the fawn away but they left of their own accord. Sniffed Shalah, seeing that she was getting pretty big. Greeted them and nuzzled Halla. Followed them a bit when another stag was bothering them, tried to tell him to leave them alone.
They went off and Tea was alone again. Started feeling itchy on her head. Rubbed on trees and soaked her head in the water. Nothing really helped. Stupid feathers.
Scented Fletcher and went back to see him next to Pig. Looked like Lieva was nestled between them. A bit jealous but ignored it.
Stood there until Pig asked her to come closer. Really doesn't understand him. Is he good, or is he bad? Either way, listened to him when he told her to sit next to Fletcher. Why thank you.
((OOCly went to get the candles for Tea because I WANNA PARTICIPATE SOMEHOW 8I )))
Went with Fletcher to halla and Shalah. Had a chat with them, and all agreed to stay out of Pandora's fight. Kept the candle close.
It seemed the fight ended. Followed Fletcher to the scene. It seemed everyone was celebrating. So the demons were gone? Relieved. That gave her hope Halla would survive. But why wouldn't Halla let others help...
Sat with everyone in a semi circle where the fight was. (Umay, Kody, pandora, Aurora, Fletcher, Pigface, Malikorin? And some others I did not immediately recognize). Dozed off a bit, then noticed Fletcher gone. Felt extremely exposed. Kept the candle close, and bowed to everyone there. Wanted them to know that she was happy for them, even though some of them had caused her and her friends pain.
if just for today they could be friends, it was a good thing. Went off to Halla and Shalah, along with Lilith, and fell asleep by the tree.
May 26, 2013
Woke up and got her pelt. Approached by a random stag. Semed he wanted to attack her? Or he wanted her to fight him? Not particularly scared, but ran off anyway.
Immediately went to the hidey hole. Glad that no one was in it. Marked the crap out of the tree in front of it. Understands that the hole is not just hers, but wants to remind that she had it first. Sought out her hidden doll and quickly snuggled into it. Hoping to catch scent of Jacob or Prita or someone, so that she had someone to be with today.
Still no scent of Alina. Zafeiri, rather.
Got up when she scented Jacob near by. YES! A distraction! Immediately went over to him and tailed him. Probably annoying but doesn't really care. Clinging to him. Happy to be with someone.
Sat with and avoided deer who potentially could cast the pelt spell on them.
At one point Jacob got up and ran off. Ran after him. He seemed upset about something? Didn't follow him. He came back over and asked her to follow him, but he still seemed upset? Unsure but followed him anyway. Eventually went back to sit next to the deer they were seated next to earlier (Ephire).
Sat there for a time, cuddled up next to Jacob. Got up only when Fletcher wandered into her vision. Wasn't going to allow him to just walk away without greeting her. Took the initiative. Went over to greet him and gave him nuzzles, purposefully scent marking him in the process. She wanted him to know that she was still his friend and sister, but also wanted him to acknowledge her. Wanted him to come to her like times past, yearning for his warm side that she used to feel so familiar with, but now felt so alien.
Jacob greeted Fletcher as well, although he seemed to be apologizing? Did not know why, but didn't ask. Went back to Ephire with Jacob and Fletcher in tow, and sat between Jacob and Fletcher.
Got up when the two did, noticing Verve near by. Good, she was moving around. Followed Jacob to greet her. Happy that the tall, flat faced doe greeted her.
All five of them went to sit together. Sat between Jacob and Fletcher again, but not as close to Fletcher as she would have liked.
Oh well, this is a start.
Got up when Herla came over to greet them. Greeted the feathered doe, noticing that she was filling out nicely from her pregnancy. Secretly anxious to see what her fawn would look like. Moved closer to Fletcher as to give her room to sit with them. Nested between Fletcher and jacob again as Herla took a spot next to Ephire.
Sat for a while between the two, until Fletcher got up and left. Thought for a moment he was going out of range to cough off a pelt spell, but he did not return. Stood and listened for him, but nothing. Jacob got up and seemed a bit concerned. Expressed her sadness, but doesn't think he understands? Sat back down. Jacob came closer and sat with her. Snuggled into him. At least she still had Jacob there.
Everyone fell asleep. Tea got up when she noticed Vala trying to get her attention. Vala! Remembered having alot of fun with the red doe. Pranced and played and chased and flat out had fun. Got trumpet antlers. Found it hilarious. Vala didn't seem to like the stream? Showed Vala jumping over it wasn't scary, but doesn't think she understood. Got her antlers changed again to antennae. Oh yeah! Whipped them around and had a silly dancing session with Vala again. Followed her to a mushroom circle. Then followed her to another deer (Kody) who Vala turned into a dove. Had a good laugh but was nervous with Pandora RIGHTTHERE!!! Was quick to chase after Vala when she ran off to another circle to get another transformation spell. Pranced around again, then went back to the mushroom circle again.
Got up when she saw Fletcher and Halla walking nearby. Ran over to greet Halla and nuzzle her.
Slowly realizing that there is something...wrong. Fletcher is acting weird. And not just weird like before but...sad. Doesn't ask why though. Doesn't want to be the pest she feels like. None the less stood near by and watched Umay run by.
Feeling lost in a familiar place.
Panicked a bit when a bunch of deer ran by, including Umay and Pandora. Ran over to Fletcher and Halla. Having the group pass by caused Tea to snuggle into Fletcher for a source of protection. Felt bad for this, as she had initially wanted to leave the two alone, but her own fear was stronger than that. Stayed there and was joined by Jacob.
Got up when the group did and stood there as Jacob bounced around.
(Now carrying one of Pandora's Candles)
Followed Fletcher and Halla and Jacob, sat with them for a long time and all that jazz. Got up when some weird deer came over. Seemed a bit annoying but stayed away. Lieva and Pig came over. Wary of the boar. Greeted Lieva. Sniffed Pig. Sat next to Fletcher who sat with Pig between him and Lieva. Cuddled up to Fletcher until he vanished. Poof. Didn't want to stay near Pig, so went to Jacob and Halla. Had one heck of a time trying to nuzzle Jacob. Eventually succeeded, then sat next to the tree near Halla.
Fell asleep there.
Woke up alone. Went to get her pelt and was helped by another fawn. Thanked them, before going to the pond for a drink. Enjoyed the cool water going down her throat. Scented the air, particularly for Fletcher and Zafeiri.
But smelled Halla.
Turned and quickly sought out the grey doe, trying to figure out how to start a conversation concerning why Fletcher seemed upset, and why Halla herself also seemed somber.
Ended up finding out Halla was dying. Or rather, was going to be killed by demons...
Sad, angry, confused... Stressed caused three more feathers to fall out, which she gave to Halla in hopes that they could give her protection or good luck. (I think Torn fell asleep, so gonna continue tomorrow?)
Turned around to see Indi attacking a weird eyeball deer!? (Sin), watched her chase it off. Followed. Did it hurt her!? Ran after to check on her. Chased her and Sin and JM for a time until Indi turned around and had her stay back. Took the hint. The eyeball deer must be bad, didn't want to get hurt. Didn't notice if Indi was injured or not, but promptly returned to Halla to offer the doe protection should the eyeball deer come attack.
Was joined by Lilith (had to show her how to get up on the rocks x3), and another fawn.
Fell asleep.
May 25, 2013
Player had gone on Vacation from May 16th until May 25th. Returning today.
Tea had wandered into the outskirts of The Endless Forest and got lost.
Today, she finally finds her way back.
Upon returning, immediately headed for the pond. Took a nice long drink. Never wants to get lost on the outskirts ever again. At least she was still in the forest this time.
Called out for Alina, or someone. Got a response from two unknown deer. Disappointed. Wandered off to find them, but got distracted when she saw Fletcher and Pigface seemingly staring into the hidey hole. Wonders why. Wandered around and saw Galene and Lieva inside of it. Curious. Watched them all for some time, but none of them seemed to care she was there. Not particularly surprised, but still quite hurt that Fletcher didn't come over to her no matter how long she stared at him.
Feels replaced, but knows it's her fault. Nonetheless still wishes that Fletcher loved her as much as he used to.
Growing concern for Alina. It had been almost a month since she first got lost. What happened to the Oryx doe? Did Umay or the fox deer finally finished her. Feeling pretty sad.
Stood for a bit longer to stare at Fletcher until approached by Zash. Recognized him from a brief encounter once before, but doesn't really know him. Still appreciated the sudden company, as her original cuddle buddy didn't seem to have any interest in her anymore. Resisted the urge to bury herself into Zash to make Fletcher feel jealous, and feeling awful for even thinking such a thing.
Sat there for a bit next to Zash. Fletcher eventually came over, greeted and nuzzled her. But that lasted only seconds, as he turned away and went back to Pig and the others. Wonders if he just did that simply because she was staring at him and didnt want her to anymore... Then heard a familiar call. Got up and looked to see it was Ayashe. Happy to see the other fawn. Bounced around with her for a bit, then noticed ash walked away. Went back over to him, Ayashe in tow. Sat back next to him, then got back up to greet another fawn (Jennie picto?). But the fawn vanished. Weird. Sat back with Zash and soon Ayashe once more.
Dozed off and found Zash and Ayashe left. Noticed Lilith near by. Greeted the doe, and was going to sit by her but scented Jacob nearby. Ran off to find him bounding around with Prita. Noticed Jacob was bigger now. Greeted them both, then joined in. It's been too long since she could act like the fawn she was.
Enjoyed herself. Met Prita's father Morikiah, Ravenflight, Ephire and a recovering Verve. Quite pleased the tall, flat-faced doe was getting better, and happy she greeted her. Feeling somewhat at home around the other deer, as her old herd are pretty much gone. Desperate for attention and thirsting for love.
Eventually sat around with the others, sitting particularly close to Jacob and Prita.
Fell asleep there.
May 15, 2013
Not really on much today.
Got up and got her pelt. Went to see Zafeiri at the grave. She seemed sad. Went to talk to Aurik. had a chat with him. Kinda annoyed he's so stubborn. But also sad.
Went back to Zafeiri and fell asleep next to her.
May 14, 2013
Tea woke where she fell asleep the night before, all alone. Got up with slumped shoulders, feeling hugely guilty. It didn't hit her until now that she had gone against Jokermans wishes to stay out of fights. She had done good, but she reached her breaking point to see more cowardice in two deer attacking Alina, when they had the ability to leave as she had asked.
The fawn got up and wandered to her hidey hole, where she laid there for a time (player was affkkk). Got up feeling restless and anxious. She quickly went to the stream for a drink and some reeds, then went to bath in the rocks tears.
After she was done bathing, she climbed the bank, shook off, then went to lie in the sunspot nearby. vaguely aware of a fawn (Prita) looking over at her? Didn't even bother to greet, in no mood to play. Also vaguely aware of a deer behind her near a tree. Didn't care about him or her either.
Unsure what to do with herself.
Laid there for HOURS. Then migrated to the hideyhole, staying there for the rest of the day.
May 13, 2013
Woke up and got my pelt with the help of someone else. I felt lonely, but also didn't feel like crying around anyone again, so...
I saw Umay near by, so I hid behind a tree. I'm so tired of hiding from others...I want to feel safe again. Zafeiri's mom, Dae, came over to me and greeted me. She's really nice, but I hardly know her.
(Player went to go do Pandora's picture thing because YEAHHHHH)
Went to go sit alone in some flowers. I was approached by Fletcher. I was wary at first, but he greeted me and nuzzled me. I missed his scent and the feel of his fur against my face. But he then walked off. I wasn't sure if this was an unspoken invitation to join him, but when he laid with his friends and did not stir again, I figured I was not invited after all.
I guess...I guess I am finally able to accept that things changed, and that it's pointless to keep trying to fix it. My decision to help Zafeiri has pushed Fletcher away from me.
He'll never come for me anymore...will he. Not unless I am in true danger or something...I shouldn't expect him to come to me when he has a new fawn, and new friends.
But...but I can't understand why it feels like something inside of me is missing now. And I don't think anything will ever fill it up.
I want to cry again....but tears never do anything but make my face wet and icky...
I went to the pond to soak in the water. It's hard to clean myself with a flat face, and I don't want to go to the rock that cries in case Reed is over there again...
I stared at the water for a long time. I looked up and saw Halla sleeping under a willow to my left. O considered going over to see her, but I figured she wouldn't be happy to see me...not after what happened the other night.
Eventually I felt cold, and reconsidered going to see Halla. But before I got to my hooves, she got up and left.
I got up and went to the sunspot that I have liked using recently. I nuzzled the little dandelion that was there before sitting next to it. I wish it could talk...could be a friend.
Slept there for hours until I got up to go apologize to Alina. Gave her some flowers for the grave.... She said I didn't do anything wrong. I'm glad she doesn't hate me.
(Laid there for hours as player played another game. Just happened to look at the TEF window when shit hit the fan. I'm getting pretty good at this...)
I saw Fury and another stag (Neiro) staring at Alina. She made it VERY clear that she didn't want them staring. But they did anyway.
So..she attacked them...
Since Tea was sobbing the whole time, just going to round this up in normal writing since it would be so weird if Tea was saying it....
Ended up completely snapping. Watched both Fury and Neiro attack Alina, and of course, no one was helping her. Ran over to Fletcher and yelled at him again. "Control your friends!" Sure, Alina started it, but how would you feel if you were mourning at a grave and had a stalker staring at you? And then NOT listen to pleas to go away?
But when Fletcher did nothing, Tea entered the fray. Although her attacks were not meant to do any harm, tiny sharp hooves could have done something other than push and shove as was intended. Was pushed around a bit as Alina defended herself against the two. Tea kept her focus on Fury, as she recognized the fox doe as a stalker who had come by quite a few times to just stare at Alina for unknown reasons.
Was angered even further when Fletcher and Lats'vel came in and TRIED to herd her away from Alina and Fury. So that was it then, Fletcher? You're going to be a murderer if she dies! The two were no match for a fawn who could easily dart between their legs and once again try to push Fury away from Alina.
Eventually, Fletcher did something stupid that drew Alina's attention to him; which was chase after Aurik who had been standing nearby and watching? (not entirely sure on that, correct me if I am wrong). Immediately darted after the oryx. Feared Fletcher was going to spite Alina by hurting Aurik, but seemed to understand he was trying to stop the fight. But that didn't make Tea feel any better. Completely distraught, and lacking more feathers, the fawn broke down. Yelled at him, then ran off, only to be pursued by Pig. Thought the boar was going to physically punish her for doing what she did at first, not that he had any place for such a thing, because of how persistent he was, but when he just stood there and seemed to want her to follow him, figured she should just go find Alina and see how she was doing.
Eventually lead her back to the grave, where Fury and Neiro were still disrespectfully staring at it. Through her hysterics, managed to compose herself enough to gather some poppies to give to the oryx doe. Aurik came over, but he seemed to ignore her. Didn't really care at this point. Pretty much numb to even caring that he likes or doesn't like her anymore.
Alina got upset again at how close the two were. When she got up, feared another attack and ran off to the closest help; Ramsus. Yes, Tea went to Ram for help. Even though she doesn't like him, she recognizes his uncanny ability to stop fights. Greeted him and Isiel, apologizing for interrupting their romp, but begging him to follow her.
Was surprised when he complied quite readily. Brought him and Isiel to Alina where Fury was laughing and being really mean. (NO WONDER SHE AND PIG ARE SUCH GOOD FRIENDS xD)
Ram didn't seem to understand that Tea wanted him to just get them to go away. Mock charged Fury a few times, but was laughed at. A little embarrassed by this.
When nothing seemed to be happening, left Alina with Ram and Isi to find Fletcher, who she found sulking?- in the birch.
Conversation went like this: yelled, screamed, cried, and sobbed at him. Told him that if Alina had died, he'd be a murderer. He didn't seem to understand. But since he was pushing away the only help Alina had, Tea, that if Alina died, innocent fawns would be killed as well.
Got somewhat somber replies back. he seemed a little upset that Alina didn't tell him she was with Fawn.
When Tea seemed like she might fall over from the stress, Fletcher picked her up and had her direct him to where Alina was.
Eventually went to sit under Alina, before finally passing out from fatigue. Both the fight and the crying wore her out.
May 12, 2013
Woke up because someone was poking me. I didn't want to wake up. Ever. But I saw it was Lilith. Why did she want me awake? I don't want to leave my hole...
But she wouldn't leave me alone. Maybe something worse happened... I got up, grabbing my doll and followed her.
She brought me near Halla. And I smelled Alina there too.
But...But I couldn't...I couldn't go near them. I made Alina hope for good things...I made her sad because he's gone. I can't look at her anymore. Can't show anyone my stupid flat face.
So I ran and hid in the birch to cry in my doll. Lilith soon found me and greeted me. I think she understands now. I ended up crawling closer to her and crying into her side. I want someone...I need someone...I'm a bad fawn...
Fell asleep next to her.
I woke up and Lilith was still there. I snuggled closer before I fell asleep again.
Woke up again. All I feel is tired...And thirsty. So I went to go to the pond to get a drink. But as I was drinking this deer came up behind me (Kaelïora). I didn't know what she wanted. She kept coming close then running away. I felt scared so I ran. Reminded me too much of Umay. And I'm alone...so if she hurt me, no one would help.
Went to sit under the rock that cries. The water hurt a bit. And another feather came out. I watched it go down the stream.
I got startled out of my spot when a deer ran into the idol. It was Reed. I ran behind a tree. Maybe he'd just ignore me. But...He came over and pushed me around. Why is he so mean!
I ran behind another tree. He was being mean. So I was mean back. (But player derped and accidentally sneezed off feathers. FUCKKKK) I had to run off when he charged. I wanted to call for help...but...
He stopped chasing me. I circled around to go back to the rock that cries. I sat under for a minute or two until Reed came back with his friend. I ran out again and hid behind a tree. I don't think he saw me that time.
Went to sit under the water after I mouthed off at him when he left. But I got up when I saw Aurik being chased by a wolf, who was being attacked by Zafeiri (Alina, I REMEMBERED!), Kaeliora, Zahava? and some others (sorry so many pictos moving!) I tried to get Aurik to come out. But when he did he just pushed me away. I called for help. Ramsus and Isiel came, and someone else. The wolf was getting attacked by everyone. Eventually Zafeiri came over and told us no. I couldn't stay there. I made sure they were okay before I ran off. I can't face her...
I cried to myself, until Lilith came over. I just cried into her again until I fell asleep.
May 11, 2013
I got up and immediately scented Halla. But as I turned to see where she was, I noticed she was resting near Pig (which was why I did not immediately go over to her). But I noticed the stalker stag (Os). Although I was still upset, I was pretty curious about him still. So, I went to go watch him, as he seemed to be with the wolf that had been chased by Halla the other day. I didn't really want him hurt by the wolf, even though he was kind of weird.
I was really surprised when he turned around and came over to me. He wanted me to follow him. Yay! Maybe I can find out his name now.
Well, not really, since he brought me over to Halla and the group by Pig's trees... (Halla, Pig, Mai (I think?), and Alani). I stood near them, but I didn't want to be near Pig. He made me get a little closer. Well, at least Halla was there.
I walked away when Halla did, since Os ran off and I didn't want to be near Pig. Watched her go off to the lake, then to a tree (I think). Went to get a drink myself. Came back and saw Achi. Greeted and nuzzled him. I think he was hurt by something.
Was once again lead back to Pig's area by Os. Apparently Os wants us to be around Pig. ugh. Why? I don't want to be near him. He starts trouble.
Eventually wandered away to sit next to Achi. I talked to him. We cuddled together. I wanted to be there for him. I wanted someone to be there for me. Mateo came over. I greeted him. We sat there for a bit, until Achi got up and walked away. I got up to follow him. So did Mateo.
We came upon Thanatos and Alina. I thought Achi hated him?
It turned into a full blown fight, Achi and Mateo verses Thanatos. I...I don't want to lose Achi. I lost Ranore...pretty much lost Fletcher...almost Alina...not Achi...please don't take any more friends away from me.
Jokerman made me stay away. I didn't want to go near either. She made me stay by Eve, though I don't think she likes me.
I got up when Halla started herding Alina back. I feel bad for Alina...I know she loved Thanatos. This is all my fault...I'm a stupid fawn for believing Thanatos could change...and giving Alina that hope...
I tried to keep Alina away, but she ignored me and kept telling everyone to stop hurting Thanatos.
When Thana finally fell, I ran. I couldn't watch. I'm a stupid fawn...I'm such a stupid fawn!
I ran into the hidey hole to cuddle with my doll. As I lay there sobbing, I saw some feathers (3) fall out. I'm scared. Why are my feathers coming out? I also noticed I have one of Alina's feathers in my crest. it came out too. Did she put it there? I put it on my mask with her other one.
How will I ever show my flat-face to Alina....
I passed out from all the stress and crying.
May 10, 2013
Got up and got my pelt. I still feel really sad. Stayed by my tree until I noticed Indi across the pond. I really wanted to be with...someone.
I got up and went over to her, greeted her, then sat down next to the tree she was under. I didn't want to get too close...I hope she doesn't mind me...
Fell asleep there.
May 9, 2013
On and off all day. I stuck to my tree.
I got up later, got my pelt with the help of someone (didn't see their picto in time). I ran off to find Alina, mostly because I wanted to make sure she was okay. I saw Fletcher and Galene next to each other near the hidey-hole. I stared at them for a few seconds before moving on.
I wonder if Fletcher is just avoiding me because I am with Alina. He made it clear he didn't like her...no one does.
I found Alina near the crying rock. I sat a few feet away from her. I still feel tired. My body feels heavy. Alina got up and moved closer. We didn't say anything to each other.
May 8, 2013
Woke up, but wasn't feeling good. I got my pelt, then went back to my tree. I'm scared. I feel like something bad is going to happen today... What if... What if today they end up killing her...
I couldn't think about it. I curled back up to my tree and willed myself back to sleep.
Woke up hours later. Still don't feel too good. At least my headache is gone... I laid under my tree until I heard Alina calling. I didn't want to go see her. I was too afraid. But...but what if she needed me?
So I went to see her, and noticed Aurik next to her. I kept away. I didn't want to playfight or anything, or make him mad for me just being there...
Fell asleep for a long time. Got up and noticed alot of commotion. Saw Halla, Zhava, and some others (sorry couldn't see the pictos fast enough...) chasing a wolf (Xixi's unnamed wolf).
The wolf ran off with the others behind them. I checked on Alina. I think she was attacked. But...Halla...
Halla is small like me, even though she's an adult. That wolf was big...what if...
I called her her quite a few times. I kept getting responses from others, I think Zahava, and the other was the wolf. I'm scare...Halla...please be okay...
My body is trembling. I feel so tired and weak....
I looked up and saw Halla come over. I'm so happy! I'm mad at her but...so...so happy that she's okay! I couldn't help but run up to nuzzle her. I still love you Halla.
I went back to check on Alina.
But things went downhill again. Halla kept taunting Alina and sniffing her. It made me scared. Please don't hurt her again, Halla.
Alina walked away and Bull stepped in to keep Halla back.
Alina walked off when I talked to Halla. I cried alot again. I tried to get her to agree to leave Alina alone. The only thing I had was...the fact Alina was having fawns. That seemed to work. I just hope Halla keeps her promise. I'm so happy she even agreed.
When Halla left, I went to the stream to wash my face. Crying makes my face feel icky.
I ran back to the Oak because Alina was in it, and Bull and Indi were there too. Pig and Fletcher were play fighting in front of it. I couldn't help but feel they were just showing off to scare Alina or something. And...it made me feel sad. I hardly ever see Fletcher anymore. Maybe he really doesn't want me around anymore...he's got that other fawn now. And maybe he really meant what he said...as long as I am with Alina, he won't protect me...
Maybe he meant he didn't care anymore at all...
I couldn't bear to watch Fletcher and Pig anymore. I went into the oak and sat next to Alina, curled up into her side and cried myself to sleep.
May 7, 2013
Woke up and immediately smelt the hints of Alina, Halla, Shalah, and Pig. And Luyu. Sensed something was wrong. I found Pig, Halla, and Shalah attacking Alina who seemed to be protecting Luyu. I had to protect them. Alina was already hurt. So...I went in and tried to get Halla and Pig away from Alina. Headbutted Pig a few times. It looked like he was attacking Luyu. Why? I don't understand.... Why can't you just leave Alina alone! Alina wouldn't attack anyone with Luyu around...
I knew Pig had to have started the stupid fight, and I don't understand why Shalah helped too...
