
jadine's picture


lol...I might be this one day. well it is indeed me. and I love this combo. usualy i hate the trumpet antlers but I still love this combo!
Anzel's picture

Ees gud.

*om nom nom*
fayne's picture


Closeups taken at the Playground today. I can identify 21, but no one else. XD
Thanks for the wonderful time, Effy. You were a hoot. 8DDDD
[edit] Two more, taken at the Pond and the river.
fayne's picture

For Sarie <3

I took this today at the Ruins. Hope you like. ^^
jadine's picture

Dance Ritual

last night dance ritual at the temple!
Aisu's picture

Weird Mask!

I saw this guy and backtracked immediately, thinking something similar to "WHAT WHAT IN THE BUTT? D:"

I've never seen this mask before! What is it?
Tuhka's picture

Quamar's birthday

Well, it's been a year since i first time opened TEF...
To celebrate this Quammy wears his first set he had when he started in the forest. Smiling
He'll be wearing it for a day or two, i dunno xDD
Emiva's picture

Giant Deer Attacks Paris

Sorry guys, after Reetno came up with the idea, I just HAD to do it.

This wont make any sense unless you read Emiva's message:

Anzel's picture


noxen's picture


i was kinda boored soo i took this screenshot :E seems kinda funny to me
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