Finally the fight ended. I am really scared because Umay is nearby too. Luyu lead us into the Bluebowl. She looks scared too. Doesn't it figure? And of course this is going to make Alina look bad in her eyes and Vivians.
I just started crying. I can't take it anymore. I want my Mama and Papa. My head hurts...I curled up into Alina when she finally sat down. I bet she's badly hurt again...
I laid there with her for a while, and Luyu went off. Vivina followed soon after. The twilight doe still makes me uneasy. But she probably wouldn't try to take me away from Alina.
Indi came over after a while, and we all talked. Indi said she would protect Alina. She is so nice... I think she forgave Alina for making that mistake. Why can't the others be so kindhearted? I'm gonna have to thank her properly.
My head still hurts.
I fell asleep for a while, and woke up to Alina gone. I decided not to go after her since I figured she was in De Drinkplaats....I don't like that place. I went to my tree, feeling too sad to do much of anything. Jacob came over. I greeted him and he sat next to me. I wasn't really in the mood for anything, but having someone there with me was nice.
Yet, I feel so alone...
I fell asleep for a while. When I got up, Jacob was asleep too. I heard Alina calling. I thought Jacob would be safe under my tree. I ran off to find Alina. I found her in the birch with Mr. Bull. I greeted them, then sat down next to Alina.
I fell asleep again. When I woke up I saw Lilith near by. Greeted the doe. She seems really nice and sweet. Indi was close by too, and she didn't seem pleased that the fox doe was there, with another deer (Sacsha). I am not too happy either. I saw the fox doe around the Pig before. I figured she was here to start more fights on his behalf. And I was herded away from that other deer the other day by Halla.
Indi and the fox doe seem to be friends. I hope Indi can tell her not to hurt Alina anymore. Need to stop hurting her. She has been in enough pain. Just stop already!
My headache is a little better, but I still feel really tired. I'm going to sleep next to Alina now...
Or rather, Zafeiri. I'm not used to it yet...
May 6, 2013
I woke up earlier, but still felt tired so when I found Alina in the Drinkplaats, I fell asleep by a tree. When I woke up, I noticed my pelt was changed. Why do people gotta do that to me?
When I got up, my back felt a little stiff, like something was in my fur. When I looked, I got scared. Blood!!! Why was there blood on me?! I quickly ran off to the Crying Idol to get it off and check to see if I was hurt. If I was hurt, I needed to make poppy paste and oil, didn't I?
After I washed off, I checked myself over. No hurt? Where did the blood come from? Was it there for a while..? I don't know. Scented Alina near by. Went to go see her.
But when I finally got close, I noticed she was with someone else. Not sure who he was. But before I could get closer, Jacob wanted me to follow him. So I did. He brought me to Shalah and Hallah.
I saw Halla was hurt...great. Was she the one who bled on me? I wasn't sure. But I ran off to collect some blueberries. Jacob followed me. He looked sad. I didn't know what to do to help him.
Then I heard Alina call. I saw her come near. She was hurt too. Was she the one who bled on me?
I told her I would help her after I finished getting Halla stuff to heal.
Speaking of Halla, she came over. Alina ran off, and Halla seemed pleased. Did they...fight? I'm really sad about this. I want my family back... But I have a job to do.
Went to put the blueberries near Halla. Now to get water. Got water, Jacob showed up again. Tried to get him to follow me while I brought my water filled back back to Halla. He seemed a little upet with me when I tried to get him to come.
Went off again to get poppies. Jacob followed me and started to help me. Appreciated the help. I found some good ones by the stream, but I knew that I was going to need another source after a time.
Brought everything back to the rock, but after I got my special oil making rock I found when Alina taught me how to make the stuff.
Once I got back to the rock everyone was sitting on, I started making the paste. I still don't like how it tasted but...its to do good...so I deal with it. While I chewed the petals I crushed the seeds to make the oil.
I worked as quick as I could, because I also had to help Alina.
I got all the oil into one of the empty poppy bud things, and set that to the side for Halla. I used the rest of the seeds to make another bulb or Alina, although this wasn't as much as Halla's. It was really hard to even them out with my hooves.. I spilled some too. Drat. Well, at least I got enough for both of them now.
I chewed up all of the petals, and mixed them with the water and blueberries like Alina taught me. Making a paste was hard, but I am getting good at it from doing it so much.
I took care to make it perfect, I don't want Halla and Alina getting hurt more because I did a bad job.
After I finished (finally), I gathered up the oil and the paste for Halla to give to her, and set Alina's aside.
I managed to get Halla to drink the oil, and even was able to patch her up with the poppy paste. I feel accomplished.
I left her to go to Alina, and found her in the Old Oak getting tended to by a...he looked like a big deer. Kind of. What is he...? Hm...
He didn't seem keen on sharing his name, so I'm gonna call him Mr. Bull, since ALina is calling him Bull. Alina doesn't want to be called Alina anymore...she wants to be called Zafeiri. That's a hard name to say, but I am gonna try....
Fell asleep curled up by the tree.
May 5, 2013
Experienced her first Twilight.
Woke up, got pelt, freaked out a bit. It is a little darker and there are big tulips everywhere. Looked around in awe, then Halla came up to her. Greeted and nuzzled the grey doe. Jacob ended up coming over as well. Played around with him and Halla for a bit, until scenting Umay. Froze on the spot, looking for the feline. Seeing how close she was made Tea nervous, so she ran off to hide behind a tree. DId not want to become the felines target and put Halla and Jacob in danger. Eventually Halla and Jacob joined her, but Umay sort of went away. Went back to playing for a bit until Fletcher came over. Played with him and the other two.
Noticed Halla starting to push Jacob away. Initally thought she didnt want him to play with a particular fawn, until subtle told that Zahava and Sascha over yonder were fighting? Tried to get Jacob to follow her, and managed to at one point. But it seemed like he wanted to stay with halla, which Tea could understand as she was just a fawn and not a very good protector.
Played around a little more, but had to being Jacob out from being near Zahava and Sascha. Noticed Umay again near the Twin Gods. Ran off again. Thinks she may have noticed this time. Really scared. Hid behind a tree until Halla and Fletcher came over and Umay went away. Sat down with Jacob and Fletcher, and Halla went off, perhaps to Shalah.
Got up when Jacob ran off to see Halla and Shalah. Followed Fletcher over. Started playing around with them. Airsitting, tormenting Fletcher, etcetc. Ran off to turn Fletcher into a peacock. Succeded adter a short time. But masks weren't available because of the flowers. Darn.
Came over to the ruins, and found...a twin! It was Halla! Halla turned into another Tea! Found this amusing. Teased Shalah a bit by hopping in circles around each other. had alot of fun! Halla went and sat down next to Fletcher when everything died down. Snuggled next to him.
Went hunting with Halla, Shalah, and Fletcher. Found it amusing but didn't like the whole killing bit. But was happy the others seemed happy. Frolicked a bit, then went to clean up under the crying rock.
Rolled around in some poppies. Shalah and Halla got into a shaking fight where Shalah was shaking water all over her. Found it funny. Went to sit next to Fletcher.
Aurik came over and nub jabbed. Oh so he wants to play does he? Chased him around to give him the same treatment. But he retreated under Alina. GRRR! What a pain. Teased him from a distance. Noticed Umay close, Hid behind a tree. Did not want to put anyone in danger. Ran off after Aurik when he left. Ran up behind him and nub jabbed him back. TAKE THAT AURIK! Had a nub jabbing fight until Umay came over. Fled in feat and hid behind the idols. Umay went off, and Aurik followed after some raven bird thing. Unsure. Kept her distance anyway.
Eventually came up to greet the strange bird (The Carrion Crow). Used to be afraid. Maybe her time in the other world made that fear go away.
Sniffed the bird and stayed by Auri until Achi came. Happy to see the little buck. Stood around until Auri nub jabbed again. Oh it's on! Play fought for a bit and Achi joined in. Though, it seems after a bit, Auri got mad at Achi? Achi ran off, and so did Auri. Confused.
Went to go see Achi. He looked sad and upset. Figured Auri made him sad. Went to go talk to the black buck.
Had a small chat. But Aurik just wanted to be alone. Gave him a bit of sass before going to find Achi. Why did he and Thais have to be near Umay. (Ahuiehgzsdigeizuge)
Approached anyway, not after hiding behind indi for a few minutes. Went to see how Achi was feeling. He turned away from her to hide his tears. So he was crying on Thais. Greeted the doe, having missed her alot. Happy to see her again.
Jacob came over. Was a little concerned for him since they were close to Umay and her group (Aurora, Pandora and some other picto I can't seem to find. Reel deer pelt and antelope antlers and skull mask?).
Got a little anxious when pandora went to sniff Indi. Glad a fight didn't ensure. Went to greet Alina and Jo. Promptly gave Jo a nuzzle. The doe didn't seem to like it. Assumed her feathers tickled her. (HAHA JO >
) Greeted Alina but she seemed distressed today, as usual. Feels bad for the doe. Went to sit down closeby to Thais and Achi. Was joined in her sitting by Jacob. Taking a liking to this flat faced fawn. Doesn't seem so alone in being a flat face anymore.
AFK for a bit. Came back a lot later. Wandered until finding Alina near Jokerman who was by a white deer (Elda), Phaios not far off, Mateo, and Eve...and what looked like a fallen doe. Didn't try to get a closer look. Met the little fawn Luv again.
Went off to help someone get a set. Came back to see Eve attacking Luv. Immediately went to help the little fawn, but Alina pushed Tea away and Mateo pushed away Eve. Unsure what was going on...curls up to Alina.
Got up only when scenting Fusion not to far away. Decided to pay the dragon doe a visit/ (Because why the hell not...) Still curious about her. Maybe can try to get her not to attack Mama again? Maybe be friends? Having a dragon as a friend wouldn't be a bad thing, right?
Sat down near her and had a conversation. Unsure why she felt the need to have an in depth conversation with her.
May 4, 2013
Woke up, got her pelt, blah blah. Sat under her tree and fell asleep again. Woke up to Alina next to her. Sat with Alina for a short while until getting up and following her around. Thena big fight broke out. Not sure who was who, but there were many deer. (Umay, Pandora, Gehirn, Ramsus, Aurora, Followed to watch it unfold.
Verve...? Remembered the tall, painted doe from a while ago. Remembered she was friends with Herla, and that she didn't like Fletcher. She's...dead? But that wasn't what everyone was fighting. it was some bug...thing....What...what happened?
While standing with Alina, Pig came over and shoved Tea aside. Tea got mad and tried to push back (Not rearing, sorry fricken hotkeys T_T). Went to yell at FLetcher to control his friend.
Pandora even came over. Fled. Didn't want to get hurt and get Alina in trouble. Alina eventually came over as well.
After a few, crept back to see what was happening. Met Henna. Sat with her and Alina. Feeling kind of upset about Verve, even though she didn't really know the painted doe.
Talked to Alina for a bit. Went to check on the group, then came back to talk to Alina again. She got up and left. Stayed near Saadi, and fell asleep in the grass.
Got up a while later and went to get her clothes. Sat near the statues for a while until noticing Halla. Spoke to the grey doe, and learned the depth of Alina's mistakes. Non too happy about it.
Left Halla after a bit, sat in the blue bowl. Was later found by Alina. Followed the doe. Found Aurik. They had a conversation she couldn't hear. Alina eventually left, followed her. Didn't want to be accused of staring by the little buck.
Sat a ways away from Alina. Got up only when she left. Followed her a bit more until they came upon three trees. Alina rubbed on these; new home? Sat down with her.
Shalah came over. braced herself for some kind of screaming match.
Was rather blown away at Shalah greeting and nuzzling Alina. What the fuck? Seems they...are okay? Unsure. Not keeping her hopes up anymore.
Sat down again after the shock, feeling tired.
May 3, 2013
Woke up and got her pelt. Vowed that today she would do what Jokerman suggested; make more friends. Also told herself she would avoid Alina because of the trouble Aurik caused the night before. Didn't want to distress the wounded oryx.
Helped some deer get their clothes and antlers and things. Feeling better today. Got pelt spelled a few times (to her internal annoyance), but brushed it all aside.
Ran off to find Halla who was being really weird. Sniffed her. Smelt a little weird too. Hm. Oh well. Followed her to Shalah, but left her when she was pelt spelled, AGAIN! Ran off to get her pelt again. Noticed...PAPA! Relieved he is alright. Immediately sought refuge under his legs. Eventually was lead away from the Twin Gods statues. Lead to Alina. GREATTTTT! Ok so maybe not everything is going according to plan, but now papa was there, so maybe Thane wouldn't attack again today.
I wrote this out but comp took a crap mid type. Argh. fsheigohzaioe /lazy
Stuff happened, met Jareth and played with him <3! had fun. Clung to papa.
Eventually joined by Sumi and Kurami.
Lots of romping, plauing, dancing, playfighting, and turning everyone into Peaocks. After like, an hour, finally turned Leonardo into a full peacock. Didn't last long because he put his mask back on. Was still alot of fun!
Dozed off for a bit (player went brb). Got up and went to get her pelt, then found Fletcher. he seemed to be in another world. Greeted him and Pig, nuzzled Fletcher and walked off.
(I'm sorry if I missed any interactions, I forgot to write it down again
Waked around, then found Halla. Spoke her her. Confused as to why she was acting so weird. Found she was crying. Alot. Learned she did something bad and Shalah was angry. Reassured the grey doe that it would be okay. Told her to try to talk to Shalah again. Went off to her tree and curled up there. Feeling unusually calm. Was this Jokermans doing?
Got up and wandered. Found Shalah. Freaked out a bit because Thane was RIGHT THERE! Ran back to the pond. Looked for Halla, having scented her nearby. Saw her with Lilith under Teas Willow. Halla was still crying. Suggested talking to Shalah herself. Halla agreed.
Found Shalah again, but the doe wasn't so keen to speak. Managed to get a few words out of her, and a gift of a few purple flowers to give to Halla. Felt she had achieved something; Shalah did love Halla still. Brought the grey doe her gift, and tried to make her feel better using kind words.
Hoping someday, everyone is happy like they once was...
Went to go sit under her tree again. Went afk, then noticed Sumi. Sat curled up next to her.
Dozed off, woken up by being nub jabbed by Aurik. The little pain in the butt. Jumped up and hastily chased after him. Found herself having...fun? Aurik really wasn't bad, was he... Felt a bit guilty, but kept chasing him until they ended up near ALina and Thanatos. Stayed away as Aurik seemed intent on protecting Alina from the stag. Unsure. Staying out of it because of Jokerman's words. Wants Jokerman not to be disappointed in her.
Aurik started teasing her again while she was busy watching a tiny fawn wander up and sit next to Thanatos (Luv). Nub jabbed him back (because she ALSO has little antlers), chased him around because he was shaking his butt at her, but Alina stepped in and scolded her. Feeling really deflated, backed off and sulked by a tree.
Listen to it all ensue. Aurik and Alina got heated, then left with Achi. Alina and Mateo talked. Tea conversed with Thanatos. Eventually went off to find Aurik and Achi, but kept her distance. Eventually got up to go to the hidey-hole to sleep.

May 2, 2013
Woke up and got her pelt. Rested under her tree for a while until Halla came over. greeted and nuzzled the doe before she ran off to own jump on Shalah. While she was gone, marked her tree, only to see HALLA WAS WATCHING. Thought Halla would come over to claim her tree but it seems the doe approved. WHEW.
(Seriously, I was a little scared there x'D)
Alina came by and apologized for the night before. Quickly forgave her and followed her to the rock that cries where she gathered poppies. Followed her to a blueberry patch as the doe gathered them to.
Was interrupted by...Thane. Didn't know who he was until he randomly started attacking Alina. Fled, but seeing Alina try to get away, ran after him and tried to kick at his hind legs. He backed off. Considers this a victory.
Followed Alina to the playground where she tended to the does new wounds. Talked about Thanatos, her fawns, Achi, Aurik, and Jokerman. Told Alina she believes in second chances, but still worried that she may be making the wrong decision. Sat with her for a while before moving out of the rocks and stretching her legs.
After a bit of sitting, standing, etc etc...went off to talk to Aurik.
Complete disaster. Ended up shouting at each other and going their separate ways. Thinks he is a little brat. Wonders why Alina doesn't just smack him silly. She would never in her life THINK let alone talk that way to her mama or papa.
Alina was close by, made it known she was sad and sorry, but Alina went off to search for Aurik. Was told to stay put, but snuck behind her. Didn't want to disobey, but too worried about Alina's injuries to let her go alone.
Stayed with Alina for a bit until Aurik came over and started Antlering her. Snapped. Chased him and reared up numerous times, flinging hooves. Was pushed around by him a few times. Stuck her tongue out at him a few times. Mad as all hell. Ran back to Alina nearly in tears.
Happened again a few times. Aurik claimed he was trying to play, but Tea took it as harassment to both her and Alina. (Attacks on each other were not meant to harm and did no damage, just so you readers know). Was told by Alina to leave him alone. Obeyed. Simply snapped at him without looking at him.
Ended up in him and his friend leaving. Eventually ran off alone in tears. Went to the hidey hole to snuggle up with her doll since her parents weren't there. Is in dire need of their comfort and advice.
Discovered crying into a doll is not that comforting.
Got up, bringing her doll with her to her parents tree. (Didn't fricken notice Thane and Moro were sitting right there until I got there fhusihgouzidhguoirhzgriou!
Rubbed herself all over the tree, hoping her scent would alert them to know she was alright. Wonders if they will scent how much she needs them right now... Then laid low when she noticed Thane and his son near by. Hoped he wouldn't attack her for almost attacking him today...
Got up when she scented Jokerman. nearly flew to the kudu, as she did NOT want to get caught alone with Thane. Ended up having a nice conversation with her. Extremely grateful for her kindness. Learned that Jo had not given up on Alina, so long as tea is a good girl and stays out of fights (DAMNIT JO!). Will do this for Alina's sake. Also was told to go make more friends for the two of them. Potential new herd? Likes the idea. Will start tomorrow.
But now, sleep, resting close to Jokerman.

May 1, 2013
Got up and got her pelt with the help of two others (Not sure who you were, but thank you!)
Immediately went to go find Alina. Found her crying to Jokerman? Unsure. Sat there quietly. It seemed they were busy, so got up to leave them alone. Feeling a bit lonely, went to her tree.
Found by Fletcher shortly after, greeted, nuzzled, the usual. Happy that he doesn't seem to hate her. But still kind of sad there seems to be a gap between them. Wary when he lead her to Pigs home, still unsure about the boar but knowing that she is somewhat indebted to him for helping protect her from Umay. Sat next to Fletcher wondering what she should do about it.
Sat with Fletcher for some time until going off to find Alina. Found her in De Drinkplaats. Too scared to go in, so called her out of it. Put the poppy poultice on her while she chatted with the doe, only to become very uncomfortable with the Oryx does tone and words. Eventually left her, sensing she was just making Alina annoyed.
Still considers her family.
Went off to the pond and sat alone. Feeling incredibly lonely. Not sure who she can go to. Fletcher has his friends, Halla has Shalah, Alina...needed space. Mom and Dad weren't around much, Aurik probably didn't want her near him, and Achi probably wouldn't want her near him either. Feeling alienated. Wishing she had someone to curl up next to...
Fell into a lonely sleep next to her tree.

April 30, 2013
(After getting mini spell back. Ty to everyone who helped
Got up and got her pelt. Immediately sought out Alina, only to find the doe minied. Curious. Then Halla appeared. Calm discussion. Apologized. Happy that Halla wasn't angry.
It seemed to end on a good note, despite Alina being very submissive. Went off with her to find Aurik. Stayed a bit far away for his sake. Stood to the side as Alina and Aurik were approached by...Pandora. Had a mini heart attack and stayed hidden in the willow branches. Eventually she left.
Was greeted by Aurik? A bit shocked but greeted him back. Schism came over and talked to Alina. Glad this ended well too.
Went to the pond to soak in the water next to Alina.
Lots of romping, dancing, bouncing, nuzzling, and tormenting each other. (Tea, Aurik, Achi, Ouro, Eve, and yes, even Schism!)
Then bed because Missa had work :<

April 29, 2013
Got up, got her pelt, and went to get a drink rom the pond. From there, ate some reeds as usual and preened her feathers a bit. Caught a glimps of her face in the water and stared at it. Quickly left the pond so she didn't have to see it again.
Lots of mooing going on this morning.
Ran off to the rock that swallowed up Alina, and was surprised to find Zahava sitting there. Greeted her and sat down.
Spaced out and saw Zahava was gone. Okay then. Curled up to the rock with a sigh.
Snoozed for a while, then decided she should make more poultice and oil for Alina. Gathered blueberries first from the Blue Bowl, then left the blueberries at the stone. next step was finding Poppies to use. Scoured the sides of the stream near the rock that cries, and eventually near the ruins as well. Stuck those in her crest and went to get water from the stream.
With all ingredients back at the rock, she began to work.
Took her a little while to make the paste, getting used to how poppies taste. Doesn't phase her much anymore. Mixed the chewed petals together with the berries and water, creating the poultice. This was put into poppy bulbs for safe keeping.
Poppyseeds were ground on a rock and the oil created was put into yet another poppy bulb. These items were stashed away in a nook near the rock for Alina's return.
When she finished, she went back to lazing about. Later on, scented Jokerman near by. Immediately went to talk to her. Had a short chat regarding the return of Aurik and Alina being missing.
Finally scented Aurik and went off with the kudu to find him. Sat near the pond together. Talked about Alina's subliminal message. Eventually was asked by Jo to ask Halla to help open the portal.
Quickly went to go find the small grey doe, who happened to be closeby with Shalah. Had a short discussion about the portal again. It seemed the two does were hoping it wasn't about Alina. Felt guilty. Decided to leave it to Jokerman to explain it. Was going to get in trouble for it anyway, but didn't want to deal with it at that moment.
Sat next to her sister near Aurik, but noting there were a bunch of others nearby (Lee, Alani, Henna and Zahava nearby too).
Jokerman got down to it, and at the mention of Alina, quickly hid her face in her forelegs. Busted.
-Updated 4/30/13-
All three does seemed to be annoyed at her, which made Tea feel even worse and guilty. She absolutely hated to lie to her friends, ESPECIALLY to adults...but she was afraid they wouldn't help her, and Alina would forever be the captive of the demon stag.
Was once again almost blown away by Jokermans calmness. The way she explained what had happened to Alina, and how she, just like the feathered fawn, just wanted to set things right.
Once Halla agreed to help, Tea mustered all her strength and willpower not to start crying her thanks right then and there. She had to be strong. The adults spoke for a moment more about preparations, and before everyone split up, Tea managed a Thank you to Halla, but she didn't think the grey doe heard her.
Later, the group met up at the playground, in front of the rock that swallowed up Alina. Tea sat close to the entrance, later joined by Ouro. Aurik sat there as well. Halla and Shalah were together, Indi and Henna were close, and even Fletcher showed up; did not get up to greet him, not because she didn't want to, but because her focus was on the portal that was to be opened.
Halla did some...strange magic using a mushroom. Not sure what to think about it, but thankful none the less.
When the portal opened, it was like....a black abyss. Halla and Shalah moved off, and Jokerman and Indi moved inside. Tea wanted to follow them so badly, but she knew she couldn't...
Waited for the duo to return with Alina, which they eventually did. Tea was the only one left at the portals mouth at that point.
Couldn't help bounce around and nuzzle Alina and cry with happiness.
Was lead to the crying idol by Jokerman with Alina and eventually Thanatos.
Talking was done, and officially met Achi. Had a chat with the little buck, and learned that he was a bit scared of Thanatos. Also learned he liked hiding in her feathers. Didn't mind this.
All hell broke loose when Alina called her and Achi over. Thanatos got scary. Achi got scared. Alina got confused. And Tea was scared AND confused.
Achi claimed Thanatos was bad and hurt him, but Alina said he was nice and wouldn't do that. And Thanatos said it was a misunderstanding. Not sure what to believe, but knows that Achi is definitely afraid by how he was acting.
(Will update more when the rp continued later tonight.)

April 28, 2013
Woke up from the rock. Immediately jumped off to paw at it, beat up, the whole shebang. Approached by Halla. A little embarrassed at first.
Had a chat regarding why she was kicking the rock. Started with just saying it was magic, but finally telling her her 'friend' is stuck inside. Was told about a portal and how magic is needed to open it. Learned Halla could try to open it, but was talked out of it when thinking about the danger that could be lurking inside.
Thanked Halla for her help, letting the doe go off to be with Shalah. Planted herself next to the rock until further notice.
Player went afk like a dummy, came back to see Zahava sitting there. Got up to greet her then sat down by the rock again.
Got up when she scented Aurik and her sister Ouro. Bade Zahava farewell, and ran off to find the two other fawns. Was pleased to find them together with other deer (Evangeline and someone else, damn map ugh!) Greeted them all and gave her sister a nuzzle.
Feeling a bit lighter on her hooves. Pranced around with the two until her sister laid down, and took a seat next to her protectively.
Got up when Ouro got up, and Aurik went off. Followed him. He made it obvious he didn't want her following.
She knew why. Pandora.
Very irritated about this. He came back very soon after and led them back to Evangeline. Plopped down in front of Aurik when he sat down, and Ouro next to him. Not letting him out of her sight, nope.
Noticed he got up again. Was quick to follow him. She had to protect him for Alina, didn't she? he didn't seem too happy. Recalled Luyu being the same way. Sigh. What was the point in protecting those who didn't want it. Kept to it anyway, because Alina would be devastated if something happened to him. Sat nearby, somewhat embarrassed as he sat near another fawn (not sure who it is...). Spaced out, her sister coming to sit next to her. Looked back and noticed Aurik gone...again. Sigh.
Greeted the other fawn and sniffed him/her. Then went off to find Aurik...again. And be discreet this time.
Couldn't find him at first. But then noticed him in the pond. Okay, at least Pandora wasn't here.
Was startled when Pica came out of no where. Bounced around with her for a bit, then noticed Aurik was gone again. Decided to soak in the water with Pica after a good romp and splash through it.
Passed out in the pond, only to be prodded awake by Pica. Got scolded by the other fawn. Feeling embarrassed. Eventually chatted with the fawn and almost ran into Pandora. Ran off, didn't seem to have been noticed by her. Talked a little more, and was told to get the mud off her by the little fawn. Decided that, instead of rubbing on trees, wanted the rock that cried to get the mud off instead. Was told it was a crystone. Still considered it the rock that cried instead.
Cleaned off, shook off, fluffed up, and rolled in some poppies.
Laid in the grass with Pica. Spoke about the other world (and how it wasn't edible), how she got bigger because of the other world. Felt sad about Alina too. Starting to feel uncomfortable that she has a 'flat face'.
Ended up cuddling with the other fawn and falling asleep together.

April 27, 2013
Woke up alone, tired, and miserable. Went to get her pelt, ignored her hunger and thirst and immediately went to the rock where Alina vanished from. No sign of Thanatos. Did he get swallowed up as well. Sat down and cried a little more.
Fell asleep for a long while. Eventually got up because hunger was making her feel nauseous. Irritated by it. Went to the pond and took a nice long drink, then ate some of the water plants, which she realized she really has a taste for.
After eating, went up stream to the idol that cries, and gave herself a bath. Felt a little better, the water cooling her down and rinsing out her wounds. After she was done bathing, she made haste to the sunspot she had taken to sitting in near the ruins. Once there, she sat down next to the dandelion that was there, and let herself dry off in the sun.
After resting for a while, got an idea. Alina had to come back. She wasn't gone forever, right? And if that big stag hurt her...well...she would need healing! Got up all determinedly and ran off to her mothers tree. Searched for poppies that had big petals for the poultice. The searched for fat, seed filled ones for the poppy oil.
Brought her supplies to the rock and left them there. Noticing a berry bush nearby, picked plump ones what would also be needed for the poultice. Once those materials were gathered, she ran off to the pond to gather water into her mask.
The trip back to the rock was a long one, being careful not to spill any of the water in her mask. Now that she had all the materials that she needed, she began to work making the poultice and the oil.
The paste, as usual, took a while to make. Making the consistency perfect, for a little doe fawn such as Tea under the mental trauma she had gone through, it was quite hard work. She got frustrated easily, but thankfully she was determined enough to keep going, just for the sake of her missing friend.
Once the paste was made, she secured it within poppy bulbs she had set aside just for this. It was troublesome getting the paste in place, since deer lack fingers and hands, but Tea managed.
The oil was easier to make, she figured, just crushing seeds on a rock and letting the oil drip into another poppy bulb. Her legs got sore from the movements, but still she persisted. She had to make sure Alina had plenty for her return.
If she returned.
It wasn't long until the little thing was done with oil, that she sat all of the finished products within a little nook next to the rock for safe keeping. She rehung her mask around her neck and set off to find something else to do to try and get her mind off of things.
Wandered around for quite a bit, until she stumbled upon a familiar deer. Recognized him. It took her a little while to figure out who it was. She remembered the male, Poseidon, to be one who had stalked the herd in the past. Fletcher never liked her getting close. But now that she was a little older, perhaps she could finally chat and understand the strange stag. But he was sleeping. Good. Gave him a sniff and looked him over curiously. Was afraid that he would get up and attack her for being a stalker herself, so decided to sit besides a tree totally in plain sight and stalk from a distance.
Eventually got bored and went back to the rock. Fell asleep on top of it.
Came down and got depressed again. Took her hurt feelings out on the rock, nearly splitting a hoof in the process. Called for Alina a few times, but nothing came back. Temporarily abandoned the rock to find something else to do, getting too depressed to stand near it any longer.
Found Os again. Distracted for the time being; assuming stalker stance behind a tree. Watched him for a long while. he seemed to be staring at another stag (North). Curious. At one point it seems Os noticed her and just stared back for a while until he settled back down and stared at North. Found this mildly amusing. Why did he do what he does?
North got up and walked closer to the great oak and laid down there. Sure enough, Os turned to look at him. Suppressed a giggle. Maybe this was why Os watched others, to find out how other deer are and what makes them tick. Vows to herself to do more silent watching like this strange stag.
A little later, Os got up and started to circle North in a way. It was a bit strange to see his actions. It wasn't like a hunter hunting prey, Tea was sure. Something different, like...fearful curiosity. She took down mental notes how Os would approach North, back away, approach again, and then get scared off by a random monarch pelt. (Player had a really good laugh from that.)
Soon Os was left alone by the monarch and he went back to staring at North. North moved because of the monarch (I think), and sat down in the weed patch. Os stayed a bit far away and didn't move for a while. Was approached by a little male fawn (Jacob. Didn't know this right away...stupid map!) he seemed afraid of the monarch pelt closeby. Remained calm, somehow, and tried to be friendly with the stag. Seemed to just want to play. But she was busy trying to get to know Os to deal with the stag. Soon he left and Jacob stayed near by. Was going to invite him to sit but he bowed to her and left. Hopes to see him again. Misses playing like a fawn should.
Went back to staring at Os, who was staring at North, who was probably staring back. or something... This was better then sobbing all over the rock at the playground.
Continued watching Os, until Zahava came over to greet and sniff. Greeted and sniffed back. Then she left.
Os moved again, watched him intently. Noticed Os and North get closer to each other and seemed to greet?
Player wasn't paying close attention to the screen, and turned to see North approach. had a minor OOC spaz out, then greeted the orange stag. Seemed interesting and kind enough. He went and sat in some grass.
Os came over, doing his little circle approach thing. Tried to stay very still, because she knew how he spooked. He didn't seem too intent on getting close enough to let her sniff, as he got close then bolted. Surprised her (and made player laugh RL). He came close again to sniff at her before running off again. Pleased that he at least approached. He went to sit by a tree, and she felt a bit tired and plopped next to the tree she was sitting next to.
Amused by the triangular formation she, Os, and North have taken. Sat there looking at both stags for a while, until she noticed there was a bird (Migisi!!) next to her. Felt a bit nervous at first; doesn't remember why. But eventually gave it a sniff, settled that it wasn't there to harm her, and invited it to sit next to her. It did for a short time before flying off. Went back to looking at the two.
Or rather, one!? (When did North leave! HNNGGHH! Damn tabbing out and Tef width >.<)
Noticed Os get up and moved a bit closer, settling down to stare at her. Not sure if she is unnerved by the constant staring that is on her now, or if she should be amused. Still curious as to why he likes watching. Wouldn't having friends be more fun?
Sat across from the male for a long, long time. Dozed off for a bit, then looked up to notice...he was gone. Surprised he slipped away, but at the same time, felt triumphant.
Spirits lifted some, wandered back to the rock, resting herself on top of it. Slowly, sad feelings began creeping back in...
Fell asleep for a little while, but ended up lying on her right side and scratched up her wounds. Did not like that at all. Got up to stretch her legs again. Decided to take another walk, maybe find Os again.
Went to the log Os was at earlier. Didn't find anything of interest. Decided to go check on her doll in the hidey hole. Tucked away nicely. Pleased. Went off yet again.
Got very startled when she happened upon a familiar face. Fusion. Had not seen the strange, dragon-doe in quite some time. Appeared to be sleeping. Watched from a tree for a short time, then slowly approached. Last thing the fawn wanted was for the dragon to kill her.
Approached very slowly. The dragon-doe did not stir. That's always good. Walked around her and sniffed, didn't get a response. Relaxed some. Noticed Aria and some others nearby who she did not recognize. (Gia, Zash, and Donovan) Felt more comfortable because of this. Surely someone would come to her aid if Fusion got angry.
Watched her for a bit, then got distracted as Pica came over. Ohgodohgod! Nervous at first, because of how close they were to Fusion, but the other fawn sniffed her before darting off towards Aria. Went back to watching Fusion for a few until Pica came over and greeted. Did the same. Nuzzled and was nuzzled. Sat with the younger fawn, still close to Fusion.
Got up after a bit when Pica ran over to a little buck. he seemed upset and in a hurry. Curious, but didn't follow because she sensed Fusion was awake behind her. Cautious. Wary, but somehow...wanting to stay. She fell asleep again. xD The she woke up and sat there. Sniffed her again. Unsure why she feels compelled to stay neer a creature that could kill her in an instant. Perhaps it's all the sadness and needed affection? Affection from this dragon-doe!? But it all ended shortly thereafter, the doe having to leave.
Alone again. Feeling sad again. Decided to go back to the rock for the night.
Upon getting there, she immediately noticed a disturbance in the force by the rock. Blood! She sniffed it, but it didn't smell like Alina's. It seemed to trail elsewhere. Did not hesitate to take the poultice and oil she made earlier as she turned to quickly follow the bloody trail.
Found Aurik. Completely confused but happy. He was with the young buck from earlier (Achilles) and a doe (Lilith?).
Immediately set to work, trying to calm down the little buck and also trying to keep herself from crying again. Tended to his wounds, and gave him the oil to help ease the pain and let him sleep. Vowed to stay there with him, and will probably do so until Alina's return. That is a promise.
Watched Aurik fall asleep, with Achi curled close and Lilith to the side. Also curled close, but not close enough to physically touch them.
Sleep now.

April 26, 2013
Woke up alone. Trudged to get her pelt, then slunk into the hidey hole, away from prying eyes. Still sore from the attack, and still very sad. Flopped on her left side (since it hurt less), cuddling up to her doll for comfort.
Having dozed off for a while, woke up to some mooing. Kinda irked about it. Didn't seem like it would be a quiet morning. Got up, carrying her treasures with her. heard Alina call out. Immediately called back and ran off to find her, ignoring the sting on her left flank.
Found the wounded doe in the playground under the rocks. Greeted, nuzzled, and proceeded to snuggle up next to. Carried on being a bit depressed, but feeling better she was with someone.
Dozed there for a very long time, until she felt Alina frantically nudging her to get up. A but unnerved, but followed the limping doe into the Blue Bowl, quickly settlign down in the thick blueberries. Unsure as to why they relocated, but decided not to inquire. Laid with the doe even after she fell asleep(?).
Got up and went to get her pelt (crashed, gosh darnit), then went for a nice long drink. Hungry, but not feeling too happy to eat, so ignored the hunger pangs. Decided to retreat to the hidey hole. Noticed Pandora near by. Quickly wedged herself into the hole; thankfully she was still small enough to fit.
Slept for a little while, then got up feeling restless and lonely. Decided she may well watch the group near her, which consisted of Fletcher, Pig, a familiar fawn (Lee), Galene, and some others she did not recognize. (My map aint working tonight UGH).
Was approached by a strange stag (Allu, not Aniu. Damnit Silv!). Was going to greet him, but Pig came out of NO WHERE and wouldn't let Allu pass. A little annoyed at this. But Fletcher came over too. Wanted to cower at him, but felt she had to be strong, just for him. Eventually Allu and Pig got in a fight. Ran off to the Hidey hole. Looked out and saw a little fawn (Pica) in the midst of it. Ran over to her and brought her to the hidey hole for safety. Was approached by Zahava and seemed the doe thanked her. Was happy to actually do something good. Fight was brought elsewhere. And everywhere. Allu had quite the group following him.
Feeling a bit happier because Fletcher didn't shoo her away. They greeted and nuzzled, and it felt so much better.
Finally everything died down, and there was a big sniff fest. Everyone sniffed each other to make sure everyone was alright. Settled down next to Fletcher, like old times. Didn't bother resisting the urge to cuddle up to him.
After much sitting around (and sitting ON TOP OF Fletcher, EEHEHHEHE), lazed about until she heard Alina calling. Jumped up. A bit nervous, but Fletcher seemed to understand. Extremely grateful to him, wanted to nuzzle him a half a dozen times (and did). Then turned and ran off to find the oryx.
Found the doe, and gave her a sniff and a nuzzle. Happy to see her up and about. Spoke to her, as she seemed uneasy. Alina really, really wants her son. Told her she would help, and that she would go check the pond for Aurik. Being little and fast, and not nearly as wounded as Alina, it shouldn't be too hard.
Went and scoped out the pond, within and around, but no Aurik. Returned to Alina only to see her freeze up. She said Thane was back. Wary. But it turns out it was Hyperion.
Learned that the stag had found Aurik and needed Alina urgently. Wary of this. Out of no where Jokerman and Indi show up, as well as Thanatos. Thanatos immediately starts attacking Hyper until Alina calls him off.
There was a bit of a back and forth between everyone, trying to decide whether they could trust him or not. Eventually, Hyper leaves with Alina and Thanatos. Tea stayed with JM and Indi (except I think Indi disappeared at this point?)
It wasn't long until Thanato's calls erupted. he was clearly distressed. Ran over, only to find...Alina was gone. And so was Hyper. Thana was going at it at a rock. Tea noticed there was a feather there; one from Alina's crest. Felt like she was covered in ice again. Threw herself against the rock alongside Thanatos, kicking and screaming at it to let Alina go.
But it didn't.
JM had to come over to get her away. Seemed sincere. Much too busy sobbing. Took the feather. Plucked one of her own and stuck it in the ground where Alina disappeared. A wish for her to return.
Followed Jokerman to a small, leafless sapling. Was told to sit. Pretty much threw herself onto the ground, curled up to the sapling and cried into Alina's feather. Was joined by Pica and Ouro, but hardly even noticed them. Far too distraught over the loss of yet another family member.
And again, she blamed it on herself. Cried herself to sleep next to her sister, Ouro.
April 24-25, 2013
Woke up and went to get her clothes. Was helped by an unknown deer, but thanked them.
Immediately sought out Alina, but found her in a heated argument with Halla and Shalah. Watched from a distance until Alina started to walk away. Ended up trying to get the three to stop arguing.
Noticed they were being circled by Umay, Pandora, Pig and some others (let me know if you were there for this, I just got back so I don't recognize anyone's pictos who I haven't memorized yet. T_T)
Felt a bit uncomfortable, but none the less stayed by Alina's side. She knew that if Pandora decided to attack, Alina would be in trouble. Saw Umay going to Halla, who looked scared. Went over to try to greet Umay. Seemed Umay was uninterested then. Went back to Alina. Umay came over and sniffed. Greeted the feline politely.
And then, got attacked. By Umay no less. A bit shocked she had claw marks suddenly goind down her side. Thought that Umay had hit her by accident at first. Darted away, scared, and quickly realized she was the target. Didn't know what to do. Just ran like a bat out of hell. Screamed for help.
Fletcher, Pig (found out after, Jokerman and Henna were trying to protect Tea, but didn't recognize their pictos, sorry!!! <3) came to her rescue. Tried to stop and cower submissively to Umay to try to get her to stop, but ended up getting more slashes instead. Eventually found safety under Fletcher, surrounded by Jokerman (Red pelt, key antlers?), Pig, and a peacock pelt deer (carnival antlers and whistle mask?). Completely in shock. Worried as hell about Alina.
Eventually lead off, legs feeling heavy from all the running. Lost a few feathers in the flight. Was made to sit down by Fletcher. Didn't really want to look at her friend, feeling embarrassed. Heard Alina calling for her, and called back. Was scolded by Fletcher. Feeling a bit miserable.
Lead over to Halla and Shalah (while fletcher got my clothes, because some rude fawn changed it!) Eventually Halla and Shalah left, leaving Fletcher and Tea. Doesn't even know what to say, but waiting for a talking to on how she should avoid Alina. /But won't./ Alina needs friends.
Trying to stay still to ease the pain, slowly coming out of her shocked state, and realizing how much she really hurt.
had a bit of a heated discussion with Fletcher. Eventually was told to go when she asked him to let her try to help Alina. Felt quite broken by this. Told him she loved him anyway. Wasn't sure what compelled her to remind him. Limped off to find Alina and cried into her neck for a short while once she found her with Jokerman.
Learned that Thane and his son were both dead. But also learned they can come back to life. Unnerved. Unsure what to think. Scared though. Was told to leave by Alina but stayed because she wanted to hear what else had to be said. Vocalized how she didnt want to lose Alina either....
Alot more talking. Came to the conclusion that Hyperion was the one who took Aurik after what happened the night Alina attacked Thane.
Met Indi, a pretty topaz doe. Seemed slightly familiar to her. More talking. Indi left to get medicinal herbs for their wounds. Alina helped put the paste on her scratches while she chewed on the seeds as directed.
Eventually fell asleep curled up next to Alina, with Jokerman close by.
Woke up and got her pelt with some help from another deer. Walked around a bit, then laid in the sunspot she found the other day. Dozed off, but was stirred with alot of mooing. Decided to join in. Eventually that ended.
Wandered off to moms tree and rubbed herself all over it. Satisfied, decided to go for a lonely stroll.
Found herself watching what appeared to be a doe protecting her children. (I couldn't find them on the map...none of the four :< so I have no idea who you are). Decided she was getting irritated with the random stag and went over to him to try to get him to stop. Didn't exactly try to attack him, but did rear and antler at him to at least get him to focus her instead.
One of the fawns was really intent on trying to fight back. This really worried Tea. The other fawn seemed afraid. managed to greet the little one. Got angry again and tried to fight off the stag. Not sure if he was legitimately doing what he was doing or if it was just a nameless troll... Decided it was the former. Thinks she got in quite a few hits since he wasn't focused on her but the fawn. Hopes the little ones are alright.
The naked sat down and just stayed there. Unsure. Stood there with the mother and her fawn. Briefly met Alisa who wandered over. Alisa and a new stag, Roscoe, ran in to attack this intruder. Was quite impressed that so many were coming to help. Felt a bit sore from a few nicks on her shoulders, but figured bigger and older deer could handle it better than she did. Two more deer came, Rachel and a DOTD pelt (Oira-Oira?). Stayed by this deer while Roscoe handled the naked. So much drama.
Things seemed to settle down. Decided to take her leave. Bowed to everyone and walked off to the pond to clean her wounds. Went to her tree and fell asleep there.
Woke up and saw Umay and Illrose chasing each other around. Noticed Pig by his trees, previously Alina's. Decided to get away before the boar would come near her. Scented Alina and went straight for her.
Found the doe asleep. Decided to stand over her protectively.
Alina woke up, and the two talked. Tried to tell Alina that no matter what she would be her friend. She would try to help her get Aurik back, and get Halla and Fletcher to like her again. Tried to keep spirits up.
Was approached by Umay. Alina did not seem too happy, but Tea was hopeful the feline wouldn't attack. Sniffed and was sniffed. Did not bow though. Not sure why she didn't at least greet. Perturbed that she was afraid. Sat again and was approached by fury. Had a sniffing contest. Eventually Fury left and was able to settle down next to Alina once more, snuggled close.
Talked some more. Eventually Thanatos came over. Glad to see that Alina had someone else to depend on. Asked him to help her move Alina to the playground. Learned Alina has been calling herself Zafeiri. Interesting name. Learned why and feels a bit bad about it.
Left her and Thanatos at the playground for a drink (totally playing matchmaker), and was approached by Fletcher. Glad to see him, but a bit hurt he didn't come find her like he usually did. Wonders if she needs to do the searching from now on.
Eventually fell asleep next to him at the pond.
Woke up and got her pelt. (after nearly 2 hours of trying to debug why I couldn't get on T_T) Was found by Halla. Greeted and nuzzled her (after another 10 minutes of trying to get my hotkeys fixed x'D)
Had a long discussion with the doe. Felt a mix of insecure and calm. Gave advice to Halla upon request. Learned of Ranores death. Agrieved. Too shocked to even ask where and if he is buried. Said goodbye to Halla.
Wandered off and caught scent of Alina. Found the doe who seemed to have forgotten a bit of last night. Reminded her, and quickly asked if she could do anything for her. After the request for water, ran off to use her mask as a bowl, bringing Alina the needed water. Ran off again to collect poppies and stuck them in her crest. Decided she might be hungry. Tore off a piece of bark from of a tree to use as another bowl, filling it with blueberries. Returned to Alina, giving her the blueberries and getting the poppies out of her feathers. Each poppy seemed specially chosen by how large they were, and the lack of major imperfections on the petals.
Made the oil and the poultice. had a bit of a scare with Umay, Kody, Pandora, and Mire nearby. Luckily they left.
Dozed off, and woke up to everyone gone, except Alina who was sleeping. Decided to leave her be. Wandered off alone feeling a bit miserable.
Nothing was like she remembered it.
Woke up and was immediately found by Fletcher. Followed him, but refused to go closer as she noticed he wanted to go near Pig. Sat down near Fletcher when he realized she didn't want to go closer.
Then Pig came over.
Make it very apparent she did not want the boar near her, and did not want to be near him. Noticed he wanted to play nice, but still didn't trust him. The first impression she had of him, was attacking Alina randomly and talking down to her.
Eventually ran off when feeling stressed because of both Pig, and a separate naked nameless harassing her. Was not pursued by Fletcher. Felt a little sad when he didn't immediately follow, but figured he was probably busy anyway. She wasn't a fawn anymore, so he didn't really need to constantly tail her.
Settled down in a patch of blueberries for a few, ate a few blueberries until she heard hoof falls behind her. Fletcher AND Pig. A little irritated at this. Did he honestly think he could prove to be good when he deliberately attacked Alina, not to mention called her a runt and spat at her? Told him off and then walked off, still feeling a bit stressed out. Why did he hurt Alina?
Went into the Bluebowl to get away, but had a feeling he would come after her again. Once again told him off. Was cowered at? Irritated and inwardly amused by this by this and pretty much told him he should be. Ran off again. Not sure she handled that well, but it was better than outright attacking, right?
Approached once more, getting even more irritated and stressed out. Almost submitted to him, but then fled to Fletcher, hoping he would tell Pig to leave. No such luck. Seemed the stag wanted her to try to be friendly with the boar. Slightly hurt that he didn't understand that she didn't trust Pig. Walked off. Noticed Alina near by. She looked...badly hurt. Frozen to the spot. Was this Pigs doing? No...She didn't scent Alina's blood on him. Felt Fletcher besides her. Thankful that Pig left.
Father came over. Felt relieved to have his presence there. Always felt stronger with the golden stag nearby, especially after the close encounter with Pig.
Alot of talking. Learned that Aurik, Alina's son, was with someone named Pandora. Met Hyperion briefly. Was going to go with Thanatos to Aurik but the stag laid down. Inquired about Pandora and got a description. Wary to go after the strange doe. Would talking work?
Tried to sneak away, but was found out by Leo. Gave him an apologetic look, then followed him to check on Pandora and Aurik. Now knows both of them. Saw them with Pig. Annoyed. Followed dad back to Alina and Dae and Thana.
Sat around, then watched a fight break out. Ramsus was fighting with someone, and a bunch of others were as well (I think Miriam, Morioch, Pandora, Ciel and a few others I couldn't make out from the distance, sorry! Let me know if you were present and I will add you!) A bit disturbed at this. Cuddled up into Leo, feeling protected and safe.
Fell asleep cuddled next to her daddy.
Woke up alone. Wasn't sure where she was or how she got there, but remembered the events of the night before. Felt thirsty. Managed to find the pond without any problems. Had a nice long drink, and then ate some of the water plants as she remembered how good they were.
Had her fill, then went to the rock that cries to bathe. Her fur was out of order, but her crest was even more so. The feathers needed serious tending to.
Sat under the rock that cries for some time, letting the water run through her feathers. Pulled out some of the broken ones. Finally felt like she was clean, and decided that she would go roll in some flowers to dry off.
After smelling like poppies, went to her tree and marked it, despite spelling like poppies. Remembered waking up in this very spot. Feeling a little sad she was no longer such a little fawn, but knows there is still time left in her youth. Decided to go visit the the 'hidey hole' she used to use. Hopes her doll was still there.
Was very surprised to see that her mask, Ray's feather, and her flower circlet, was there as well. She though she had brought them with her to the other world and lost them there. Decided not to think about it, putting the mask around her neck with Ray's feather attached, and the circlet back on her head. It had looked withered, but once back on her head it perked up. Came to the conclusion it thrives off her her personal magic...or something. It had to be a gift of the gods. Tucked her doll between the mask and her neck for safe keeping.
Saw some deer in the distance. Immediately recognized one. Was unsure as to who the buck (Reed) was, but felt uncomfortable. Moved off to a patch of sunlight, and sat besides a yellow flower.
Dozed off, and woke up to find a little calf of some sort near her (Beverly). Was confused, did not recognize (her?) them. The calf froliced around her while she tried to figure it out, and then left. Didn't realize, but thinks the calf was inviting her to play. Kicks herself for not understanding.
Followed Alina around once she came by. Had a little chat, but was then approached by a giant boar. Sniffed him curiously; a friend of Alina's? Couldn't be more wrong. Was chased around a bit by the boar until Alina finally stopped to confront him. (Missed a bit of the convo because I wasnt in it D: ). Was kicked aside by Alina when the boar attacked.
Stuff happened. Verve came over and bowed, bowed back. Still watching Alina and Pig yell at each other. A bit stressed out. Told the boar off. Stayed glued to Alina's side when they moved off. Saw Fletcher with the boar. Feeling a bit insecure. Is the boar part of why the family split up.
Talked and talked, Fletcher came over and did his spiel. Is hopeful things will get better.
Excused herself to her tree to rest.
4/19/13 The Day Of Return
Was asleep for a little while. Couldn't seem to regain consciousness. Heard familiar voices and sounds and scents, but unable to keep eyes open without the feeling of vertigo. Sensed some tension, unsure as to what it could be.
Finally (a few minutes after logging in and computer stopped being stupid), managed to pry her eyes open. Felt someone next to her (Fletcher), and was being watched over by two other deer (Alina and Leonardo).
Felt a bit confused at first as to who they were. She knew them, that was for sure, but how she knew them, she couldn't yet think of it. A bit startled, especially since she couldn't get up with her feathers all over the place. Used Fletcher as leverage and finally got up onto her hooves.
Was nuzzled, sniffed, bowed too. Seems they really knew who she was. Tea. She remembered that much. And she knew she knew them...she just knew it...but how?
Eventually met up with most of the old herd. had a discussion, and eventually the herd broke up again. Felt a little sad. Remembered that there always seemed to be a bit of tension in the herd, now more than ever. Pretty bothered by this, but too tired to do anything about.
Ended up snuggling against Fletcher on one side and Ouro on the other, feeling safe although sad.
Noticed bunny Su-Mi (was afk for a bit, chatting elsewhere e_e). The herbs Alina had given her helped her memories, so she recognized Su-Mi pretty quickly. Gave her nuzzles (when TEF wasn't derping), apologizes for her absense. Also greeted Galene although not to sure who she was, but since no one chased her or the other fawn away, decided to settle back down next to Fletcher and rest.
1/24/13 ((long))
Woke up and immediately went to go get her doll from the hidey-hole.
((Carrying her doll with her, either on her back when she walks, or in her mouth when she runs.))
Went to Mama's tree and rubbed herself all over it.
Did the same when she went to her own tree. Happy to be near it again. Then went to get a drink and eat some reeds in the pond before washing herself off in the water and running around to dry off.
Went to the Ruins and rolled around in some poppies. Not sure why she felt like it, but figured she could smell like a poppy with her wet fur.
After getting herself to smell heavily of poppies, walked around some. Was approached by a doe (Vala). Greeted her and found herself giggling by the does cuteness. She ran off though.
Calling out every so often to find her family and friends.
Was approached once again by the doe Vala, (only this time she had her normal pelt on ^^).
Was told to follow and did so. Ended up having a bit of a spell fight, falling over and laughing and running around. Did a little bit of dancing until finally sitting down, Vala still with the magpie feather spell Tea cast on her.
Eventually got up and ran around with the red doe. Spelled some other deer, flying jumped and in general had a really great time with her.
Was sad when she had to leave, having had quite a bit of fun. Will have to find the pretty red doe again someday!
Went back to wandering.
Eventually sat down near the pond, near the deep end high on the rise. Watched the koi flit about in the water, wondering if she will ever get over her fear of the dark water and go nearer to see the strange swimming creatures closer.
Was approached by Thais. Happily greeted the doe with a curtsey and a nuzzle, inviting her to sit and watch the fish. Was a little tired out from all the playing with Vala, so hoped the doe didn't mind a peaceful sit by the pond for a little while.
Scented Papa. Got up and tried to get Thais to come. (Think she went afk) waited until the doe stood and lead her off to Leo, Kurami, and Trav. Greeted them, but nuzzled and bounced around Leo. Eventually sat under him. Quite happy.
Greeted a small fawn and invited them to sit closer. Trav came over and sit at Leo's right side while she stayed curled in his legs on his left.
Got up again when noticing Wayfarer (Way) nearby (considering the rp we just started, I figure Tea would recognize her
) She and Kurami invited Way closer to sit with them.
Fell asleep for a long time.
Woke up because she was being pelt spelled...GRRR! >.<
Laughed and played with Leo, Kurami and Trav, got her pelt thanks to Papa and devouted everyone in sight. Went for a romp and a drink in the pond, then settled next to papa and Trav and fell asleep again. (player needs to do more stuff RL T_T))
1/22/13 ((long))
((Carrying her doll with her, either on her back when she walks, or in her mouth when she runs.))
Woke up, got her clothes. Was invited to play with a deer after being confused as to why it was running around. Had quite a bit of fun running around in circles, jumping and playing and laughing until being invited to sit admist four trees. Plopped herself in some ferns. Learned the deer is named Jessica.
Played with Jessica, Noah and some fawns before feeling thirsty. Ran off to the pond for a drink and to wash her feathers. Was eventually chased out by a nameless stag who came up and reared at her. Yelled at him to leave her alone and went to hide behind a tree near the Twin Gods statue. Finally went back to the pond when the nameless left, still hungry and thirsty and still needing to clean her feathers.
After eating and drinking, went to the crying idol to wash off her feathers. Has taken notice that they are not growing. Wonders why. Had seen other deer feathers grow, but hers won't. Only the one she lost and gave to Fletcher grew back...
Got up to wander with her doll.
Saw two deer nearby (Riptail and Cutlass) spelling each other. Curious but approached by a fawn. Ended up being confused again and danced with them. Eventually the fawn left and she was left to her own devices once more. Went into the blue bowl for a few blueberries then wandered off again.
Put her doll in the hidey-hole for safe keeping. Wandering once again.
Fell asleep there, woke up to find Papa, Fletcher and a whole mess of others (sorry I forgot to update T_T; )
Stuff happened. Played around, sat around, spelled. The usual. Got nervous when Umay was nearby. Did not want to do anything to piss off the feline again and have her hurt Alina.
Moved off with the group.
Fell asleep in Fletchers favorite patch of flowers with him.
Woke up to Thais and some others (sorry T_T; ). Greeted and pranced around.
Went...somewhere. Found a bunny getting "attacked"? by Halla and Shahla. Fletcher joined in. Tried desperately to get them to stop. Eventually got pushed away. Sad, ran off to find Alina. Found her with two very young fawns. Both seemed a little afraid of her. Didn't persist to sniff them. Went and slept next to Alina.
Fletcher came back and seemed to apologize. Felt better when she got nuzzled and nuzzled him back. Sat with him and Alina and the Fawns.
Greeted Lemon when she came over.
More stuff.
Sitting next to Lemon.
1/21/13 ((short day, was busy rl))
((Carrying her doll with her, either on her back when she walks, or in her mouth when she runs.))
Woke up alone and got her clothes. Feeling antsy. Scented Kuru and found him in the blue bowl. Curled up next to him, hidden in the blueberries. Fell asleep there.
1/20/13 ((long))
((Carrying her doll with her, either on her back when she walks, or in her mouth when she runs.))
Woke up and went to get her clothes. Was helped by Josephine. Thanked her.
Decided to wander around, maybe look for Halla. Wants to talk to the grey doe about her relationship with Alina. Feels this is the biggest piece that is missing from the puzzle.
Had fallen asleep next to Mama's tree (player is also on Weebee, and was looking up bios x.x), woke up to see Jack sitting near her. A bit surprised, but welcomed the company. Noticed the little nameless fawn nearby, greeted her and invited her over.
Sat for a bit, until Jack went to greet another doe. Unsure about the doe. Seems she doesn't want to be around and then does? Unsure if Jack is getting annoyed or not, as he seemed to invite her closer?
Decided not to bother with it right now.
Greeted Kurami and invited him to sit when he came by. Sitting with the two stags and watching the other little fawn. Followed her around a bit until she settled next to Jack. Went to sit next to Mama's tree again.
Got up when Papa appeared. Very happy to see him. Jumped around him while he greeted Kurami, then had a hilarious time trying to nuzzle each other nuzzled him and got nuzzled. Eventually watched him and Jack greet each other before settling by the tree and being joined by Papa.
Got up and greeted Su-mi and Delilah, then went back to sitting down. (player pretty afk)
Got up and found Alina, brought her over to the group. Sat with her and Leo. (afkness...)
Woke up to find everyone gone. Unnerved. Went to find someone, Alina happened to be close by. Went and stood under her.
Sat down next to Alina after they both greeted Sabine who came over. Sat there for a while and dozed off until she felt Alina get up. Followed the doe until she was told to stay back. Saw Daneth in the distance. Showed her displeasure for him, and then for Darcy when he came by. Stayed by Sabine.
Reed came up behind her next to Darcy. Felt very uncomfortable and bolted, Sabine in tow. Stood in the birch and saw Alina run up to her. Guess she noticed. Was told to stay hidden in the tall grass. Obeyed Alina. Sabine sat nearby. Felt comfortable having the other doe there, even though she has no idea who she is..
Stayed there for a while until Lemon came over. Gave her nuzzles. Umay was close by. A little wary but never actually seen the feline do any harm. Sabine went to greet her. A stag (Masq) and Halla came over, but the doe ran off. Was sad that she didn't want to come closer. Must be still angry with Alina...
Some troll nameless deer came over and started causing problems with Sabine and Umay. very wary of. Doesn't want anyone hurt. Ran off a few times after a mini fight broke out between the nameless and Umay. Respects the feline and doesn't want to endanger her friends, as she seems to be the primary issue as to why they are keeping Umay away.
((Ended up attacking the derp because s/he was extremely disruptive -.-))
Eventually went off with Lemon and Alina when Ram herded them off. Made sure to sass him when his back was turned, complete with her tongue sticking out before following the two feathered does.
Sitting on the rocks curled up close to Alina, lemon near by along with Riften.
(Derped around on an alt with Fletcher and Alina because Fletcher was having issues. got DOTD stuff and stuff.
Woke up alone. Went to find Alina with her father.
Things fell apart. Umay was there. Wary again. Why is the feline so persistent? Hide under Alina. Thinks the feline wanted to sniff her? Wasn't sure, but knows Alina would probably scold her if she didn't stay away from the feline. The Umay attacked Alina. panicked and ran to the old Oak in tears. Blames herself. Came back a few minutes later to check on Alina. Unsure of how badly she was hurt, if at all. Umay came back over to drive them off. She attacked Alina. Panicked and ran. Schism stepped in to stop Umay.
Ran off crying. Huddled under Alina when she and Schism came over. Then saw Fletcher. Ducked under him and hid, still crying. Nuzzled him and it made her feel better.
1/19/13 ((long))
((Carrying her doll with her, either on her back when she walks, or in her mouth when she runs.))
Woke up and got a drink, washed herself in the pond as well. Decided she was feeling very hungry from not eating much lately. Ate some reeds in the water and other various plantlife within before wandering around with her doll on her back.
Passed by Reed. Glared at the stag some, but knew better than to draw attention to herself. Tried to locate some friends but was approached by Thais. Greeted the doe and entered a long romp session. Bounded around and had quite a bit of fun. Feeling happier, was invited to sit next to the feathered doe.
Sat there for a little while before Sumi joined them. Greeted her with nuzzles before sitting down after she and Thais got reacquainted. Now sitting between the two does, feeling pretty safe.
Jewel came over and started sniffing Sumi.
(I think Jewel is OOC tho? If it is, please disregard interactions with her <3)
Greeted her and got nuzzles, nuzzled back. Was given an antler spell, turned into a mini Ramsus (hell yessss). Strutted around and mimicked the ram-stag for a few moments before everyone started dancing.
Got rid of the ram horns though, made her feel bald.
Stuff happened. Sat around again. Met Evelys and Buttons but Halla didn't seem to keen on it. Went off with her and Sumi to go sit by a tree.
(Mini rp between Tea and Su-mi: Had a chat regarding Leo. Learned of his memory loss. Assured Su-mi he would remember soon. Learned how to play Hide-and-seek. The full rp can be seen on Su-mi's Diary)
Fell asleep near a tree, woke up to find Papa there, with Thais and Faye. Covered him in nuzzles. Trav was there as well, didn't recognize him much. Faintly. He seemed to be having some sort of tantrum? Unsure. Sat with Papa and Alina after nuzzling. Trav seemed to still be having a tantrum. Confused still. Sat some more, got up to greet Kurami when he came over. Sat down again.
Halla and Alina seemed to be fighting a bit? Why again? Sad about this. Wish they would just be friends again. Misses it. Stayed with Papa, Alina, and Faye near the tree.
Alot happened. (Don't really remember much. Lots of romping and playing that turned into an OOC game. [=red]Tea did not participate in these events regarding the peacock Army as she never would have willingly followed Ram. But it was alot of fun and worth mentioning. This note is just to let everyone know who may have accidentally taken HER actions ICLY!)[/red]
1/18/13 ((long))
Woke up and got her pelt. Tucked her doll away in some tree roots, then went to lie in the pond. Moved on to the rock that cries and sat under the cold water. Hungry, but doesn't want to eat. Drinks instead to make the feeling going away.
Sat under the water until she started shivering. Climbed out and sat in some sun to try and dry off and warm up. Was feeling a little better, but saw a fight break out near her. Pressed herself against the ground to hopefully not be seen. Noticed a small deer appearing to get scared. Decided it was a bad idea for them to stay close and drew him away. Was surprised he came to her easily. Maybe its because she's a fawn. Watched the fight break out between the two deer. Amalia and...someone unnamed. Watched with Scarlet for a bit, wondering if it was such a good idea to rescue the other small deer, but figured it was the best thing to do rather than see him get hurt.
Got bumped once, but it was more of a nudge than an attack but still made her freak out. Ran off a bit with Scarlet. Eventually Halla appeared. Thankful for the doe's appearance. Apologized profusely and tearfully for getting caught up in a fight. Nuzzled and was nuzzled. Was approached by a deer Noah who didn't seem friendly. Backed off from him as Halla stood in front of her.
The doe, Amalia, ended up fighting with another deer, Zioomka. Unsure who is good or bad, but thinks Scarlet's friend is Amalia, as he kept watching her.
Watched Halla sit to watch, then looked to Scarlet try to get Cuzco? Seems the stag ignored him.
Stood with Scarlet again, but then he ran towards Amalia, and Halla tried to get him to come back. He eventually did come over again. Feels like a terrible fawn for getting her into this.
Finally the fight seemed to end and Leo came over. Nuzzled him and felt a little better, and a ton safer. Stayed near Leo and Halla, thankful that at least these two were still on good terms.
Sat for a bit until yet ANOTHER fight broke out between some deer.
What is with the forest today?
Stayed away and watched, approached by a pretty doe, Thais. Reminds Tea of Luyu in a way. Thinks she is really pretty. Decided to invite her to come sit with them.
Dozed off (player had to go afk), snapped up when a fight broke out right on top of her hurried under Alina who came over.
After a bit, went to collect her doll and came back to sit with the group. Halla and Alina seem to be...alright. Not getting hopes up though.
Ended up sitting next to Papa, Thais to her left, Halla a bit away by a tree, and Alina opposite Halla by a tree. Wondering when everyone will sit cuddled up like they used to. Lowered her head to her doll and sighed. Feeling hungry again.
Stuff happened. Lots of it. As usual.
Big group of deer all together, Lemon, Fletcher, Alina, Papa, Faye, Sumi, Kurami, a new doe named...Sabine? Some others Tea doesn't know (can't find on map). Halla, Chalice, and Shahla are nearby as well, but they won't join the group. Artemis is even further away.
Umay came over and started sniffing and even headbutt Fletcher. Really unnerved at the feline. Had hoped to someday become friends, but if she is such an enemy to the family, she knew she'd have to be a good fawn and listen to her family. If Umay was bad, then she was bad.
Eventually settled near Fletcher when he sat down. Alina is acting really weird...why is she so tremble-y?
Dozed on and off for a while.
Scented Ranore and went to get him but he seemed preoccupied with another fawn. Left him to it.
More sleeping on and off.
Met some other deer, nameless. Nuzzled Lemon numerous times, apologizing for ignoring her a bit over the past few days.
Tried to get Sabine and her little friend to understand Fletcher was good, not a threat. Apologized to him that she couldn't get them to see. Covered him in nuzzles.
Met Seed. Fascinating deer. A tree? Halla must be giddy. Surprised she didn't rub all over him yet.
Alot of romping started. Wanted to join in but felt anxious. Hid under Papa instead. Wondering why she still feels so upset when her family seems to be coming back together. Snuggled with her doll.
Was stirred from her spot because Halla was running around screaming "TREE DEER". Found she was unable to stay depressed now. Joined Halla in running around and laughed for the first time in days. Chased her for a bit and felt like her usual self.
Laughed even more when the grey doe went over and scent marked Seed. Poor tree-deer, if only he knew what he was getting into.
1/17/13 ((long))
Woke up alone. Feeling miserable. Not hungry or thirsty. Goes to get her doll from the hidey-hole.
((Carrying her doll with her, either on her back when she walks, or in her mouth when she runs.))
Avoiding all deer. Wandered around to find somewhere to hide.
Hiding near De Drinkplaats. The sound of the fountain is soothing. Keeping herself pressed against the ground with her doll, blending in with the tall grass. Not seeking out anyone.
Dozed off and came back to find lying near her. Got up and nuzzled him. Then noticed Halla was close by too. Wandered over to the doe, planning on curling up against her side for some kind of security, but the doe stood. Received and returned nuzzles. Was brought next to Ranore and told to sit. Did so. Got stood over by Halla. Feels protected, but still incredibly dispirited.
Lemon and...Lemon came over. What? Confused. One smelled like Riften. That makes sense. Had seen lemon and Riften before. Are they together maybe?
Scented Papa nearby. Ran to him. Nuzzled and was nuzzled. Ducked under him for safety. Nervous. What if Daneth comes back to cause more trouble and hurt the family more. Bit back tears and rubbed against Papa's leg with her doll on her back.
Greeted Kurami when he came over. Then joined Papa in the tall grass, snuggling into his side, cuddling with her doll.
Got up when more deer showed up. Papa moved away when Alina came over. Nuzzled her, wished everything would be better. No such luck today. Greeted Calida when she came over. Starting to feel ill, especially when Sumi tried to get Alina away, who was persistent in trying to talk to Leo. Aggrieved that Leo didn't want her around either. Blames Daneth for this. Stupid bad stag. Family ruiner...
Alina ran off. Didn't follow... What if Daneth showed up. Fears he may hurt her to spite her Papa.
Keeps shoving herself under Leo.
Stuff happened. Dozed off next to Papa and her doll. Calida and a fawn were nearby, as were Sumi and Kurami. Schu was nearby. Was not too afraid anymore, but still disliked him stalking them. Was he after her?
Stuff happened. Lots of it. Big argument between Leo, Fletcher, Alina, and of course Tea. Alina eventually ran off. Didn't get to give back her necklace.
Fell asleep with parents.
1/16/13 ((long))
Note: The part about Sumi is a mistake, as Sumi's players game wasn't working so she couldn't see Leo. Keeping it here for the sake of having it, but it is not IC.
Woke up. Got her pelt. Saw a stag (Schadenfreude) nearby. Thought it needed help with the pelt? Gave it devout but the stag didn't seem to like it? Got antlered at. Unsure. Backed away. Turned into being chased? Scared. Couldn't even scent for help because she was so scared. Was chased some more. Tried to hide in blueberries but was found. Eventually ran to Alina in tears. Doesn't know what is going on. Currently hiding behind Alina and some random stag that she barely noticed. Too scared to understand the stag was just playing. Thinks he is trying to apologize? Still waking up, so doesn't accept it just yet.
Finally he left. Able to getch her breath, legs trembling, was invited to sit near the stag (Twigs) and Alina. Sandwiched between the two feeling quite safe. All insecurities regarding Alina forgotten for the time being.
Twigs eventually left after bringing Chalice over. Greeted the stag but doesn't think Alina likes him. A bit sad at this since Chalice seems like the only stag in the forest who doesn't want to beat anyone up. (Other than Fletcher and Papa, that is. They don't want to go beat up anyone...do they?). Alina walked off but followed her. Ended up sitting with Fletcher sandwiched between her and Chalice. Alina stood near by ground won, but she soon left. Decided not to go after her. Sat down with Chalice and Lemon when she came over.
Scented Papa. Jumped up and ran to find him. Found him sitting by the pond with...RANORE!? The little bird-deer looked...strange. Hurt almost? He seemed to be sleeping so she crept around him as to not bother him. Greeted and nuzzled papa. Stuck her head in the water for a drink and to clean her feathers.
Went back to sniff Ranore. Two deer came over (not really sure who they are xD) and Ranore woke up. Mercilessly covered him in nuzzles. Little brother deer-bird was getting bigger. She wondered why he was growing bigger and she hadn't grown at all. Sat next to him and snuggled him. Missed him so much.
He got up and went to lie down near by. A little sad by this but figures that it's been a while.
Schadenfreude came by again. Hid under Papa.
Sumi came over. Seemed insistent on getting her and Papa out of the pond. Doesn't know why they are in the pond, but Papa doesn't seem to want to leave. Seems to ignore Sumi. A bit sad by this, but far too clingy to Papa to want to leave either.
Ended up following Papa when Sumi annoyed him? Moved over to some tree. Laid with him. Schu (Schadenfreude for short because OMG THAT NAME) came over AGAIN. Alina tried protecting her. Not sure why Chalice was protecting Schu. He's scary! Don't want him close! Alina succeeded in shooing Schu. Still a little distressed, snuggled again. Chalice brought Schu over AGAIN! Why Chal!?
Hid under Leo and Alina. Saw Alina run up to attack Schu? Chalice tried attacking back? Was mad. Ran up and reared to show him NOT to hurt Alina! Why does everyone want to hurt her! She protecting the fawn here!
Leo got in the middle of it too. Eventually Chal and Schu moved off. Met Daenerys, Alina's adopted mother when she and Schism came over. Is happy to meet her mother and father, but doesn't know Alina was adopted like she was. Sat next to Papa and pushed herself close, hiding her face in his fur.
Sumi came over to try to get her and Papa? Unsure. Confused? Papa didn't like it when Sumi sat down close. Thought they were friends? Confused. Schu approached again. Why...why does he want to scare Tea? Feels like crying. Ran off a few paces and was joined by Leo. Hid under his legs and wedged herself between them.
Dozed for a while after Mama came. Woke up and looked around, scenting Daneth. Wonders if he has come to collect Alina, as usual.
But everything went downhill. he obviously kept staring at Papa. Found out from Mama he hurt Papa...
Shocked, then angry. Showed her displeasure while standing near her Papa. Buttt...everything kept rolling down. Daneth scent marked some trees. Kind of scary. He really meant business didn't he? Worried about Mama. Got angry when he tried to come close. Papa got up to move away passively. Didn't want to just leave. Was pushed away by Mama, but got away and marked a tree just to spite the stag. Was pushed away again and finally went to follow Papa. So angry, started crying. Ended up curling next to mama and papa for a while and cried. Why was Dan so mean all the time? Didn't he have his Fawn Stealer and Luyu? Told not to go near Daneth.
Doesn't know what to do anymore. Family breaking apart...nothing be the same again.
1/14/13 (LONG)
Woke up, got her clothes, went to get a drink and splash some water on herself to keep herself somewhat clean. Not feeling hungry. Decided she didn't feel like sitting around and decided to wander. Heard a fawn calling and recognized it as the Nameless Fawn. Started towards and replied. Got somewhat close and found the little fawn near Jack. Was about to decide she was in good hands until the younger one ran around and came closer, then ran off away from the ruins. Feeling too insecure with herself to get closer to the fawn, but watches her instead. Watched the fawn prance around a tree and play with it. Wonders why she is always concerned about others instead of enjoy her fawnhood. Feels like theres something lurking in her mind. Moved on to try to shake off the uneasy feeling.
Found Mama's tree. Rubbed herself all over it. Misses her and Papa. Moved on once more. Kept walking until she saw a very tall deer (Shardous) watching a sleeping one. She then noticed the sleeping deer was Lemon.
After a little while, caught him looking over at her. (Not sure if actually being looked at or TEF is being a derp). Sat down to blend into the blueberry patch she was standing in.
Dosed off for a moment, then snapped back to reality when she realized the tall stag...vanished. Unnerved. Where did he go? Decided maybe the stag was offended she was watching him. Got up and wandered to her tree, figuring it would at least enjoy her presence.
Was soon joined by Lemon. Had thought she fell asleep again. Feels bad that she didn't go over to the doe, but at least she is here now. Invited her to sit next to her by the tree, feeling a bit better to be close to someone.
Was groomed by the doe, thankful for the help in keeping her feathers in order since she was unable to. Decided to just lay there next to the doe and her tree, feeling too unsure to get up. Dozed on and off, noticed Lemon going to get a drink then return to stare at someone nearby. Doesn't know who the stag is either. Stayed put, curled up around the tree.
Dozed off again. Found Chalice next to her. Turned around to curl into his side. Doesn't know him that well, but decided he knew Fletcher enough that it was okay. Lemon joined them on the other side of the Tree. Thankful the doe was still there as well.
Got up after snoozing when she scented...PAPA! Jumped up and ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. Eventually found him near a tree. Covered him in nuzzles. Has no idea he doesn't know who she is, but he is playing along.
Saw Alina nearby. She looked...horrible. Feathers nonexistent. Halla tried pushing her away. She looked angry. Felt sad again. Huddled under Papa for security. Lead Leo over to Alina when she came by again, but stayed under the stag.
Had a chat with Alina and Leo. Confused about some things. Leo went off to bring Halla over to talk to Alina. Hopes up.
Daneth came over with Fawn Stealer and another doe (Rebellem). Eventually left with Alina in tow...ugh. Followed them with Leo, but Leo wouldn't come much closer. Daneth did not seem to approve of Leo's presence. Saddened by this. Although no longer referring to him as 'bad', she thinks its bad that, as a grownup, he doesn't be more grownup about it and talk their issues over like Halla and Alina try to do. Stayed under Papa and waited. Dozed off and snapped back to find Daneth and his group (Vivian, Alina, and Rebellem) had moved on. While sad, found Mama sitting next to her! Happy! Their little family was together again. After nuzzling, stuck herself between the two and stayed there. Noticed Kurami nearby, but too overjoyed to be with her adopted parents to go say "hi" other than nod at him.
Stayed with Mama and Papa for a while. Got some Alina snuggled that lasted a few minutes. But the doe ran off after trying to see some...Umay baby!? Unsure of the little...wolf...thing? Stays tucked next to Mama.
Eventually greeted the lion thing. Not too bad, seems afraid? Decided not to take it to heart. Went to sit next to Mama and Fletcher.
Fell asleep. (Went to PC xD)
Woke up. Got her clothes. Feeling down. Stashed her doll in the hidey-hole. Felt more like wandering than sitting around. Was found by Fletcher. Nuzzled him and then lead him over to Halla and Shahla. Greeted both and nuzzled Halla. Stood around for a bit until she thought she heard Alina call. She did. Fletcher ran off and the fawn was hot on his heels. Found her surrounded by Umay's group. Nervous. Saw Casti nearby, ran to get him to come over to her and Fletcher. Noticed Riften trying to protect Alina and push her away? Not sure, considers the act good. Ram came and shoved Alina out of the circle as well as Daneth. Redeveloping feelings regarding Daneth.
At the playground with Fletcher, Casti, Alina, and Daneth...Ram being a stalker on the rocks. Decided to look around and stare back. Eventually Sumi came over. Gave her nuzzles. Confused by how she acted sometimes. Ended up sitting between her and Fletcher, before dozing off.
((Carrying her doll with her, either on her back when she walks, or in her mouth when she runs.))
Woke up out of place (game loaded weird). Went to get her clothes. Without casting a glance around her she went to the hidey-hole in the ruins. Crawled inside of it with her doll and curled up in a corner with it. Too afraid to see Halla and make the doe angry. Too afraid to bother Chalice with her presence. Too afraid to check up on Alina and have the doe run away again. So sign of Fletcher or Mama's scent. Praying to the gods Mama didn't leave again, and that Fletcher didn't leave either.
(Playing too much Primal Carnage man... That's all for today :<)
((Carrying her doll with her, either on her back when she walks, or in her mouth when she runs.))
The little fawn got up and got her clothes. She was alone again. She did not scent anyone that she knew, so she went to her tree and sat there.
Woke up and got her clothes again. Met Chalice and Halla. Brought them to her Mother and Sumi. Greeted both does. Romped around. Spelled Chalice and got spelled too.
Romped some more.
Saw Alina nearby. Went over to bring her to the group but she ran away. Curious, ran after her. Eventually a massive chase broke out. The little fawn is exhausted, but she doesn't understand what had happened with Alina leaving the herd. Chalice and Fletcher sandwiched her in between them.
A fight broke out between Fletcher and Alina. Hurt by some of the words they said. Ran off. Couldn't find Mama. Finally wedged herself between two rocks in the Playground with her doll. Cried into it. Papa was hurt, she was caught in a fight within her family, Everyone seemed to hate each other...and did that mean the family was over? Doesn't know what to do. Cried herself out.
Riften came over. Nuzzled him, wanting physical comfort. Was brought over to a sleeping Lemon, promptly sat next to the doe and buried her face in her feathers. Stayed flat against the rock they sat on. Lemon got up and nuzzled her. Nuzzled back. Sat next to her again. (Until she poofed? Crashed?) Feeling alone, went off to the hidey-hole. She figures no one wants to be around her.
But the hidey-hole was taken over by Umay and her crew. Feels scared. Doesn't know where else to go. Decided to hide behind a tree and wait to see if they move.
Dozed off. Woke up to see Fletcher. Didn't care for play or anything, but noticed he wanted her to follow him.
Was brought to Alina who looked like she was sleeping, but was told she wouldn't wake up. Yelled at her a bit, before freaking out. She melt alive, but something was wrong. Ran around, called, nothing. Scented...Daneth. Maybe he...could do something. Ran to find the stag, despite how she dislikes him.
Called, poke, prodded...Daneth wouldn't wake up either. Freaking out, ran to find someone else. Found Halla. Halla didn't seem to be in the mood. Frustrated a bit. Ran off to Daneth again. Nothing worked. Ran off and cried a bit. Saw Fletcher run by...carrying...Halla. (LAWL).
Cried and tried to get Alina to wake up. But ran off again to get Daneth.
Eventually Daneth came with her and Fletcher to Alina...Isi was there.
Stuff happened. Daneth and Isi were angry at Fletcher, she was afraid they would hurt Fletcher and sad for Alina.
Daneth left. Tea and Fletcher sat near a half blind Alina. Curled up next to the male and fell asleep with her head on her doll.
((Carrying her doll with her, either on her back when she walks, or in her mouth when she runs.))
Woke up alone. Got her clothes from some nice deer. Someone had decided to change her pelt before she woke up (TEF crashed sometime in the middle of the night, then when I logged in someone changed her pelt LOL)
Feeling down, she decided to hide in the hidey-hole with her doll until she scented someone she knew and trusted. Wondering if Topsail and Alina will ever make up. Wondering if anything is going to be the same.
Woke up later. Scented her friends but not really feeling like joining them. Not in the mood to play. Sat down near her mothers tree and curled up next to it with her doll.
Dozed off for a moment, then found Halla standing over her. Decided to get up and nuzzle her, but still not feeling playful. Followed her to Shahla. Greeted the striped doe. Riften came over. Greeted him too before plopping down. Not herself. Too depressed.
Lying there for a long time. Fell asleep.
Smelt...Mama!? Jumped up and looked around, finding the doe standing there. Unsure at first until was nuzzled and could feel her. Was apologized to profusely, but didn't care. Was glad Mama was back.
Followed Mama to her tree, glad to spend time with just her. Talked, cried..all that jazz.
Thinking about confronting Topsail about Alina. Maybe apologize if he agrees not to hurt her. Will bring Mama.
Was given food from the other forest, new fruits. Ate everything Mama gave her. Was cleaned and stopped looking scruffy. Fell asleep with her doll next to her mother after having a lullaby, "You are my Sunshine", being sung to her.
((Carrying her doll with her, either on her back when she walks, or in her mouth when she runs.))
Woke up and went to get her clothes. (Had some technical difficulties because of the log in and had to get them again.) Then got her doll since Papa wasn't around...felt a little sad. Found Fletcher, Halla, Riften, Chalice and Topsail all sitting together near the Twin Gods. Gave Fletcher and Halla a nuzzle. Soon after Kar came over. Greeted him with a nuzzle then went back to cuddle up with her doll and Fletcher.
Got up when she scented Alina. Had a talk with the doe and learned Topsail had attacked her. Angered by this. Went to go give the stag a piece of her mind but he fell asleep. Turned him into a peacock with the others. Felt satisfied by this.
After the fact, told him off in front of everyone. Don't touch Alina again.
Then Daneth came over. Irritated by his presence. Further irritated that Fletcher wanted her to talk to him. He said bad things about Papa and threatened him. He's a bad stag!
Refusing to face Daneth. Feeling ashamed she has to be so stubborn.
Finally the stag left. Finally. Shook her head at him, until she saw Alina leave. Why? Why did they like him so much. Couldn't understand it.
Called for ALina. No response. Sad.
Saw Reed wander passed. Stomped at him and shook her head. Meanie. Tops ran off to greet him. Huffed at this. Alina was right.
Saw Reed go by again, showed her displeasure. Noticed Lemon (because I am stupid) and sniffed her. Started to play with the doe until she sat down and fell asleep.
Watched Reed go by again. What is he, on a patrol? Wondering. Makes her nervous. Saw him come close. Stomped at him again and shook her head. He didn't seem pleased with her display before he moved off (and started spinning around in hilarious circles xD). Saw him pass again. Hmph.
Ran off to find Alina. Finally found her. Had Fletcher coax her out.
Was going to go off but saw Kar and Tops. Sigh.
Eventually ran over and lowered her head at him. She didn't want him to make Alina go away again!
Fletcher didn't seem to have noticed though. He seems confused. Expecting a scolding later...
Stuff happened. Stood around for a bit until falling asleep. Woke up to see Fletcher and Chalice running around. They smelt weird.
Chalice told her they had fleas. Has no idea what they are. Scared of them. Ended up falling asleep next to them at the pond.
Currently lying there curled up around her doll.
(AFK for the night)
Woke up and immediately got her clothes from someone near by. They left before she could properly thank them. Went down to the pond for a drink and a bite to eat before wandering around. Decided to visit the places where her Mama and Papa disappeared. No signs of them. Moped off until she scented Kuru. Couldn't find him for a bit until she looked by a tree that looked abnormally lumpy. Peeked through the poppies and saw the buck. He looked sort of scared. Felt incredibly protective and went to sit next to him. Spaced out until she saw a flicker of gold in front of her. It went away. Then it stopped in front of her. Looked up and saw her Papa looking down at her. Jumped up immediately, and was a bit afraid. Was he really okay? Was this really him? She was afraid to approached but he coaxed her over. Found that he was tangible and she could smell him again. Immediately began to cry and rubbed all over him. Stood against his front and stuck her face in his fur. Having trouble believing he won't disappear again.
Had a talk with him, telling him about most of the events that had passed, if not all. Felt a little depressed over some things, but those were forgotten when she was given a doll by her father. Currently curled up around it and dosing. (More information on the doll under 'treasures'.
Woke up and noticed Halla bringing Alina over. Uh oh. Stayed behind Leo.
All turned out well, everyone seems together again. Just need Mama and Fletcher. Curled up with her doll once more.
Fell asleep for a while. Woke up and everyone had moved. Put her doll in the hidey-hole, before finding them nearby. Seemed Fletcher was tense about Leo. Could understand why. Hopes they get better. Stands by Fletcher but then tried to get him to follow her when she goes over to her Father and sits under him.
And then Reed had to come in and get pissy and attack everyone. And Ram had to come in and herd everyone away. Doesn't understand why the stag can't mind his own business.
Ran off to hide until everything was done. Saw Papa leave and waited for a bit before following. He seems upset. Found him and sniffed him, then curled up at his side.
Had a small conversation with him. He didn't sound like himself. Dosed off next to him and the next thing she knew he was gone. Got up and wandered to a nearby rock. Nothing she could do. Dosed off there before moving to the ruins to hide in the hidey-hole.
Got up when Fletcher came over to her. He lead her back to some others, not after she brought her doll with her. She couldn't have Papa, so she'd have to settle with her new doll. Laid with them for a bit before getting up to find Alina. Found her with Riften and Lemon but thought she was intruding so went back to the others. Curled up with her doll next to Fletcher and Halla again.
Was tired. Said goodnight to the others and went back to the hidey hole to curl up with her doll. (player has work in the AM).
Woke up and went to get her clothes. Feeling oddly happy today. Perhaps it was all the playing. Immediately found Halla and greeted her, happy to see her as always. Played around a bit when Shala came, got annoyed by a fawn pelting her. Tried to herd it away. Eventually it left.
Drank, ate, played around some more. Met Krystal, a strange bunny deer. Fascinating. Danced with her for a bit, then went to rest under a willow because hers was taken.
Slept a bit, woke up to see Ray next to her. How is he a bad wolf? Inwardly sighs. Hopes Alina doesn't see this.
Got up and ran over to her tree when she saw it was no longer occupied. Apologized to it, having not been around it in a while. Told it she loves it and nuzzled it. Noticed Os nearby. Curious. Ran back to Halla and told her.
The two went up to him. He seemed skittish, found it funny. Wonders why. Wonders why he likes to watch. May try it sometime.
Ended up watching him and Halla and then he left. But wanted to play! Gave chase and pranced over to him when he finally stopped. Herded away by Halla though. Felt a little guilty for running off. Went over to a tree and sat down. Was soon joined by Ray after he and Halla playfought.
Got up after a little while when she saw Shala and Halla trying to peacock each other. HAD TO HELP WITH THAT. Eventually helped them both get the feathers and the mask, then ended up getting the mask herself. Thought she would get Ray to join in.
Quickly found out he wasn't used to magic, or was afraid of it. He ran off. Ran over to him to see if he was ok, but he ran off again. Was sad. Didn't want him angry with her. Fiercely tried to apologize.
Once feeling forgiven went to sit down and was joined by Ray.
Stuff happened. Didn't really do much the rest of the day. Nothing unusual to report (that I can remember).
Tried to peacock Fletcher, but he caught her. Darn. Ended up falling asleep.
Woke up alone, but noticing that she smelt heavily of Fletcher, and that the grass besides her was indented by a larger form. So the buck found her and slept with her. Glad she wasn't alone all night, but wishing he was there. Debated getting up to go get something to drink and eat, but felt to sad to even move.
Dosed off again. (Player had to afk ugh). Came back and saw Fletcher. Expressed she was still sad. Curled up next to him.
Dosed a bit, then noticed a small fawn come up, nuzzle Fletcher and then flee. Faintly recognized. Who is that?
Got up to follow. The fawn came back over. Emirel! Excited to see her again! Played around with her until she heard a familiar cry. The Nameless fawn. Sounded a bit distressed. Ran over to find her. Seemed she still scared the little fawn. Watched her none the less, but was afraid to approach herself because of a large crow near a sleeping Jack. Saw Eirlys in the distance. Ran over to her with Emirel. Started to frolic.
Stuff happened. Chased Eir around because she was getting scared by all the deer. Showed her disapproval to Ram, but greeted Isi. Played around with the two fawns and Fletcher with Ezra tagging along until Emi had to go (poofed). Sat around.
Stuff happened.
Slept on and off with Fletcher all day until getting up because she scented Alina. Maybe Fletcher can get through to her. Alina was in De Drinkplaats. Wary. Had Fletcher go try to get her. Alina ran off though. Chased her a bit until giving up. Sat with Fletcher by a tree. Reed wandered by. Jumped up and showed her displeasure to his backside. But it seems he saw. Turned around and looked at her. Terrified he noticed her and leapt behind a tree. Fletcher looked confused. At least the stag moved on, although seems he was watching from a distance. Even warier of him now.
Fletcher lead her away and sat down with Sumi. Sat there for a bit before Tea heard the Nameless fawn calling and ran off to find her. The little fawn didn't seem to want her presence, so Tea left her alone. More rejection...Feels the only ones who want her are Fletcher and Sumi.
Met Schism. Finds him interesting. Went and sat with Fletcher and Sumi again.
Alot. Of. Stuff. Happened.
Fight broke out kind of. Was protected by the herd along with Daneth and Ramsus. Ugh. Well, at least they are protecting us... Wishes Papa was here. Finally ran off followed by Weebee into the hidey-hole. Slept on and off for a bit. Was given a feather as a gift from Rayiz. Accepted it. Some might find the wolf bad, but she does not see it at all. Tucked it with her feathers.
Played around with everyone and had one heck of a time. Conga lines, pelt spelling, peacocking Fletcher, all that Jazz.
(The person who cast the Crying Idol on Tea turned into Alcor. YAY! Met him before!)
had alot of fun with Alcor, then Aria came over. Played around and jumped into a tree with her. Had some more fun. Ran around with some fawns and met Vincent.
Decided it was time to bed and went to her tree to sleep.
Woke up from the hidey hole and felt thirsty. Went to the pond for a well needed drink. On the way, felt hungry too.
Was approached by a deer as she went to drink, but he/she seemed aggressive. Drank quickly and bolted. Was chased for a few moments, ran into the birch and ducked down. Stayed in the grass when the deer came around. She hoped he/she wouldn't see her. Feels a little scared. Never met a deer that immediately was aggressive to her before. Got up and ran for the pond again. Still thirsty and hungry.
Ate and drank, had a quick bath, then noticed a very peculiar creature nearby (Lampshade?). Perked up a bit and wandered over to sniff. Seemed a little wary of her at first, but soon began to romp around and play. Had alot of fun. Finally sat down with. Fur feels so strange and...squishy like moss! But almost can't see. At least have feeling. Is this what is happening to Mama and Papa?
Sat for a bit and dosed off, When Blue Glowy See Through got up, she noticed a red deer had sat next to her. WHOA. Was a little wary at first, but then all three of them started to play. Ran around. Jumped around. Laughed her head off. DANCE PARTY!
But soon Foxbrow had to go. Was sad to see her go after having so much fun, but understood. Stood around a little bit (Player afked really quick), snapped out of it to see Blue Glowy See-Through run off. Tried to follow, but it disappeared in the Birch! Called out, no response. Worried, but the creature was already glowy and see through...maybe it disappeared? Unnerved, but hopes to see it again, loves to play with and snuggle with. Went off to sit by the rock that cries and dosed off.
Got up and wandered. Found Shala, sniffed but got no response. Decided to wander again.
Stumbled upon three deer. A skull faced male (Thorntail), a little dark fawn (Josephine), and the white stag (Jack) that she barely recalled meeting once. Wary at first, but was approached by Jack first. Ended up giving them all a sniff and invited to sit by Josephine. Decided she had nothing better to do, so joined them in the patch of flowers.
Dosed on and off. Woke up to find Josephine gone, but a tiny fawn sitting with Jack. Recognized her as the Nameless fawn she sat with days ago with the white deer-like creature. Sat nearby and watched her. Watched Thorntail move off. Thought he was going to go find Josephine.
Fell asleep. (Player had to AFK for a while)
Woke up to find her pelt changed and Fletcher next to her. Happy to see him. Gave him nuzzled and went to get her clothes back, then went to sit with Fletcher in the flower patch again.
Slept on and off. (Player afked alot again.)
Woke up to no Fletcher. Okay then. Where did he go? Went to find him. But found Alina. Was completely ignored by the doe. Wonders if she just didn't see her. Pursued.
The encounter went sour, Alina telling Tea that she was a bad doe and not to follow her. Disagreed. Tried to follow her until Alina quite plainly made it obvious she did not want to be followed. Scared, and saddened by the rejection, did not follow Alina and collapsed into a heap of legs. Was approached by another deer, but jumped up, promptly said no and ran away.
Plopped down within the birch, finding a really dense patch of tall grass near De Drinkplaats. Curled up as flat as she could, attempting to hide from everyone.
Cried herself to sleep. Did not notice Fletcher coming over and sleeping next to her.
Woke up alone. Didn't even bother to go get her pelt; she was afraid she would forget where Leo disappeared. (But sent in an alt to give her her pelt because that drove me nuts) Stayed lying down, pretending to be asleep. If anyone bad (Reed/Shay/Darcy/Umay/Sianna/Vivian/Daneth/Ramsus) came over, they might just think she was asleep and leave her alone.
Riften sat by her. Then Halla. Then Ezra. Felt a bit more comfortable but did not move. Eventually Riften dosed off, Halla and Ezra moved on, and there is a fawn near her. Someone also changed her clothes (damn fawns)...
On and off for a bit. (Kept derping because I have my OOC deer up. e.e)
Noticed Reed staring at her. Fear. Lots of fear. She got up and showed his displeasure for him behind his back when he turned. He was far too close for comfort. But she couldn't leave the spot where her papa disappeared...Finally he left and she calmed down enough to sit down. Still unnerved.
Dosed off again (player afk doing stuff), found herself being sniffed by a deer (Shira?). Went to get up and sniff back but the deer backed off and eventually ran. Was it scared of her? Unsure. Saw Kar near her, cuddled up against him and dosed off again. Didn't want to leave the area where Papa vanished. Even if it is just magic.
Slept on and off. Finally felt too awake to sleep anymore. Got up and noticed a red doe sleeping next to her. Wuh?
Looks very familiar. (Sage). Doesn't remember that small observation of Fletcher running from her. Seems nice but wary of. Sumi and Kar and Faye were around too. Finally curtsied to Faye. Seems nice if she is around the herd.
Halla came over to make sure she was alright. The fawn was much better than yesterday.
Soon the nameless fawn (VOCT) wandered over to her. She was pretty happy to see the colorful fawn again. Playing would help get her mind off her Papa. But that didn't work, Sumi quickly lead her to the Crying Idol (although wasnt to happy to leave the spot where her Papa vanished.) Got a proper bath before sitting by the doe near the idol by a tree. Ran around with VOCT when she came over with a random fawn. When they went off, ran back to the place where Papa disappeared.
Dosed, then found Mama sleeping near her! MAMA! Overjoyed, but it lasted a short while. Poking, prodding, braying, whining, running around...nothing made her wake up. And she felt like how Papa did...all...nothing. Why!? MAMA!!!
Sumi came over and tried to wake her up too, and Halla. Nothing. Sumi sat down and exhausted, Tea did too, curling into her Mama's form, even though she couldn't feel her.
Mama eventually got up. YAY! Played with her. Prayed to the gods that she would stay. Wants her Mama and Papa...
Lasted for a short time as well, her Mama suddenly vanished while playing. Depressed. Sat next to the tree. Why couldn't they disappear in the same place? Sigh...
VOCT came over and sat next to her. Didn't really want company, but did not push her away. Would never do that to anyone (Unless they were on her Distrust/Hate lists.)
Too depressed to be around anyone. Ran off to the ruins and hid in the cubbyhole where Nadya had hid after the fight with Fusion.
Heard Sumi calling for her, but ignored her. Felt bad, but just wanted to be alone.
Found by Sumi. Didn't try to shoo her away. Got nuzzled and expressed her sadness before lying down again, curling up into a tight ball. Sumi ran off. Feels bad...
Dosed off tearfully, but found Fletcher behind her. Got up and nuzzled him. She could deal with his presence...in fact, she felt weird without him there. Proceeded to sit and bury her face into his chest fur.
Had a little talk, was reassured her Mama and Papa would come back. Fell asleep beside him.
Woke up alone. No more cold white stuff, but still cold. Got her clothes then went to sit in the flowers. Wary.
Scented Halla. And blood. Fearing for the does life, ran to find her with Ray. The wolf was still alive!? She felt thankful that the others hadn't killed him, but he looked horrible. Wary to approach. Doesn't want to get in trouble....or get the wolf hurt anymore. Sits nearby at a tree.
Was approached by some fawns. Not really in the mood. Ended up looking awkward until Halla came over. Greeted the grey doe. Stay away from Ray in case someone came to hurt him again. Finds the situation not good. He did not do bad. But there's nothing she can do.
Went and ate some water reeds and drank some water. Feeling full, watches Halla and the wolf nearby.
Was approached and sat near by Halla. Crawled over her back and lay there for some weird reason. Ray limped over. Oh gods, please don't let Alina, Ram, or Dan see them...
Dosed on and off, Halla and Ray went to her tree. Sat with Kuru.
Approached by Reed and sniffed by him...had a mini heart attack and ran to her tree, terrified. After he left she went back to Kuru. Thinks she hears the little fawn (Nameless) from the other day calling out. (Ignore that for now.)
Relaxing with Halla and Kuru and a newcomer, Shala.
Stuff happened. Had gone and fallen asleep by her tree. Woke up to see...Papa!?
Overjoyed to see her adopted father. He seemed a bit different though. When she nuzzled him, she couldn't feel him. Maybe she was just still tired from her nap. But that didn't matter. She ran around with him for a bit, enjoyed playing around with him again. Sumi, Halla, Ezra, some others...it was so much fun. Devoute pelting each other, changing masks and antlers. Butt-nuzzled her papa even though she still couldn't understand why she didn't feel him...She didn't understand why that didn't bother her either.
But suddenly he was bowing to her and the group, offering her nuzzles that she gratefully received and returned.
And then, he was done.
Was this a joke? He just...vanished. Happiness turned to sadness and worry. She and Sumi both began to dig at the spot where he disappeared. She only stopped when she started crying. What did this mean? Was her Papa really gone? Did something happen to him? The forest worked in strange ways, but something felt different this time.
Curled up next to Sumi and cried into her fur, laying over the ground she desperately dug into.
Fell asleep. Slept for a while. (Player was in an rp.)
Woke up to find Kar curled around her, and a feathered doe, (Faye) next to him. Was not in the mood to be around anyone, especially when there were others in the spot her Papa vanished from. Tears in her eyes once more, she stood up and started to paw at the ground, occasionally calling out in distress.
Was approached by a doe (Aria Myst) when Kar and the brown and gold doe left. Was wary of, but soon warmed up to her and ended up snuggling against her, being groomed and fell asleep with her.
Two months old today.
Woke up and scented Halla nearby. Turned to see her literally a few feet away. Next to...some wolf-deer creature. Uneasy. Expressed her surprise before running off to get her clothes. Came back and found her asleep. Great. Fletchers words rung in her mind, but she wasn't sure if she should introduce herself to the wolf creature. Especially if Alina came by. Doesn't want to get Halla in trouble. Ended up turning and walking off a bit sadly.
Found Fletcher and Alina, and a fleeting Rayiz with a chasing Ram. Sigh. Feels bad for the wolf thing.
Met Dalek. Seems nice enough. Rayiz came back. Ram came back. Ugh! Hid under Fletcher. This can't be good. But Ram stood there as Sumi stood in front of Ray. What? Went to sniff Ram. Really big deer...thing. Then Sumi came over and herded her back. Is Ram really bad? Got sat on by Fletcher.
Alot of stuff happened. Crazy. Eventually just let Ram, Dan, Ray, Lu and Alina run off. Didn't want to get into it with Fletcher hurt. Walked off with the buck and apologized for getting into the fight. Determined. Fell asleep next to him.
Woke up alone. Groggily got her clothes, then realized it was a bit hard to see. It was like a cloud came from the sky and settled down over them. It was a little scary, but she could see the sun and...giant flowers. Loves the smell coming from them. Hung around one by the twin god statues until she scented Halla. Found the doe Asleep near a pine tree, with orca horns. Why do people have to do that? Decided to fix them for her. Got it on first try. WIN.
Sat by, then stood over Halla protectively for a bit. Felt a bit restless. Decided to go running around for a bit.
Wandered about, too darn cold to do anything. Went to find Halla and found the doe awake...and noticed she was very hurt. Wonders when she got hurt. She was just fine the night before.
After letting her drink, lead her to the blueberries to eat, having noticed she was looking too thin. Had seen Nadya eating them, perhaps they would make Halla feel better?
Sat with the doe for a few moments, until a form sat nearby under a giant flower. Halla seemed interested, but Tea was wary. What if they attacked? I'm too little... Getting frustrated she can't help her friends.
The wolf-like creature (Rayiz) seemed hurt himself, and Halla didn't seem to mind him. Kuru came over, greeted and nuzzled the buck. Proceeded to sit next to the both of them, across from Rayiz.
Dosed off and awoke to Alina attacking the wolf. The wolf is bad? Extremely confused. Ended up headbutting the wolf and telling him off when he bit Alina. Ramsus came out of nowhere and drove the wolf away. Harshly.
Things escalated quickly. Alina and Halla fought, said alot of things that made Tea nervous. No more family? No...just angry...just angry! Alina ran off. Riften and a tiny fawn (Josephine) came over. Didn't feel like interacting. Misses the herd being together.
Where was Fletcher when she needed a warm body...
Uneasy nap. Got up and found Alina...and another Doe (Isi). Doesn't mind the doe, but Reed was nearby. Freaked out some and tried to run off, but came back when Alina didn't follow. Did not like Reed so close. He didn't seem to remember her though. Still wary. He left. Nuzzled Alina.
Stuff happened. Fletcher having game issues. Fell asleep against a tree with all the drama going on around her. Woke up to yelling across the way, Alina was attacking the wolf again. Doesn't know what to do right now. Goes over and tries to persuade her to stop. Eventually sees Fletcher and runs to him for comfort. Lead him to her tree where they fell asleep together.
Woke up alone. Some falling white stuff, darkness... and...bouncing stars? What's going on?
Found Alina, desperately trying to wake her up.
Finally got her up. Fletcher came by. Gave them both nuzzles. Notices Fletcher is pretty hurt. Saddened that it was because of the mean red stag. Why did that stag have to harass them?
Alina left and came back with Danath. Ugh. And the fawn stealer. Doesn't want to be sent away with them.. Keeps close to Alina until she backs off, then when Fletcher moved off promptly followed him.
Alot of stuff happened (lol).
Found Halla and greeted her. Super excited to see her again. Missed her TERRIBLY. Fell asleep with Fletcher on and off. Went to the New Years thing. Slept on and off and danced here and there too. Went to get a set for players alt character. Dosed with Fletcher and played with Halla. Sat by the stag. Very clingy to him because of his injuries. Wishes she could do something.
Wished on numerous stars. For Fusions daughter to come back. For Fusion to be nice. For Fletcher to get better. For everyone to be together again.
Curled up next to the male. Final wish: to be able to help Fletcher.
Woke up alone. Went to get her clothes. Randomly called out for her family. Was found by Kuru, excited to see the little buck. Pranced and frolicked around with him for a bit, then stood besides him. Was asked to follow and followed him to a nearby tree. Sat with him. A random fawn came over and cast a spell on him. He seemed afraid of it, so she promptly told the fawn no. Wonders if she is picking up these habits from her Papa...
Dosed on and off for a while, until rousing from a nearby call of a fawn. Sounded somewhat distressed? Turned and saw a tiny figure (Nameless/Quadda's Daughter?). Approached to see what was wrong, but the fawn looked afraid. Stood still and watched her for a bit. Slowly she came closer, but was too nervous to move, not wanting to scare her away. Wondering if she has a family.
Stayed close, watching the fawn. What would Mama do? Looks cold, and scared. Shook off mask, maybe too scary.
Got closer until she fell asleep? Decided to curl up next to her. Maybe make her feel better. Hoping not to frighten her... Originally kept Kuru away, but now that the fawn is still, maybe he could helpo her stay warm too? Tried to get him to come closer.
Sat with the little fawn quietly, until she got up and ran away. Jumped up surprised and watched. Seemed tea scared her. Tried to apologize. Showed she wasn't going to be mean or a bad fawn. Just wanted to keep warm. Seems the fawn understood. Came closer and sat down. Cautiously approached, sniffed, then sat down close to.
Sat with her until she got up again and wandered. Still looked distressed. Wishes Mama was here. Unsure what to do other than follow and keep close to the smaller fawn.
Stayed next to the fawn. Spaced out for a moment (player used the restroom), snapped out of it to find the fawn gone. Looked around and saw her prancing around another deer (Little Goat) Kept distant but close enough to watch. Unsure. Fawn seems to know the other. Was sniffed by the white deer-like creature. Returned sniff. Doesn't seem bad. Gentle with the fawn and the fawn is clinging to her. Tea feels relieved. Sits with Bunny Sumi when she comes by.
Sees Reed nearby. Very nervous about him. Hopes he doesn't notice her. He came close but walked by. When he was walking she stuck her tongue out and sassed him behind his back. Went and sat with Sumi again.
Saw Kartex nearby. Got up and greeted him.
Fell asleep for a few hours (player was dealing with a headache). Woke up to find she was near Sumi, Kar, and Leo...and she was a peacock! The only deer in the area who could have pulled such a stunt... FLETCHER! Giggled and laughed. Nuzzled him and Papa. Then pranced around with him and Ayashe for a bit.
Helped Ayashe get her set, then turned Fletcher into a mini deer. He looked so cute her size! Played around with Ayashe for a bit, then saw Leo bring over Riften. Riften scared Ayashe by playfully lowering his antlers (I think). Ran off to find her and coaxed her back to the group. Sat with her for a bit. Then got sat on by Fletcher. Derp.
Alina came over and started play fighting with Fletcher but he ran away. Found this hilarious. Tried to join in. Are his feelings hurt? Doesn't want him sad. Found him in the ruins. Wonders if he is okay.
Was going to leave him to sleep, but noticed Reed AND Darcy nearby. Panicked and hid in the hole with Fletcher. Continues to try to prod him awake.
Eventually he got up and lead her around the Ruins away from Reed and Darcy. Relieved. Stayed near him and Alina came back over to them.
Had a set fight with everyone. Fun as always! Almost got Fletcher peacocked. ALMOST! Will succeed next time!
Laid around a bit, then noticed Luyu wander over to them. Decided to greet the fawn. Alina was there immediately. Frolicked a bit. Met Dollface. Finds him very pretty and doey but afraid to insult him.
Turned around to find her BIG Papa had been turned into a squirrel. HILARIOUS. Tried to get Alina to play too but she just seemed to want to sit.
Sat down with Fletcher after a while. Dozed off and woke up to see him gone. Curiously looked for him. Wandered around the area watching everyone play.
Then that red deer from the other day came back. Harassed the group. Ran away from him, he seemed to be focusing her at some points. Was terrified. Then noticed him go after Luyu. Angrilly charged him and attacked. Not the smartest move...was chased around by him until she found sanctuary under her Papa, Kar, and Sumi. Fletcher tried to drive him off. Eventually he went off with Riften? Are they friends? How can you be friends with THAT!? Shaken up, but alright. A few scratches.
Notices Fletcher is hurt. Cuddles up to him to make him feel better.
Got up to try to get Riftens friends to meet her herd. Didn't seem to go that well. Riften looked sad and walked off. Didn't follow, still tried to get Topsail closer.
Eventually laid down next to Fletcher and her herd, falling asleep.
Woke up alone. But it was sunny and there was no more cold white stuff. Felt a bit sad it was gone. Got her clothes then found her Papa, Sumi, and a sleeping Kar. Greeted her adopted father and Su-mi, then proceeded to dance with the doe. Slept on and off next to her father. (Player was drawing).
Woke up and her mother showed up. Pranced around with her for a bit. Sat with her parents. Dosed off and woke up to find Nadya gone. Went off to find her in the blueberry patch. Munched on some. Sat with her father again as he came over.
Went off with her parents to the rock that cries. Washed off and felt pretty clean, being groomed under the waterfall by her mother. Rather enjoyed this. Went and sat with them both besides the rock to dry off. Fell asleep next to her adopted parents.
Woke up to alone to the sun and more falling white cold stuff. Got her clothes. Found her family immediately. Helped someone get a set. Went and sat with the family next to Fletcher, as usual.
(So much stuff happened I can't even remember...)
Had a set fight with Fletcher. Then got in a real fight with this random stag a few times. Eventually Nadya ran off and Tea helped relocate everyone.
Topsail came over. Unsure. Riften doesn't seem happy about it.
Pranced around a bit. Helped someone else get a set.
Fell asleep next to Alina and Fletcher.
Woke up alone. Went to get her clothes and was helped by a random fawn. Thanked. Ran off to the playground to look at the candles. Felt comforted by them because of Fletcher wearing them last night.
Stumbled upon the dragon Fusion. In the dark, thought she was a rock. Ended up having a conversation, being quite terrified most of the time. But in the end, she realized Fusion wasn't as cruel as she thought she was, and ended up feeling pity for her. Was taught by Fusion that flying stars can grant wishes. It sounds familiar... And, Keshadei...will need to find this fawn and tell her her mother wants her back.
Was found by Fletcher after Fusion left, and promptly snuggled up against her brother.
Woke up and got her clothes. Was alone. Nervous. Tried to call out but...shiny round things came out instead? Bubbles? Found this weird. Felt like her voice was gone.
But soon Leo, Nadya, Fletcher, and Su-mi. Got nuzzles all around. Sat with Fletcher for a bit.
(Rped on MSN) Was asked by Nadya and Leo to be their adopted daughter. Gratefully accepted! Considers Fletcher an older brother because Leo called him son.
Feels so happy, even though Fusion is nearby. Nervous about it, but doesn't think the doe will attack. Fell asleep with the group.
12/24/12 (Will probably end up being long.)
Woke up alone. Groggily made her way to to her clothes. Then realized it was still night.
But that wasn't the only thing.
Small, cold white things were falling from the sky. She looked around in a panic, but no one else seemed to either notice or they just didn't care. Called out a few times for her family, but got no response from them. Distressed, ran off to find refuge from the dark and the sudden cold things.
Found her way back to the Old Oak but found it occupied. Felt too embarrassed to join. Ran off to find somewhere else.
Ran into a mushroom. A big one. And not the kind that grew on the trees either. It didn't smell nice, but it acted as a Leobrella and kept the cold white stuff off her back.
Stayed there for a time until she noticed a stag nearby (Cuzco). Promptly hid behind the mushroom. He circled her a few times until she bolted. She had no idea where she was going, but Fletcher wasn't here to protect her in the scary dark with the cold white things.
Approached by a fawn but ran away. It came up so quickly! It followed her. She expressed her fear but it didn't seem malicious. She was somewhat sat when it ran off. She could use the company.
Hid in a patch of mushrooms. Umay and her friends were nearby. Even more stressed out. She didn't want to annoy the feline, but she was scared...and she knew who Umay was, at least.
Called out some more. Saw a deer nearby. Was going to bolt but through the cold white stuff caught the scent. It took her a moment, but Herla was someone she kind of knew and could trust.
It appeared she did not like the falling white stuff either. Wishes for Leo or Fletchers warm fur...
Followed Herla through the white cold stuff and eventually found Verve and a stag (Ephiré, who appeared to be sleeping). Curled up next to Herla, unsure if the doe really wanted her to but did it anyway. Was far too scared of the dark and the cold white stuff to care if she was imposing. Absolutely needed the comfort.
After a while, saw Fletcher come by. Got up and hurried to him, thankful to see someone from her family. Thanked Herla (who I think may have been afk or tabbed), and Verve got up and shooed them off. Unsure why. Did Fletcher do something bad to them? Ran off to Fletcher feeling a little sad, but it was forgotten. She and Fletcher took refuge under a mushroom and curled up next to eachother.
Eventually got up and started bounding around when Fletcher did. Was unsure what he found so amusing. It was dark..it was cold...it was scary! But she did it anyway. Finally went and sat next to him in the cold white stuff. It seemed a little lighter her, and took that time to look up at the falling stuff.
What is it? It didn't seem to hurt, just made her cold and a little wet when it turned into water. It was starting to cover the ground too. It made everything sound so quiet. What is it?
It wasn't so scary anymore. If it were sunny, she wouldn't mind looking at it so much. But the dark...deer come out of no where! She shivered. Pressed up against Fletcher some more. She was so much happier with his company. At least she could snuggle against him without feeling like a burden.
On laptop, lagging like crazy.
Couldn't find anyone. Went to sleep under the playground rocks. Felt alone. Became increasingly distressed when she was all alone. Called out repeatedly for someone. Eventually Leo showed up. Was all too happy to bury herself into his fur. So cold. So dark. Very glad he is here for her.
Fell asleep next to him and Leo and Kuru.
Woke up alone. But saw Fletcher nearby. Very happy to see him! Followed him to get her clothes, and was assisted by Herla. Thanked her for her kindness. Ran off with Fletcher who started running around her. Giggled and hit him with the Devout Pelt! Had a good laugh before running off to snuggle under a big willow tree. Watching the white cold stuff fall onto the pond. It looked so still. How?
Slept on and off. Found Alina. Lay with her and Fletcher.
Fell asleep.
12/23/12 (Will probably end up being long.)
Woke up lonely, but it didn't last long. Got her clothes and immediately found Fletcher and Alina. Got nuzzles from both, quite a few from Fletcher actually. Enjoyed the attention. Sat down with Fletcher and Alina stood over them as a Alinabrella for a bit until she moved off a few feet. Then got turned into a squirrel. Then proceeded to help her get the minispell.
(Player had to leave, was AFK until 8:15pmish EST)
Nighttime? She had never seen night before. What is this? Extremely curious.
But curiosity turned into fear. Ran blindly until she smelt her friends. Immediately went and hid under Fletcher. (But Fletcher was having issues seeing Tea, so logged out).
Woke up Leo and promptly hid under him.
Player afked to art and stuff.
Woke up and Fletcher moved around a bit. Noticed Nadya hated the dark too. Cowered with her until calling for Fletcher. Needed his comfort. or someones. Eventually he came over and snuggled with her.
Stuff happened. Snuggled up with Leo, Nadya, Su-mi, and Fletcher for a long time. Felt better about the dark.
Fletcher got up and lead her to the Old Oak. She was quite scared of the dark again. Not being able to see so well, and having deer come out of nowhere was so unnerving. Cuddled up against him inside of the Old Oak. Felt a bit safer within.
Fell asleep, curled up into Fletchers side within the Old Oak.
12/22/12 (Will probably end up being long.)
Woke up alone. Went to get her clothes. Didn't smell any of her friends around. Felt a bit nervous as Fletcher usually finds her immediately. Went to the edge of the birch and sat in the tall grass.
Got up when she caught scent of Alina. Found her asleep. Turned around to see Big Bunny. Greeted and sniffed and stood next to.
Was approached by a fawn and greeted. They went away. Wasn't bothered by it.
Saw Reed lying down nearby. Felt pretty nervous. But noticed he was asleep. Scent marked the trees around her just to spite him. And also because Halla wasn't there to do it either.
Where is Halla anyway?
Smelt Fletcher and we to greet him. Insta-nuzzles were nice. But then he had to go off on a hunt. She was a little saddened to have to stay behind, but she really didn't want to see him kill a rabbit or something, especially with Big Bunny nearby.
Fell asleep. Woke up and Fletcher was still gone and Alina was also gone. Couldn't catch their scents. Felt lonely. Unsure what to do.
Called a few times here and there while wandering. Answered by random fawns.
Where is everyone?
Ran around for a while until feeling tired. Couldn't find any of her friends. Lonely, curled up alone on a rock in the playground and fell asleep. (Player is super tired and not feeling well again...nrrghhh)
12/21/12 (Will probably end up being long.)
Woke up and went to get her clothes. Immediately found by Fletcher. Was happy to be lead right to the group. Alina, Halla, Sumi. And Leo came. It was like it should be. Missing Nadya though. But it did bring that smile back to her lips.
Unfortunately, that didn't last long. Although she bounded around with Halla and spell fought with Leo, she came back to find Alina turn around to leave. Followed, but was cut off by Fletcher. He walked away. Looked at him and he seemed to show displeasure before turning around to sit away from them. Bowed to Alina then followed him. She remembered Alina's words. "Stay with Fletcher." And she would do that.
Trying to figure out why he's...upset?
Had a talk with Fletcher. Ended up curling into his side and staying there. Doesn't want to be sent away. Doesn't want to be alone. Will try to be a good fawn to keep from being sent away ever. Will never accept being given to the 'fawn stealer'. Ever. Hopes that things calm down and Fletcher forgets the idea. Enjoying his scent.
Followed him around to the pond and got a drink, then went off to the playground and ran around with Fletcher. Noticed Alina close by, but Fletcher either didn't notice or didn't care. She hoped it was the former. Romped around some more and kicked Fletchers butt in fly glitching onto a rock pillar. Alina came closer. Fletcher had to see her now. Seems he did. Staring at a rock that she is hiding behind. Wonders what's about to happen...
Alina seems welcomed again. Thank the gods. ROmped around with them and Leo came up. Had a pelt fight. Was fun! Luyu came over and played with her. Then went to bed because player was feeling sick :<
12/20/12 (Will probably end up being long.)
Woke up alone. Went and got her clothes then sought out her friends. Immediate found by Fletcher. Nuzzled him. Lead over to Halla and Ezra. Bowed to the two but got no response (afk I think). Heard Alina calling called back to her. Fletcher came over and stood guard as always. Good thing though, weird stag came over and seemed to want to get to Tea, who went behind Halla and Ezra. Then ended up using Ezra as a Ezrabrella. He looked horribly confused. Got used as a neckrest by Fletcher for a moment. Now under him. He seems very protective today.
Watched Halla and Ezra get into a mask spell fight. Amused.
Heard Alina call out a few times again. Called back. Finally Alina answered. Tea just started running. It was so painful to hear.
Tried to apologize. Doesn't think Alina understands. Nuzzled her a few times. Wishes she could do more to help.
She smells weird. Acting weird. She's just not the same Alina. Doesn't like it.
Halla and her fight, try to break it up. Why did this have to happen? Got Su-mi nuzzles and stood over by her. No sign of Luyu....
Stuff happened. Eventually scented Ranore and lead the group to him. Alina didnt follow. Went to see what was going on. Why won't Alina stay now. Sad. (Player tabbed) Found self being sat on by Fletcher. Figures she wandered off too much. Stayed put...FOR NOW. (DUNDUNDUN).
More stuff happened. Reed and some other deer were circling around. Scared the crap out of Tea. Ran between Leo and Fletcher for protection, afraid the stag would attack her again. Soon was snuggled up with Fletcher again.
MORE STUFF. Ran off to find Alina with Luyu. Johan is the best man! Casti is there too. Telling the 'fawn stealer' (Vivian) no repeatedly. Luyu would no longer be hers. She hoped, anyway.
Mission failed. Lu ran off And fawn stealer followed. Gave up. What was the point if Luyu just ran away all the time? Went back to snuggle with Fletcher. Feels a bit sad again.
I'm bad at updating.
Anyway, stuff happened as usual. Hung out with Fletcher. Pranced around. Sat on someone in a tree. Was fun. Romping around Fletcher now that her leg feels better.
Got tired. Curled up under the males legs and fell asleep.
12/19/12 (Will probably end up being long.)
Woke up alone. Understandable. Slept most of the day. Went to get her clothes. Immediately found by Fletcher. Couldn't help but feel a little bit better. Afraid to ask about how last night went in regards to Luyu. Doesn't want to bring it up, though it weighs heavily on her young mind.
Laid with Fletcher for a while. Even got on his back for a bit. Finds herself too restless to be lying down. Eventually gets up when he spaces out and stands besides him. Senses and sees Alina nearby, but wary to approach the doe. Not seeing Luyu makes her think their mission failed.
He got up and turned to face her, then laid back down and put his head on her back. Fletcher is so weird. Simply stands there. Wonders if this is his silent way of saying "don't even think about going anywhere". Somewhat amused.
Caught Leo's scent. Halla's too. Wants to go say hi, but she doesn't want to leavesilly sleepyhead Fletcher whom she is teabrellaing standing over now. Not to mention every time she walks out now, trouble seems to follow.
Slowly creeps away from Fletcher. She won't go too far, but she is in dire need to stretch her legs. The limp was truly bothering her. She couldn't frolic!
Lasted about...oh, a minute. She was only a few yards away when Fletcher got up and limped over to her. Then plopped down again. Wonders why he won't let her wander. Maybe he's angry...at her. The thought causes her to shiver. She reluctantly folds her legs under her, curling up close to the male. She wouldn't be the cause of any more problems...
Decided to get up again. She doesn't want trouble, but she doesn't want to sit still. She sat still most of yesterday, except when being attacked and chased by Shay. Caught scent of Leo. Decides to lead Fletcher to him.
After a bit of a walk to avoid irritating her leg, managed to get to a sleeping Leo and a bunny Sumi who also was sleeping. Curled up between Fletcher and Leo. Halla and Alina and Nadya were missing... Wishes everyone was together. Got up and called for the rest of the herd, but didn't get any responses. Laid back down between both males. At least she was warm here.
Su-Mi woke up and turned into deer Su-mi. Nuzzled before sitting down. While the males were sleeping, got up AGAIN (that is how restless she is) and went into the stream. Was thirsty and a bit hungry. Go a drink without Fletcher being up her butt. Guess he really fell asleep this time.
Tabbed out and back in to find Halla standing there. Immediately gave her nuzzles. Good. Now Nadya and Alina had to get here.
Eventually Halla got Tea to help her turn the boys into peacocks. Got Leo after a while. Fletcher took way longer! It was so much fun! Forgot she was sad. After Fletcher sneezed a good hundred times to get his set back, followed him to the rock that cries, sitting off to the side watching. He sat under the water for a bit, but then came up and sat next to her. Asked Leo to sit with them. Ended up sprawling over his and Fletchers backs.
Nadya came!! VERY happy about that. Fletcher went off and sat by himself. What's with him?
Smelt Ranore and tracked him. Didn't answer though. Fletcher ended up following her. Hmmm.... Brayed in Ranore's face a few times, Alina answered. Wanted to go find her, but afraid to run off again. But went and got the rest of the gang and brought them to Ranore.
Stuff happened. heard Alina calling and called back. Fletcher went after her.
Alina is acting weird. She keeps calling out...for Luyu. Made Tea sad. Couldn't make Alina smile again. Stuff happened. Met Ayashe and followed her to a grave. Seems to understand that it might be someone Ayashe knows. Parents maybe? Parents...Tea wonders if she ever had parents, she can't remember. But the thought dispersed as Fletcher and Leo came over to greet the fawn. She realized, she didn't need parents...she had Leo and Fletcher and the others.
Everyone was gone except for Fletcher. Was lead to a tree. Fletcher laid down and Tea was all too happy to curl up next to him. Fell asleep shortly after.
12/18/12 (Will probably end up being long.)
Woke up to find Fletcher gone. Saw two deer in front of her in the pond. Cautiously walked around them. Had a drink and ate some reeds before sitting in the water. Although cold, it made her leg feel better. Called out for her friends. Got no response. Must still be sleeping. Decided to walk around even though her leg hurts.
Was found by Halla. Happy to see the doe. Helped her mark trees and laid down.
Got up a bit later to find Leo. Apologized for bolting. Got nuzzles. Saw him without his mask on. He looks really handsome!
Watched him and Halla play around. Giggled and limped after them. Found Alinawho pulled an Alina. Had a mask and antler fight (didn't get spelled herself. SCORE!).
Eventually joined in. Managed to walk on the pond like a pro.
Messed around inside of a tree with Leo and Halla (screenshot galore haha).
Got up when she caught scent of Luyu. Called for her. No response. Limped off to find her. Saw her with Umay. Tried going closer but Halla herded her back. Eventually Luyu came over and Tea promptly brought her to the group. Was happy the little fawn was alright.
But things fell apart. Shay ran over and started circling them and started herding Luyu away. Tea tried to get the fawn back, but Shay wasn't going to have it. Ended up being chased around and hit a few times. Was scared out of her mind. She wasn't trying to attack at all, just get the baby back.
Was scolded by Leo. Felt ashamed to be yelled at. Watched as Leo herded Luyu away. Luyu ran off and Halla lead the group elsewhere. Plopped down next to Leo and curled up into him, shivering slightly. Ignored Sumi when she came over, intent on just staying small besides Leo.
But, a fight broke out between the three adult. Tried to drown it out. Noticed Kuru standing nearby. Greeted the buck before sitting down. Kuru joined her. Buried her head in her knees. She hated seeing everyone fighting.
Alina went off on her own. Alina left? Forever. Found herself crying into her knees silently as to not disturb the others. She felt like a bad fawn, for causing trouble. She knew Luyu was a baby...and now Luyu was gone too.
Laid there miserably, not willing to join in everyones shenanigans. Kept her mask on to conceal her face.
Stuff happened...
Noticed Halla getting up and walking away. Turned to see Os. Curiously followed. To focus on something else meant it could suppress her own sadness.
Didn't last long. Turned around to see a doe (Vivian) walking off with Luyu. Habitually called out to the fawn. Leo walked up besides her. She went silent and backed away. Watched the others for a moment before wandering off close by and sat near a tree. Didn't even bother to mark it.
Approached by an unnamed fawn (VOCT's character). Hardly in the mood to play, but the fawn seemed to understand. Warmed up to and sat by the other fawn.
Got up when she came to the conclusion she had to get Luyu back. Everything went back to the fawn. Had to teach her to stay away from certain people. Had to teach... had to be taught...
Found Fletcher and explained what happened.
Operation Recon Luyu is now underway. trying to get Luyu back now.
Vivian and Daneth were steady. They did not let Tea bring Luyu back to Alina after she inquired. They don't trust a fawn with a fawn. Fletcher tried as well. Daneth got heated and threatened Leo. Dislikes and probably hates. Loves Leo...like a father. Wonders if he feels the same way about her. Was pushed off by Fletcher to calm down. Went to her tree and curled up, wanting the day to end.
Fell asleep.
12/17/12 (SO LONG. x_x)
Woke up alone and feeling paranoid. Limped off to the Twin Gods statue and got her clothes (someone was having alot of fun spamming spells on her!). Went to the pond and had a drink and ate some of the reeds there. Found herself really hungry. Laid in the water for a few minutes until she got cold.
Stood in the water for a bit until some deer came up behind her. They started mooing at each other and it scared her. Ran off and settled near the bridge. Feeling a bit hurt from the sudden run.
Was found by Su-mi. Happy to see the doe and get nuzzles, but not happy she wanted her to move. Tried to show her she didn't want to, but ended up getting up and following her. Was lead to Leo and Alina. Was wary going near the bull after shooing her and Fletcher the night before. But Alina and Su-mi coaxed her over. She made her way over and settled next to Alina, her legs hurting.
It didn't last long.
Spaced out for a moment (player tabbed), and looked back to see Leo gone. The fawn got up and and ran off to her tree to cry. Rejected. Torn between wanting comfort and wanting to be alone. Wonders what she did to Leo.
Su-mi found her again. Was trying to lead her but Tea refused. She didn't want to be a bother to anyone. Got more nuzzled and appreciated them. Su-mi persisted and eventually Tea agreed. But Su-mi sat down. Tea also sat. The doe got up, nuzzled her again and ran off. Confused, the fawn just stayed where she was, curled up to the tree she 'woke up' under.
(Leo's net went out. It was very poor timing on my part. But I am keeping it here to show what happened xD)
Was greeted by Alina and Leo with nuzzles and all that good stuff. Feels so much happier.
Went off with Alina to find Luyu. Lay with them, Luyu between them. Got up when she caught sent of Halla. Called to her a few times, no response. (She dced). Went over to see what was wrong and was confronted by stag. Confused by his actions. Cowered then curtseyed. Was polite to curtsey back but turned and went back to Alina. Was confronted by the stag again. This time, he lowered his antlers to her. She knew she could risk Alina and Luyu. Panicked, she called out in distress before turning and running to the Birch. Lay in the tall grass shivering.
Halla came over. Tried to tell her she was scared of someone. Lead her back to Alina who called for her. (The stag appears to be a troll of sorts. Ugh, what is with them not getting the motion 'no'? Not a new player because they have clothes and stuff. Wonderful Halla tried to chase them off. Ergh, I wish you could turn off certain players...)
Followed Luyu around when she got up. Nervous for the smaller fawn. Accidentally touched the Rock that cries and turned RED! Doesn't really care. At least now she can't get pelt spelled.
Eventually got her new clothes. Went and sat with her friends. Leo came over. Happy to see him. Nuzzled him affectionately. Watched Luyu play with a fawn (The Blue Boy) He seemed to want to play with her too, but she still didn't feel too well. Reluctantly laid back down under Leo. She feels so safe under his body.
Leo fell asleep. Went to sit under Alina for a while. Wary that Reez was nearby.
When Alina laid down, went and sat down on the other side of Luyu protectively.
Caught scent of Fletcher. Jumped to her feet although it hurt. Called for him but got no response. Maybe she was imagining things. Laid back down.
Definitely smells Fletcher. But where. Limped around a bit until she found him under the crying rock. Laid down above the ditch and watched him. Worried for him.
When he got up they greeted each other. Got nuzzles. Added happiness and security. Insists on watching Luyu. Get's scared when the other fawn gets too far away.
Laid with Fletcher and the group. Met a little fawn (Laita). Was unsure of but Luyu seemed to enjoy another friend.
Met a stag who seemed to be Halla's friend. (Dragari) Felt comfortable but still wary. Stayed pressed to Fletchers side.
Stuff happened...
Ended up on the other side of the rock that cries. Sat with the family. Feeling alot more comfortable. Chalice came over again, greeting him.
Eventually Fletcher started leading them elsewhere. Took a while.
Was relaxing when a deer came up. Halla did not approve. This caused a stir within the group, including Tea. Saw Ruin walking over and immediately ran and herded her back. Was pretty afraid another fight was going to go down. Pushed herself a little too hard. Laid down. Seems Alina and Halla are fighting. Sigh. Why can't everyone get along.
They to be making up. Found herself curious by a stag watching them. Crept up to a tree to stare back at him. Ready to run if he moves over to her.
Sat around. Heard Alina calling for Luyu. Ended up going to look for the fawn, Fletcher on her heels. Found her with Herla. Thinks the little fawn doesn't want to be around them anymore.
Saw the watcher deer again. Really curious about him. Went by a tree to watch him. Ended up being told to go back to the group by Fletcher.
Rested some more. So much resting...not enough playing. Noticed Herla and her gang near by. They left after a while. The stalker was still watching them. She then looked around to notice two stags watching them. One of them was Reed. Scared, she asked Fletcher to move the herd. They couldn't afford another fight.
Moved to the rock that cries. Took a small bath. Made her cold and sneeze though. Was spooked by an unknown stag lowering his antlers near her and ran off to Alina. Leo and Su-mi took care of it.
Everyone went and sat down. Saw Leo alone and went to cuddle against him.
Stuff happened. Saw the stalker watching them again. Stayed by the tree and watched him.
Suddenly two deer showed up and started dancing around stalker. But then they noticed Tea watching. When they ran at her she panicked and started to run away. And they chased her. It was a mess. She called out a few times in distress. Eventually got away and cowered under her tree.
Was found by Su-mi and told to stay there. Feels embarrassed and ashamed of herself...
Fletcher came over and shooed everyone away. Was glad to receive numerous nuzzles from him. She cuddled with him under her tree. Worried about the others, but needs to calm down first.
Fell asleep with Fletcher for a little while. Got up to see him a few feet away. Alina was there too, and so was Su-mi. Got nuzzles from Su-mi. And Alina pulled an Alina again xDDD
Finally got Alina nuzzles. Apologized for bolting. Seemed to have been forgiven. Went back to nuzzle Fletcher.
Got led back to her tree by Fletcher. Directed to lie down. Laid down and was snuggled by the buck. Feeling loads better. Glad he seems to understand why she fled.
Fell asleep in a little ball, Fletcher curled up around her.
12/16/12 (extremely long)
Woke up and found Fletcher next to her. Very happy! He went and helped her get her clothes. Immediately found Halla and had a short mask fight with them. Watched as three fawns sat under Fletcher. Amused!
Greeted Leo when she noticed he was there (kept tabbing out for art and CSS updates), gave him a nuzzle and relaxed.
(Continuously afk for a while). Got up to find Leo gone. Curious. Got Fletcher to follow her. Found Leo and Fletcher sat down with him. Was too amused by the tall grass to want to sit. Been sitting all day! Leo got up and bowed to them, leaving. Stayed with Fletcher for a bit until went over to a tree to see what all the fuss was about. Eventually herded back by Fletcher. Went to sit by a tree by the rock that cries. Fletcher got up to check something out, Tea reluctantly staying behind. Ended up following Fletcher after seeing Alina being harassed by Umay's herd. What was she doing over there? Doesn't know what to think. Eventually Alina and Luyu came over and Fletcher lead them to a purple flower patch. Alina seems out of it. Worried about her...
Got up to to find Luyu who wandered off. Played with her a bit. Brought her back to Alina. Turned to se Fletcher sparing with someone. But then realized they were attacking that nice doe, Herla! Went to help Fletcher. Chased around the attackers and managed to get a few hits in. Not sure how bad they were. Ended up being chased by Reed. He hit her a few times but she managed to get away and hit him back. In pain. Saw her friends still under attack. Went and attacked Darcy. Chased him for quite a while. Was pushed around and got a shallow stab by one of his antlers. The enemies eventually left, and Tea dropped down, passing out from using up her energy and being injured.
Eventually regained consciousness. Felt alot of pain on her sides, particularly her flank where Darcy's antler had stabbed her. Feeling a bit panicked, but calmed down when she saw Fletcher there with her. Curled up to him, fearing what he was going to say to her. Was told he wasn't mad at her. He didn't appear mad at her, only anxious about her recovery. Enjoyed his comfort. It made the pain dull a bit. Fell asleep leaning against him.
Woke up again, still feeling sore. Blood clotted here and there on her fur. She looked around to see Fletcher with her still, and nearby was Alina. She wanted to go see if the doe was alright, but she couldn't find the energy to stand. Simply leaned against him. Ranore came over. She felt sorry for the Fawn. When Fletcher and Halla ran off to find the deer-bird, she forced herself to her hooves. Her body ached. She wished to get a bath, but Alina didn't look good. Went over to her before she lost her footing and fell next to her. Saw Fletcher limping too. Everyone is hurt. Somewhat blames herself for stepping into the fight. Feels miserable and buries her face into Fletcher's fur.
He got up when she ased if she would be able to make it to the pond. He wouldn't have her walking. He went and got her water himself...(Oocly teared up a bit*) He brought back his mask full of water, which she gratefully drank up. A fight is hard work on a fawns body! Enjoyed seeing Fletchers face. Rested against him again.
Alina got up and started calling. Why? Started calling with her. Got to her feet, supported by Fletcher. Feels scared. Something bad happened. What happened?
Found out Sianna took Luyu. Ended up hysterically crying because the bad doe kept doing mean things. Luyu was saved by Herla by a few people, including Herla. Was thankful the feathered doe was alright. Ended up lying next to Fletcher, hurting from the walk. Tried to call Leo over, but was called back by Fletcher. Leo didn't seem to be in a happy mood. She felt sad. The fight today seems to have split their herd up...
After a little while, Tea had fallen asleep again, curled up next to Fletcher. Casti was on her other side. Double warmth. Was woken up by Fletcher and told they had to go. Got up and limped with the group to the rock that cries. Paranoid about Luyu. Told to go wash up as Fletcher would watch Luyu. Agreed. Desperately needed a bath. The water stung her wounds, but it cleaned them out. The stab started bleeding again after she reached back to groom it. Wishes she listened to Fletcher and stayed out of it. But also suddenly realizes she wishes to be big. She can't do anything as a fawn. She doesn't even know if those two she fought she even hit enough. Sighing, she got out of the water. She shivered. It was cold. She got up on the bank with some trouble from her leg, shaking herself off. Shivered more. Went back over to Fletcher. Met Chalice. Bowed awkwardly before curling up around Luyu. Feels bad for the little fawn. Increased protective tendencies.
Fell asleep, safe and sound with Luyu, Alina, Fletcher, and Casti. <3
12/15-16/12 - LATE
Played around a bit with Fletcher until Halla came. Bounded around quite a bit, and Johan joined in. Found him quite silly!
Settled down for a little nap with Fletcher and Halla. Got up and saw the gang was there, minus Alina. Ended up playing and having Halla and leo pouting and Fletcher being attacked with flowers. Eventually ended up on the playground. Halla randomly fell asleep.
Got harassed for like, 2 hours by some fawn that kept changing Tea's clothes. Met a doe named Leila. Very nice!
Stuff happened. Met a buck at the ruins with the others. Paleo. Found him a little odd but very curious of him.
Eventually went off to help people get sets and stuff (including her own alts).
But suddenly, the mean doe showed up. The one who made Fletcher go away. Angry, Tea was dead set on telling her off. But of course Sianna began attacking Halla. Tea rushed in and tried to help, although she wasn't very much help. This lasted a while. On and off fights. Tea kept yelling over at Siana and her buddies. Hate that mean doe. She even attacked Ranore who was nearby! Was really angry then. Chased after Sianna as fast as she could, almost attacked her but was stopped by the large red stag. Started yelling at him too. Ran back to Ranore and lead him into the bird. Hid him behind a tree. She couldn't let the precious deer-bird get hurt. She ran back and did more yelling.
Oh boy, was she in for a scolding. She was told numerous times to back up, but she couldn't find it in her to obey. The people who saved her and cared about her were getting hurt. Big mean, ugly, smelly doe...
Sianna left with her lackys, and Tea made sure Ranore and the others were okay. Everyone seemed to be, albeit a bit injured but nothing life threatening. The little fawn followed everyone to the rock that cries. Cleaned up and laid down with everyone. Eventually fell asleep between Fletcher and Alina.
12/15/12 - Morning-noon
Woke up refreshed. Everyone was gone. Went over to get her clothes then played with a fawn who kept mooing at her. Went and laid down near her tree. Got up because she melt the bunny's scent from yesterday. Found and met Herla and Gehirn. Gehirn is huge compared to Herla. Found the bunnys scent on a fawn. Weird. Fawn was playing around too much to notice her. Was trying to sniff another doe but she wouldn't have it (Isi). Backed off and then saw Fletcher was being a ninja behind a tree. Pranced over to him and then had a romp and a nuzzle. Helped Fletcher spell fight a deer who put Noh stubs on Gehirn.
Eventually went and sat by her tree with Fletcher. he got up and went to another tree. Sat with him there. He got up again and they walked around. Found somewhere to sit near the old oak.
12/14/12 - A really long time (long, as usual)
Brought Sumi over to Nadya and Kurami. Joined by Alina a little while later. Fell asleep there.
Woke up and Alina brought her over to a rabbit (Johan). Smelt weird. Like a deer, not a bunny. Got protective of it. Stood over him. Luyu came over eventually as well. Was protective over the fawn as well, but decided to stay over the bunny. Fletcher came over! Really happy! But he tried to eat the bunny. Told him no and protected the bunny. He stopped eventually. Whew! Was relaxing for a bit until Umay came over. Alina and Fletcher were wary. Doesn't understand why Umay is really bad, but still doesn't really like her. Protected Luyu, didnt want her to go closer. Same with the bunny.
Umay left and Fletcher lead them towards the old oak. Settled near there and bounded around. Then went to help a player get a set but she was having connection issues. Came back to the group and lazed about.
Laster on had a spell fight, everyone chasing Fletcher around to turn him into a peacock! Had the time of her life. She was pretty good in keeping up with him and hitting him with her spells. Went to rest with the others.
Luyu went missing. Found Luyu stuck in a tree by the playground. Raced back to alert the others. Alina, Fletcher, Leo, and eventually Tea stacked up to get her down.
Rested and fell asleep with the others, cuddled up against Fletcher on the playground.
12/14/12 - Morning-Noonish (long, as usual)
Woke up and immediately found Leo. Stealthily spelled him with the devout pelt! Then had a glorious romp with him. :aughing and playing was great, then Su-mi came over. She lost her pelt and bunny spell! Helped her get everything back. Leo had to leave. Nuzzled him goodbye. Followed Su-mi around the forest for a bit, helped someone get their pelt back, then went off to sit in some flowers. Fascinated by the butterlies that swarmed overhead. Got up and started play chasing them. Su-mi got up. Eventually lead to the ruins and sat in the alcove where she and Nadya hid after the fight with Fusion. Unsure why she was brought there, but sat next to Su-mi nonetheless.
Spaced out for a bit (player alt tabbed to check mail), and suddenly realized Su-mi was gone. Called out to her, no response. A little spooked. Approached by a crow. Wasn't to fond of it after witnessing a giant one a few days earlier.
Wandered about. Found the little fawn that Alina introduced her to, Luyu. She was alone with a crow. Was warily to go closer, but as she did the crow left. Bowed, and got no response. Promptly went and stood over her. Big crow came back! Backed away but it ran off. Luyu fell asleep. Left her.
Wandered around some more before going to her tree. Leo came back! Invited him to sit with her, snuggling close when he did. Su-Mi came back too. greeted and nuzzled, then invited to to also sit with them.
12/14/12 - A really long time (long, as usual)
Brought Sumi over to Nadya and Kurami. Joined by Alina a little while later. Fell asleep there.
Woke up and Alina brought her over to a rabbit (Johan). Smelt weird. Like a deer, not a bunny. Got protective of it. Stood over him. Luyu came over eventually as well. Was protective over the fawn as well, but decided to stay over the bunny. Fletcher came over! Really happy! But he tried to eat the bunny. Told him no and protected the bunny. He stopped eventually. Whew! Was relaxing for a bit until Umay came over. Alina and Fletcher were wary. Doesn't understand why Umay is really bad, but still doesn't really like her. Protected Luyu, didnt want her to go closer. Same with the bunny.
Umay left and Fletcher lead them towards the old oak. Settled near there and bounded around. Then went to help a player get a set but she was having connection issues. Came back to the group and lazed about.
Laster on had a spell fight, everyone chasing Fletcher around to turn him into a peacock! Had the time of her life. She was pretty good in keeping up with him and hitting him with her spells. Went to rest with the others.
Luyu went missing. Found Luyu stuck in a tree by the playground. Raced back to alert the others. Alina, Fletcher, Leo, and eventually Tea stacked up to get her down.
Rested and fell asleep with the others, cuddled up against Fletcher on the playground.
12/14/12 - Morning-Noonish (long, as usual)
Woke up and immediately found Leo. Stealthily spelled him with the devout pelt! Then had a glorious romp with him. :aughing and playing was great, then Su-mi came over. She lost her pelt and bunny spell! Helped her get everything back. Leo had to leave. Nuzzled him goodbye. Followed Su-mi around the forest for a bit, helped someone get their pelt back, then went off to sit in some flowers. Fascinated by the butterlies that swarmed overhead. Got up and started play chasing them. Su-mi got up. Eventually lead to the ruins and sat in the alcove where she and Nadya hid after the fight with Fusion. Unsure why she was brought there, but sat next to Su-mi nonetheless.
Spaced out for a bit (player alt tabbed to check mail), and suddenly realized Su-mi was gone. Called out to her, no response. A little spooked. Approached by a crow. Wasn't to fond of it after witnessing a giant one a few days earlier.
Wandered about. Found the little fawn that Alina introduced her to, Luyu. She was alone with a crow. Was warily to go closer, but as she did the crow left. Bowed, and got no response. Promptly went and stood over her. Big crow came back! Backed away but it ran off. Luyu fell asleep. Left her.
Wandered around some more before going to her tree. Leo came back! Invited him to sit with her, snuggling close when he did. Su-Mi came back too. greeted and nuzzled, then invited to to also sit with them.
12/13-14/12 - Even Later (long, as usual)
Alot of stuff happened. I forgot to record it all again. Nrghh...
Had some fun with Leo and Nadya. Fell asleep with them on a broken collumn. Got up and saw Fletcher. Went over to him. Ended up being harassed by a nameless. Tried to drive him away and showed her displeasure. Ran off and he eventually did too. Happy. A small stag came over to her, (Travis), and made friends with. Leo woke up and Fletcher wandered over. Alina came over, so did Halla. All of us as usual. Was nice.
Troll stag came up and started harassing the group Halla, Leo, and Fletcher started to try to herd them out. Join in. Herded back to Alina and Nadya though, by Fletcher. But wants to help too!
Played around with everyone as usual. Spell fights, helping alts, the good stuff. Ended up hancing with Halla. Never gets tired of this doe!
After a crazy romp with Halla, laid down next to the doe. Another deer (I think Halla's friend), sat on her!
Ended up using the jump trick to stack. Eventually many left.
Fell asleep next to Fletcher with Casti on the other side.
12/13/12 - Even Later
Later...stuff happened. Forgot to log it. Oops. Sat with a random deer and Halla and a sleeping Alina. Got up when she saw Fletcher. Sniffed him but didnt get a nuzzle. Didn't mind. Tried to get Leo to come over but he refused. Ran back and forth numerous times to try to get everyone together.
Eventually got Fletcher to sit next to Leo! YES! Now if only Halla was here.
Some fawn pelt spelled Tea and she got mad. But got even madder when he took her spot! No one takes her spot! That's mean! tried to get Halla to come over but she was busy watching a fight. Came back to Leo and showed her displeasure of the fawn again. Fawn eventually left. Tea, pleased, went back in her place.
12/13/12 - Later
Sat with Leo for a bit before Sumi came over. Needed help getting bunny spell back. Slept with Leo to help. Eventually got it back. Then lost mini spell. (I'm such a derp). Got it back with the help of Nadya! Went to twin statues
Followed Nadya to the water. Enjoyed bathing with her friends. Went to the idol that cried and stood under one of the waterfalls. Liked the feel of the water on her head and feathers and back.
(Ooc: Learned how to butt scoot and glitch into the ground by Nadya, was hilarious. I can't stop laughing.)
12/13/12 - Morning
Woke up and immediately found by a small fawn (Rico). Wasn't feeling too good to frolic. Evcentually the fawn ran off, but Tea felt protective and followed. Followed Rico up to two stags, (Fjord and Benjamine). Finds them nice. Finds Fjord really funny. Depred around with them and had a head shaking fight. Feathers all over her face. Shakes them back for good measure. Got in an antler spell fight with them all. Rico eventually left (logged). Was told to follow Benjamin and Fjord. Decided she didn't have anyone else to be around so she followed. Company was company, even though they just met.
The other two fell asleep (Ben logged?) and Tea was dozing herself. She didn't even realize Leonardo came up to her. But when she did, she got up and backed away slowly. Quickly realized he wasn't there to yell at her. Went over to him as he asked, and received a nuzzle. Felt relieved. Whatever she did, he forgave her, that was obvious. Promply placed herself under him like she normally did. Things were back to normal? Slightly. All that needed to happen was for Fletcher to stay closer around them.
Heard Nadya calling for her. Or maybe for Fletcher. Didn't answer. Ran off into the ruins and hid behind a tree. Was afraid she was going to get scolded for running off the way she did. Heard Alina calling out, but did not respond. Felt bad and sad. Got up after a while. Wandered around. Eventually returned to her tree to fall asleep.
Woke up alone. Wandered. Met up with Leo and Nadya and a Sleeping Alina. Frolicked around with some fawn including Vincent. Met a beautiful doe (Geisha) and her friend Ravus. Sat with them a bit, before finding a tiny little fawn. Fascinated by the little one, Tea tried to become friends. it seemed to work at first, but eventually the fawn ran off and Nadya approached her. Tea took her mask off, maybe the bird face was scary. Seemed Nadya was better suited in the end.
A brawl with a trolling deer ended up being ignored.
Derped around a bit and got an alt a set with the awesome help of Fletcher. After forever (because the darn mask wouldn't appear), went back to sit with Nadya and Leo.
However, she did not receive a warm welcome. Told not to come any closer by Leo, leaving Tea horribly confused. Thinks she did something wrong. Backed away and waited, before turning and running off. Went to her tree and cried. Unsure what she did wrong. Never meant to do anything bad. Feels truly alone for the first time since she 'woke up'. Felt restless. Slipped her mask over her face to hide her tears and wandered off alone.
12/11/12 - Even Later.
Group was approached by Umay and a red Stag (Matthew?). Seemed to get a little tense around here. Didn't like it. Hid under Leo, Alina helped too. Unsure what was happening, because all of a sudden Fletcher was herding everyone away. Halla got really mad. Got mad too, because a stag (Ramsus) started getting rough with Halla. Did not approve of her friend being pushed around, but was too scared to do anything about it. Simply yelled from afar. Eventually everyone went to another area and Halla was mad still. Umay and her red stag friend left, at which point alerted Halla and ran back over to the old oak. Halla joined and so did the rest of the group. Some more stuff happened, Leo clashing with another red stag (must be the color) for harassing a fawn. That group eventually left, leaving Leo and Nadya. Stayed with them and started acting hostile to that red stag who kept annoying them. Doesn't like it when someone threatens her friends. A bit later lead Leo and Nadya to the others, but Leo wouldn't go any farther. Nadya stayed with him, and did as well. Used him as a Leobrella with Nadya. Fell asleep there.
12/11/12 -Later. (Mad long)
Follow the others to the front of the ruins and laid down under the Leobrella. Halla and Alina laid down close by. Eventually Leo stepped away to greet a stag (Kurami). Got up to greet him too, then laid down next to Leo.
Suddenly Alina got up and ran off. Curious, Tea ran after her. Found her in the old oak. Was unresponsive. Halla came over too. Soon Kurami came over. Where is Leo? Called for him a few times and he finally came over. Watched him go inside and nuzzle Alina, before he laid next to her. Happily joined them, but worried about her. Nadya logged on and went to greet her. Came back to Alina and Halla. The others soon followed. Curled up next to Leo on the opposite side of Nadya, thus creating the Leowich.
Slept for a bit. Woke up when Leo suddenly got up. Went to follow but he made her stay back. Unsure what happened. Thinks she smells Fletcher nearby. And he was. Halla darted after him. Unsure what to do. Feels a little left out. Eventually ran off to see if she could find anyone.
Went to the playground to look around. Found no one. Ran around and finally found Fletcher and Halla and promptly hid behind a tree.
Watched. halla started...pacing? Unsure. What happened?
Eventually Halla came over and gave her a nuzzle. Fletcher followed. Was happy to recieve a nuzzle from him too!!!
Eventually was lead by Halla back to the group at the old oak. Leo acted a bit weird at first, but everything turned out okay. NUZZLES ALL AROUND! Tea loves nuzzles.
Felt somewhat nervous when Umay and a stag (Matthew?) came over to them. Sniffed and got sniffed. Alina seemed to protect her from the stag.
They all got pushed away by some other stag (Ramsus). Tea is angered at him for pushing Halla around. Doesn't like being pushed out of an area either. Doesn't seem to like Umay now. Saw Umay and Matthew leave, alerted Halla and ran back towards the Old Oak.
Was greeted by Anil and enjoyed a nice romp with him! Liked it very much. Went to sit under Leo, then he FELL ASLEEP ON TEA! Silly Leo. Then Leo got pelt spelled and looks like Halla. Nadya came back! yay! Went and laid down with the others.
12/11/12 -A while later.
Found Leo and used him as a Leobrella, as usual. Got up and had him follow her to find a sleeping Alina. Bowed and Nuzzled her when she got up. Froliced a bit with the two of them before sitting down.
Glitched out of the game and had fun laughing at her clone. Played with it until it left.
Sat under Leo until he told her to stay put. He and Alina moved off. Tea felt anxious and followed. Took a different route, following their scent. Hid in the ruins to see what they were up to.
Went afk.
Came back to see everyone prancing about. Started casting spells on each other. Got Leo about two dozen times with the antler spell. Found it HILARIOUS.
Alina started heading towards another doe. Tea recognized her from the other day (Umay). Unsure as to why she and Halla have to stay back, but Leo won't let them closer. Saw Umay charge at Alina and stepped forward. But Umay didn't attack. Halla stepped in front of Tea. Guess she knew the fawn was going to dash forward. Umay ran over to Tea and Halla and sniffed them. got the sense she didn't like what she smelt.
Eventually Umay went back and Alina and Leo returned shortly after.
12/11/12 -Morning
Found an unresponsive Luyu. Ran around the forest to strengthen her legs. Came to the twin gods statue. Bowed to it. Found a deer Sumi. Got a nuzzle and returned it. Went into the pond and splashed around. Ran around for a bit more. Found a giant crow at the statues, eventually ran off because it was big and scary! Went back to Luyu. Moved, but still unresponsive. Feels ignored by the small fawn. Approached by unknown deer. Gave a sniff and a nuzzle, then went off again. Approached by a random orange deer that ran around like a lunatic. Found it hilarious. Sniffed and gave a nuzzle and wandered again.
Eventually went to her tree and laid down to rest after expelling some energy.Patiently waiting for her friends to arrive.
12/10/12 - (Continued)
Stuff happened... Met Qian. Finds her fascinating. Hopes to meet her again. Su-mi was acting really weird. Kind of scared her. Tried to get Su-mi and Castallion to stop harassing each other. Eventually ran off behind a tree when Fletcher stepped in. Didn't want to get in the middle of it. Eventually the group went off to a random part of the forest and sat around. Turned into a Mini Fawn with Halla and Shadow and had a grand old time pouncing on a (AFK?) Fletcher and bounding around the others besides him. Was a bit afk for a while. Logged off to take dog to the vet. Logged back in and everyone was still around. Was kind of half in an out until bedtime.
Fell asleep next to Alina.
12/10/12 - (1:54pmEST) (Long)
Woke up and walked around. Played with some deer.
Wandered a bit, saw some deer go near the rock that crys (Shye, Yuki, Umay and some others). Was invited to sit with them for a bit until Umay got up and wandered off. Went to lie down under her tree. Hopes her friend will come by soon.
Shortly after, Tea perked her ears and looked up to see Alina come down to the pond for a drink. Overjoyed and went to greet. Settled down with her near the pond. Thinks she smells Fletcher nearby. And he was. He brought over a doe (hopeful), but the doe kept trying to go near Fletcher so Tea lead her back to Alina(and the most adorable mini fawn I have ever seen). Eventually Hopeful just ran off. Alina lay down and Tea (and the super cute mini fawn) sat on either side of her.
12/10/12 - (3:50amEST) (Long)
Some stuff happened. Red deer annoying everyone. Everyone moved to the playground and sat on the stones. Tea snuggled next to leo. Nadya left. Saw fawns playing and got up to join them. Think she scared them off. Wandered around the playground a bit. Fletcher came over and had her follow him to the rocks. Sat next to him and Castallion. Was extremely happy to snuggle into his fur. But he soon got up and ran off after bidding them goodbye. Made her a little sad, but she was happy she still smelt like him.
Wandered off with Castallion, met up with a stag (Jokerman) and a mini (Indi). Indi seemed very skittish no matter how kind tea acted. Tea is curious about her. Sat with them, a fawn, and another deer (Jai'ha?). Fell asleep next to Castallion for the night.
12/10/12 - (12:23amEST) (Long)
Woke up when Leo stood up and ran. Hopped up on her hooves and saw that a deer was harassing a nearby Fletcher. Looked as if it was going to be a fight. Hid behind a sleeping Alina. But she soon got up and nuzzled Tea. Tea was greatful for the interaction and nuzzled back. Leo came back and sat down, Tea plopped next to him. She noticed Fletcher nearby still, and watched him from the other side of Leo.
Saw Halla in the distance with a stag (shardous). Unsure of what to think of him. Noticed Fletcher was nearby still. Torn in wanting to see him and staying safe besides Leo.
Eventually stepped up and called at him. She called to him a few times, and he came around and close by. Eventually Tea trotted up to try to talk to him, although she was still afraid.
But they exchanged words, finding out that Sianna wouldn't "hurt them anymore", and guessing she is making him stay away from his family in order to protect them. She made him take one of her feathers to prove he still cared, and he put it in his neck fur. Their interaction ended in a nuzzle and a hug, which gave Tea her spring back into her step. She wandered back to Leo and sat under him (Leobrella style) with a fawn (VincentValentine).
Smelt Nadya and ran off to find her. Lead her back to Leo and the others. Eventually went to the stone that cries and Nadya cleaned up.
A bunch of them sat together. Tiny fawn sat next to Tea and appeared to hide their face in her feathers. Found it VERY amusing.
12/9/12 - (7:46pmEST)
Sat up because of Nadya moving besides her. Was still shaken over the ordeal, clung close to her. Leo was also there. She felt a bit ashamed she couldn't do anything to protect Nadya, but didn't mention it. When she moved she realized a feather had fallen out of her crest and she was lying on it. Took it and temporarily stuck it to her mask.
Thne Fusion showed up again. She was scared and stressed out, but stayed strong with Leo and Nadya. She couldn't feel vulnerable around the evil doe. The three wandered off a bit, but Fusion followed and stayed close by. Nadya passed out near a tree again. Laid next to her and curled up, Leo standing over them.
Soon Leo charged Fusion. The two began to fight, but then Fletcher joined in! She was scared, but happy that he would help Leo. Some other deer joined in, but Tea was too scared to make out who was who. She saw Halla and Alina near by. After the fight, they chased Fusion off. Tea, releived, felt very tired and laid down under Leo when he came back. Fell asleep.
Fletcher carried tea off a bit after the fight with Fusion. He set her down after the group followed him, before he ran off. She continues to doze, next to Leo who sat next to her. Leo and Fletchers scent are calming and she doesn't stir.
12/9/12 - (5:20pmEST)
Still curled up next to Nadya with her face in her fur. Afraid to move. Senses Leo and Kuru nearby. A bit calmer, but still unwilling to move from Nadya's side.
12/9/12 - EARLY Morning (Very long)
Got up and ran around. Helped someone get a pelt and a mask. Felt accomplished. Wandered around, found Leo and Nadya wth the feathered one (Ranore) and rushed to them. Snugged up next to Leo.
Strange deer came around (Fusion), leo chased them off but they lingered and watched. When Leo left, felt protective around Nadya. Nafya fell asleep. Tea felt scared but didn't leave her and stood over her.
Eventually Fusion charged them, and Tea and Nadya fled. But Nadya was under attack and tea turned and started to fight back too. Got a few nicks, but the worst injury was from tripping over herself while running.
Eventually Fusion left, leaving Nadya with a bad gash. Followed her into the Ruins and curled up next to her. Nadya passed otu from exhaustion. Trembling, Tea snuggled up in Nadya's fur and cried.
12/8/12 - Evening (Very long)
Sat with Leo and a new deer (Trav) and the bunny. A doe came up to them (Eclair). Even though Tea didn't feel up to interacting, still got up and politely curtsyed.
Trav and Eclair started frolicing, even leo was enjoying it it seemed. But Tea wasn't in the mood so she sat under a sapling in a sun spot.
Got up to sit under Leo again. Fletcher came near, Halla went towards him. Ran over to her and signaled her not to go closer. Ran back to the bunny.
Sitting under Leo again.
Even later...
This red stag started harassing Leo, Tea got scared and ran off to a willow with Kuru. Scared Leo would get hurt. Lots of fighting. Didn't approve of it at all.
Got up a little courage and lowered her head at the offending red deer, but Leo snapped her out of that quick and sent her back.
The other stag eventually left them alone for the most part.
Fell asleep in the oak with Leo and Kuru, awoke to both of them missing. Ran to find Leo and found him with Alina. Curled up next to him again.
12/8/12 - Morning (Very long)
Woke up and found Leo, Rain, and another fawn (Kuru). Sat with the two underneath Leo as he stood over them. Rain left. A huge bunny came over. Leo vanished. Sat withThe bunny and Kuru. Bunny left. Got up to go to the twin gods statue. Looked up to see the bunny and Fletcher. Fletcher didn't greet but ran off. Felt sad again. Turned to the bunny and went back to Kuru. Leo came back. Sitting underneath him with the bunny and Kuru again.
Saw Fletcher come by. Immediately ran after him, determined. he kept teling her to stay away. tried to get Leo to get Fletcher to come over. Ran in circles. Eventually gave up and stood with the others. Finally sat with Leo, the bunny, and Kuru again.
Got up to find Fletcher nearby. Tried to contact with him but he ran away. getting even more upset about it. Continuously calls out for him if she smells him near by.
Got randomly pushed by a deer (orange pelt, doe stubs maskless. unsure who it is). Got scared and ran to hide behind leo who drove them off.
Wishes Fletcher would answer her.
A bit later foudn Fletcher nearby and tried to contact him again. He came over and chased a rabbit, which confused her, but she was persistant in trying to get near him.
Eventually he came close to her, and she was happy for that. But that didn't last long again. he seemed to try to drive her back, lowering his head and charging at her, taking nips at her. It scared her and made her freeze up some. She couldn't understand what was going on. But soon he stop and ran off. She was frozen in her place for a moment, before she ran off to find comfort in Leo. Sat underneath him.
12/7/12 - Morning-(5:40pmEST) (Very long)
Woke up feeling alot better. Seemed to have forgot what happened the night before. Ran around the forest, thought she smelt Leo. Didn't find him, but met up with a doe (Jewel). Decided to sit near her by a tree. Found by an unknown deer, played with them for a while, changing each others pelts. Danced a bit. Walked with them to another group dancing. Did not join in and sat next to a tree instead. Curled up there and watched until it split up. Dozed for a while, then went back to her willow and curled up there. Wandered a bit, found by a deer (Kleopin?) and played with them for a little bit, dozed off next to them and sat up to find them gone. Found Halla near by and went to sit by her. Wonders if she has seen Fletcher and if he is okay. A strange creature came up to Halla, and Tea is very curious what it is (Ranore).
Later smelt Fletcher, or at least, thought she did. Tried calling out to him numerous times, but did not get a response. Felt sad about it and went to sit next to Halla, a fawn, and a stag (Ezra). Sat with them for quite a bit.
Went to the other side of the pond because Halla lead them away from Umay and another deer.
Saw Fletcher nearby, seemed to be watching them. Called to him and reared up to beckon him, but he did not yet come close. Went to sit with Ezra, Halla behind her with Ranore.
Got up immediately when she saw a deer approach Fletcher. When he backed away she reared and got halla's attention. She called out to Fletcher again but he never responded. Eventually she got Halla to move, but she and Ranore went to sit by a birch tree.
Finding it difficult to understand why Fletcher won't respond, she ran off to find him. it took her a while, but she found him curled up by a tree. She felt afraid to approach him, so she sat in the ruins, watching.
Red doe (sage) went and sat next to him, he eventually got up and ran. Unsure about this red doe, staying away from her for now. But soon looked up to see Fletcher slowly approaching her. Got excited about this, and even more happy when he nuzzled her. But that happiness faded when he backed off and motioned not to follow. Made her very sad. Obeyed. Went back to her willow and sulked under it. Kept her mask on an unknown deer had originally given her to hide her face.
12/6-7/12 - First tears
Earlier in the day went and found Fletcher almost immediately. Has taken to following him around now. Enjoys his company and everyone in his group. <3
Later that Night.....
Got up and found Fletcher immediately again, but something was wrong. A doe, it seemed, was harassing him. He came over and pushed her away, which surprised Tea since he had never done something like that before. Stumbled back as the doe advanced. Leo and his mate, Nadya, came over and brought her to the rock where she sat confused, watching Fletcher. After the doe left, followed Nadya to see Fletcher, but he ran off. Was a bit scared because of this and chased after him. Couldn't find him for a bit, but eventually found him and brought Leo and Nadya with her. he ran off once more. Feeling even sadder, she stayed with Nadya as Leo had to leave. Went off to some logs near the graveyard and sat there with the doe until she had to leave too. Felt lonely, got up to wander. Wandered, thought she heard Leo and rushed to find him. Called for him a few times but she couldn't find him. Went to her willow but found a deer under it and didn't wish to bother them. Went to another one and sat for a bit but felt antsy. Got up to wander some more. Found Fletcher, but kept her distance. Decided to look for the doe that made Fletcher act so weird and give her a piece of her mind! But didn't find her. Went back to her willow but found the frogs too annoying, so went to a patch of hyacinths to lie down in. Kept glancing over to Fletcher. Fell asleep with tears in her eyes.
12/3/12 - Third Day (Evening)
Met up with a bunch of deer, watched them for a bit, then joined in. Went off with an unknown deer. Sat next to them. The vanished. Went off wandering, found Fletcher and was quite happy to see him. Met Su-mi. Thinks very nice. Sat close to Fletcher and another stag (Leonardo), but was too busy clinging to Fletcher to sniff him. Fletcher got up to ward off a rambunctious fawn who started putting spells on a sleeping Halla. Bowed to Leonardo and Su-mi. Went and sat next to sleeping Halla. Fletcher ran off and chased him to the Twin Idols. Followed him back to the group, ended up having a spell battle with everyone. Seeing alot of white deer was fun! Finally intereacted with Leonardo. Sat with Fletcher again, then Leonardo got up to meet a deer. And then...they drove him off. Tea got a little scared and ran off into the oak. Sat there for a bit, then followed them again. Went to the big rocks, watched Halla try to get on the rocks, was kinda funny. Sat down with Halla and Fletcher. Halla fell asleep. Had to leave. Said goodbye to Fletcher and rubbed him affectionaterly before leaving to her willow for a nap.
12/3/12 - Second Day (Evening)
Woke up under her willow. Walked off. More confident in walking now. Found a deer and started following them ("page not found}). It wasn't long though, until she met Fletcher. Eventually, the male, Alina, and a small doe named Shadow managed to separate her from the unknown deer. Doesn't understand why. Didn't find anything wrong with other deer. Confused as to why they chased the other deer off, slightly scared, but sticking to Fletchers side like glue now. He seems like a strong stag, and it makes her feel comfortable. Enjoying company, hoping no more issues with the other deer arises.
12/3/12 - Second Day (Morning)
Still not confident on her hooves yet. Trips often. Trotting around and listing to other deer calling. Was approached by a deer (map brought me to "page not found"). Learned to be less careful on her hooves, ended up bounding around with the deer for a while. Followed them to a group of other deer and sniffed around. Met a larger deer with big red antlers (page not found again!), and they taught Tea how to curtsey! Now she just won't stop. Understands this is a polite gesture, and will always do it (if I am paying attention to the screen!) Played, alot. Met many deer who are fun. Doesn't know their names. Enjoyed spending time with others. Loved the company. Grew a bit tired from romping and went to have a nap under the willow tree that she woke up under. Sweet dreams and nothing less.
12/2/12 - Awakened in the Forest (Morning)
Awoke to the sounds of braying, curled up beneath the caressing leaves of a weeping willow near the pond. Looked around curiously, ears ever perked and eyes wide with wonder. Where...am I? She didn't know. Struggled to get up and walk, very shaky on her new legs. Decided to try to get used to them. Walked a few steps to the pond and fell in. Flailed about for a moment before regained footing. Looked at self in water, saw human face and a mass of peacock feathers all over her head. Found it silly and laughed a bit to herself. Looked up to see a small herd of deer. Decided to keep working at her legs and check them out. Stood by a stump and watched three deer brey and start dancing with each other. Wasn't sure what to think about it. Watched how they moved their legs and started to copy them by herself. Decided to go off and explore more. More walking meant more stability. Soon, she started to trot without fear of tripping over her legs. Found a bunch of huge rocks. Struggled to climb them. Felt good about herself once she did. Wandered more, came upon the group of deer again, so many of them, and they kept braying to one another. Called out to them, and got a few responses. Giggled to herself. Considered that an invitation to play. Watched them a little while before moving on (because when I clicked on their pictos on the map it wouldn't bring up their characters!) Stumbled upon a doe (Herla) who was sitting by herself in a patch of sunlight near the rock that cried. Decided to note her location and come back later. There was so much to explore! Found a patch of purple flowers, lay down and rolled in them, but then fell asleep.